TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/HPS

Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

I would definitely let them know about it. I don't know if i would try the nasty email method first tho lol.
Defintley going to be letting them know, pretty annoyed about it tbh. I don't expect that when I pay 12 quid for a bag for coco. Jaw dropped when I noticed those bugs in the last 3rd of that bag. Needless to say it got dumped straight out into the garden until I can be bothered to sort it out and throw it away. I'm gonna try and be polite but very upset about it first and see if they offer me some freebies!
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Im sure it happens but multiple bags no way
Yeah I think I've just been unlucky if I'm honest mate. Still annoying tho. I've heard of this sort of thing happening before when reading online about bug problems. The fresh bag I opened and I went through It a handfull at a time emptying it out into a bucket and i couldn't spot anything so went ahead and potted up a few of my clones. Seems to be just the one bag like you say. I bought 7 at once and still have one left brand new unopened and three quarters of the bag left I opened tonight. Will be paranoid about bugs in my coco for life now lol.
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Ive always bought compressed bricks and no bugs so far
I haven't tried the compressed bricks yet. Unless BioBizz are really nice to me I may be trying some lol. Thanks for the info pal.
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Definitely feel like sending a nasty email lol, pretty annoyed about it actually.

Haha yeah, I think that's defintley a good idea. I thought I was being crazy for wanting to go through it and see If could find anything and low and behold the little fuckers are in that bag chilling out having a great time!
Been busy all day TK, sorry I missed your post. That would piss me off too. I know how diligent you are, but it's the same old story, any time you depend on someone else, they let you down. I had a huge black spider jump out of a new bag of FFOF. Took me 2 hours to locate it !! What a traumatic ordeal that was !! 1.5 inches wide it was !! Fox farms said it happens from time to time, but it's an isolated event. They wouldn't say that if they had to deal with that giant spider. Probably from South America ?? Not even a free bag of mix, them cheap assholes !! Hell yes I'd call, but If they're like FF, then you're wasting your time !! I have never used bagged coco coir. Started with Botanicare pressed blocks, and still using them, never have I had 1 problem. For 18$ block of compacted coco, I make a 27$ bag of coco mix. And I know the correct additives are it it, because I put them in there. I buffered it, and I have more confidence in it, than bag coco. My hydro store tells me I'm wrong, and that's ok. And when they press the coco, It also squash's the bugs !!:rofl:
You are probably the most meticulous grower that I personally know, and I only wish I had a picture of you, when you first seen that bug, in the bag of coco !!
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Was the coco stored outside? I've got a 3/4 bag in my shed I'm a bit sceptical about using it I know there's alsorts of creepy crawlys in there I'd hate to think I was bringing the wildlife into my home for the sake of £7 I think I'll dump it out on to my flower bed in the garden .
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Been busy all day TK, sorry I missed your post. That would piss me off too. I know how diligent you are, but it's the same old story, any time you depend on someone else, they let you down. I had a huge black spider jump out of a new bag of FFOF. Took me 2 hours to locate it !! What a traumatic ordeal that was !! 1.5 inches wide it was !! Fox farms said it happens from time to time, but it's an isolated event. They wouldn't say that if they had to deal with that giant spider. Probably from South America ?? Not even a free bag of mix, them cheap assholes !! Hell yes I'd call, but If they're like FF, then you're wasting your time !! I have never used bagged coco coir. Started with Botanicare pressed blocks, and still using them, never have I had 1 problem. For 18$ block of compacted coco, I make a 27$ bag of coco mix. And I know the correct additives are it it, because I put them in there. I buffered it, and I have more confidence in it, than bag coco. My hydro store tells me I'm wrong, and that's ok. And when they press the coco, It also squash's the bugs !!:rofl:
You are probably the most meticulous grower that I personally know, and I only wish I had a picture of you, when you first seen that bug, in the bag of coco !!

