Beautiful Bubblegum! I hear your Texan drawl in my head every single time I read the word bubble gum;)

Great job on the training and toppings! I love to see that your doing it to those auto B's as well:)

Chow for now:rollit:
Fancy seeing you here! LoL
Holla at ya later, chica!
Quick update...
Blueberry Bliss #2 is hanging on by a thread... I shored her up a bit today.

Other than that... not too much new. Girls are all healthy.

Stay lifted y'all!
I love when people take my advice! Good things are happening in that shed P :).
I couldn't do it without y'all!

That's why I kept my first journal as my perpetual. So I can always look back and see everyone's advice pay off.

The first few pages are pretty scary to read through!. LoL

Looks like I got one who wants to flower quick... :hmmmm:
Kinda disappointing, but I'm not counting her out yet.


Yea that one is a dud, it happens.
They generally get rolled into a novelty sized blunt at harvest. So I can at least get some satisfaction after I grow them out.

Oh well. Good smoke is good smoke no matter how small the plant!
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