No worries bro. Yeah I dont think we're alone, I think it would most likely piss off most people lol. Yes mate this is the problem, you can do everything to a t and all it takes is someone else to let you down. Can't depend on anyone but yourself my friend. Jesus christ, spiders freak me out and if that jumped out at me I'd have evacuated the room ASAP haha! Jeeze, bugger that! God It could have been a wondering spider if it's from over that way. What arse holes, if they know it happens from time to time they should bloody offer to replace it. Cheeky gits. I'll let ya know what BioBizz say when I send the email. Yeah the blocks defintley would seem like far less chance of bugs coming out of it. Yeah can't go wrong with building your mix yourself, especially if you know what you want in there. What do you mix in with it pal? Save some money too. Don't worry about what the hydro store says lol, you most likely know far more than him pal. Ahh thanks, I am a bit ocd with it if I'm honest, I can't help it lol. You should have seen it mate, I was horrified, my jaw dropped and heart sunk and panic set in for a second lol.
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Was the coco stored outside? I've got a 3/4 bag in my shed I'm a bit sceptical about using it I know there's alsorts of creepy crawlys in there I'd hate to think I was bringing the wildlife into my home for the sake of £7 I think I'll dump it out on to my flower bed in the garden .

Yo brother, nah it was stored in my house in a cupboard under the stairs. Mate I'm real paranoid about bugs in general now even in brand new bags, so I know exactly how you feel about that bag open sitting in the shed with bugs lol. Yep you got the right idea, see ya later, on the flower bed lol. Can't believe BioBizz gave me bugs in my flowering room. Exactly that pal, defintley don't want to be bringing them into your grow space and home any way!!
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

God Ile leave coco in me garden uncovered for weeks until I need to use it can't say I've ever found any bugs in there but I'm no way as maticulous as you terp ( I've only ever used Cana coco )
How's them compressed bricks work I've actually had some a while but never opened it an tried it . When using a lot of coco they would work out a lot cheaper
As long as ya rooms not super sized seriously look into the sulphur burners they kill basically all bugs with no chance of missing any with the usuall sprays. I was worried at first about using one but they don't actually burn the sulphur they vaporise it. A very experienced grower told me about them you won't ever look back A bag of sulphur lasts about a yr and it's only about £20
Ye wonder what's happening in cults world
Looking forward to how ya canopys gonna look terp
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

God Ile leave coco in me garden uncovered for weeks until I need to use it can't say I've ever found any bugs in there but I'm no way as maticulous as you terp ( I've only ever used Cana coco )
How's them compressed bricks work I've actually had some a while but never opened it an tried it . When using a lot of coco they would work out a lot cheaper
As long as ya rooms not super sized seriously look into the sulphur burners they kill basically all bugs with no chance of missing any with the usuall sprays. I was worried at first about using one but they don't actually burn the sulphur they vaporise it. A very experienced grower told me about them you won't ever look back A bag of sulphur lasts about a yr and it's only about £20
Ye wonder what's happening in cults world
Looking forward to how ya canopys gonna look terp

God I'd be well to paranoid to leave them in the back garden open lol, especially now, haha. Although, I dumped the half used bag outside in the garden with the rest of them bugs in lol. Haha thanks pal, I got an ocd about it! I've not tried canna yet, just BioBizz, not tried to coco blocks either. SP & PW both use them though and say they're good. Yeah I think you're right about the saving also. I'm going to have a look into sulphur burner pal, thanks for the info. Is it a big unit? Can't moan how long the sulphur lasts at that price. Sounds like a nuclear bomb for all bugs trying to survive in our gardens lol. Sounds very interesting pal, thanks I'll def check them out. Me too, it's getting excited, the buds have started developing good now. I'm gonna defoliate tonight as it's day 21 of flower. I'll stick some photos up later or tomorrow pal :)! Don't think it will take as long this time as I already had a good defoliation before they were flipped to flower. Need to get rid of more of those buds that didn't make It through the top layer of scrog this time.
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

The burners ain't very big really prob a bit smaller than a rugby ball I'd say
Ya just hang em in the middle of ya room An have em on timer to come on when lights are off but ya need to turn off any extraction so the vapour don't get sucked out
I read things Saying things like it stank there house out an all that but I've never smelled a thing They really are good
I'm having a bad run at the min got seeds at a few locations on some fem seeds I've had going and at another place I have around 2 weeks to go and I'm getting bud rot so dilemmas
Least one of us seems to have everything in check
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

I use canna coco too never had a problem with the standard canna I did once get the special stuff with nutes in it wasn't keen on it maybe I was feeding wrong? Those foggers are great for bugs my mate used two in his tent it was recommended not to use directly on the plants but he used it anyway and no damage to any plants he had spider might quite bad and to say spider might is hard to get rid of it worked fantastic not sure it would work with bugs actually in the medium though?
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

I reread what I typed to see if it made sense and noticed I put might and not mite lol my brain doesn't function some days .
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

The burners ain't very big really prob a bit smaller than a rugby ball I'd say
Ya just hang em in the middle of ya room An have em on timer to come on when lights are off but ya need to turn off any extraction so the vapour don't get sucked out
I read things Saying things like it stank there house out an all that but I've never smelled a thing They really are good
I'm having a bad run at the min got seeds at a few locations on some fem seeds I've had going and at another place I have around 2 weeks to go and I'm getting bud rot so dilemmas
Least one of us seems to have everything in check
Nice one for the info pal, sounds like they would be great for a sealed room. Don't think I'd get away with turning my extraction fans off at lights off in my tent humidity would go through the roof. Ahh man, that sucks pal, don't need no seeds in your bud, certainly don't need any bud rot either, what a nightmare. Hope you get that sorted out! Haha, trying to pal, fingers crossed it stays that way!
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

I use canna coco too never had a problem with the standard canna I did once get the special stuff with nutes in it wasn't keen on it maybe I was feeding wrong? Those foggers are great for bugs my mate used two in his tent it was recommended not to use directly on the plants but he used it anyway and no damage to any plants he had spider might quite bad and to say spider might is hard to get rid of it worked fantastic not sure it would work with bugs actually in the medium though?

Well that's a couple people saying canna coco is alright, Cultivator said it was a last resort, haha. They do a coco with special nutrients in lol? Seems strange you'd do OK in the normal coco and not the one with added nutrients. You'd think you'd have had better results? Yeah they sound great don't they? Going to do some research on those. Awesome, spider mites look like a bloody nightmare, I'm glad it sorted them out, bugger those little things. I hear they can be a super pain to get rid of as you say. That's what I was thinking, not sure how it would work for bugs inside the coco?

I reread what I typed to see if it made sense and noticed I put might and not mite lol my brain doesn't function some days .
Welcome to my world, I make those kinda mistakes all day long lol, I always hit send so quickly and forget to proof read what I've actually wrote .
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Update time - 02/10/17 - Day 22 flowering

So it's the beginning of week 4 flowering. I carried out some defoliation last night on the ladies. I love how they look once everything has been cleaned up. Makes airflow fantaric underneath the canopy to. I pulled off some of the bigger fan leave in the canopy to blocking some slightly lower down buds. Managed to keep the canopy relatively even through out the stretch, number 5 went on a massive stretch tho and is a little bit taller than the rest of the canopy and 7 & 8 needed boosting a couple of inches to get even with the rest of the canopy. Things are looking good so far, can't wait to watch these buds start fattening up now.

Got a new mix of nutrients this week.

Starting with 92 litres R/O water - 0 PPM

Bio Green X Force Silica - 13.8ml
Plant Magic Magne/Cal - 50ml 0.3 EC
Growth Technology Ionic Coco Bloom - 860ml 1.6 EC
Buddha's Tree PK 9/18- 0.25ml litre 1.8EC
Buddha's Tree Advanced Metaboost - 1ml litre
Advanced Nutrients Sensizym - 2ml litre

Final PH 5.8 EC 1.8

Ladies got top fed with some great white mycorrhizae tonight. Got some photos for you to have a look at.

Before defoliation last night


Here's some photos I quickly snapped aferwards


Here's some I snapped today at lights on when wasn't so tired. Was a late night.

Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Thanks PW! I'm pretty bloody chuffed with it if I'm honest. I just spent the last 45 mins admiring it lol!
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