Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG

Having fun are we? :laughtwo: +Reps for the sheer joy. :love:

Damn Skippy!!!
Let's have a little 420day fun.... clippy clippy style....


Clipping opened up a touch of room in the bloom room and that's good 'cause the veg tent is pushing hard....

Then there's the outdoor girls. They got a visitor today. The BD dirty girl had gnats...... that'll get you moved out of my garden....

Oh!!! Betty sends y'all some 420day luv!
Happy 420 Tead! Sucks to hear about the gnats, I guess that the BD girl has to be an outside girl. Be careful because if you let her go she will get quite tall. I don't know if I told you but I got some of those UD beans above ground. One confirmed girl too. Hope your 420 was fruitful.
My doubled plants are smaller (except the Bubblelicious), and I used 5 gallon standard nursery pots for these. So, I think doubling up requires a 10 gallon, probably something taller than the plastic nursery pots. The trick is to get a container that is tall and takes up less floor space. Maybe a 10 gallon rectangular trash bin? If you have the headroom for a 24" tall bin and the mature plant.

Since you scrog, the height requirement might be too high for that application. But for growing free, it IS an option.

Good words.... but I'll pass on the 10gal bucket. Somehow, I think 5 or 10 gallon containers in a garden designed for 2L pots might present problems. :yikes:
Someday, when I'm able, I'll be converting some apartments to grow rooms. I'll save these words for that day... that blessed and glorious day that I'm really starting to believe I'll never witness... but that's another subject and a very frustrating one at that.
BTW.... Weas is the scrogger.... I'm just way too lazy for that sort of work.... tho now that I have some functional lights I may have to dabble some.

Happy 420 brother!

Good Lord Lex... you're thread's almost 1mo quiet! Too quiet. Get off ur ass and grow something interesting! Hell.... try some Osmo in your 2Ls.... just like growing in dirt.

Happy 420 Tead! Sucks to hear about the gnats, I guess that the BD girl has to be an outside girl. Be careful because if you let her go she will get quite tall. I don't know if I told you but I got some of those UD beans above ground. One confirmed girl too. Hope your 420 was fruitful.

I saw those 2 UDs. Very nice. I have yet to see a male... had a touch of male flowers on one, but nothing else of note on them really.
I've been wanting to see a male... I wanna make some UD seeds.
Gnats are an incredibly minor issue that's fairly easy to deal with... but square footage is always a premium in my little world and that incredibly root bound baby was probably not going to grow out well in there anyway. I'm gonna pop her out of her pot and sink her in the raised garden bed today. Most likely, the buggins will have their way with her... but we'll see what she does.
I saw those 2 UDs. Very nice. I have yet to see a male... had a touch of male flowers on one, but nothing else of note on them really.
I've been wanting to see a male... I wanna make some UD seeds.
Gnats are an incredibly minor issue that's fairly easy to deal with... but square footage is always a premium in my little world and that incredibly root bound baby was probably not going to grow out well in there anyway. I'm gonna pop her out of her pot and sink her in the raised garden bed today. Most likely, the buggins will have their way with her... but we'll see what she does.

I'm curious... do you commonly see gnats in your ProMix garden? I've been imagining that a layer of perlite about 1" thick might do some damage to any buggin population. I've never had them visit since eliminating soil.

Male pollen, now I can definitely help you there if one of these plants turn on me.

I have not had the gnat problem, no. In veg we like to do a wet/dry cycle that should keep them at bay. And I have just never had them. We don't water daily, every two days at most, but generally every three days, so I don't know that is favorable conditions to grow the gnats.
So, during my morning visit with the girls, this upper main branch section of the SSDC auto caught my eye hard. So thick and solid.

She'll need that to hold the buds. They are thick and heavy. I'm glad I took the time to training bra mine. :)
Male pollen, now I can definitely help you there if one of these plants turn on me.

I have not had the gnat problem, no. In veg we like to do a wet/dry cycle that should keep them at bay. And I have just never had them. We don't water daily, every two days at most, but generally every three days, so I don't know that is favorable conditions to grow the gnats.

Yup... save me some pollen if'n ya collect ya some.

I think I'm really prone to any sort of visiting insects. I get yellow jackets in there on occasion even. Gnats are the least of my concerns. I think it was the ProMix tho... they disappeared as soon as I moved the plant outside. Upcanned her to a 5gal pot by the way.
Good words.... but I'll pass on the 10gal bucket. Somehow, I think 5 or 10 gallon containers in a garden designed for 2L pots might present problems. :yikes:
Someday, when I'm able, I'll be converting some apartments to grow rooms. I'll save these words for that day... that blessed and glorious day that I'm really starting to believe I'll never witness... but that's another subject and a very frustrating one at that.
BTW.... Weas is the scrogger.... I'm just way too lazy for that sort of work.... tho now that I have some functional lights I may have to dabble some.

I haven't given up the dream. It's just on hold, hopefully not for long. I try not to let it frustrate me.

Tead said:
Good Lord Lex... you're thread's almost 1mo quiet! Too quiet. Get off ur ass and grow something interesting! Hell.... try some Osmo in your 2Ls.... just like growing in dirt.

At what point do you think a seedling would be ready to pot with Osmo? Mine's working on her third node and she's looking eager.

Time to jump froggy.
The roots are already gonna be really long reaching deep into the 2L, so hold the plant in place with one hand and fill in around the roots with perlite an Osmo.
How are you planning to put your Osmo in the pot? I've been doing it with starting at the hole and distributing it with a bit more down low than up high.

This was what I was thinking I'd do. More Osmo at the bottom, thinning as I go up. You do 2 liters and use about 5 grams, correct? I think I may be about the same size container.

My sense is she's ready to be transplanted. Looking at her, would you agree? I'll be mixing new nutes for her tomorrow if I don't transplant. That in and of itself is reason enough to do the deed.
This was what I was thinking I'd do. More Osmo at the bottom, thinning as I go up. You do 2 liters and use about 5 grams, correct? I think I may be about the same size container.

My sense is she's ready to be transplanted. Looking at her, would you agree? I'll be mixing new nutes for her tomorrow if I don't transplant. That in and of itself is reason enough to do the deed.

I do 6g/2L for heavy feeders, and 5g/2L for lighter feeders, but I've been boosting that 5 to 5.5 lately and like the results so far.
It's very much a cheat of sorts... you're probably feeding them too much to begin with but not enough to end with. I try to address that with a lighter nute load at the top where young roots are developing. When I get my game nailed down I might start supplementing some with a touch of liquid nutes late in their lives.... we'll see.

The shape of the soda bottle 2Ls play into the equation some as well. They give a good size to allow for a good flow of water and nutrients up the medium column as the water at the top evaporates off.

Another thing to remember.... heat effects nutrient levels, so you might be able to adjust their nute levels some using garden placement and temps. I keep my youngins next to the AC inlet... that keeps them a touch cooler thus a bit lighter in the nute department.
So... got the inner shed frame put together... mostly.

It's currently oriented in it's final direction. The AC will fit in the square frame over on the lower right. Oh look.... a cypress tree!

The frame on the right is a door that will fit opposite the AC and be held in place by latches... kind of hatch like.

It will be skinned on the inside with Reflectix double bubble and on the outside by thick black plastic. This gives me 2" (ish) of dead air space as insulation.
So... got the inner shed frame put together... mostly.

It's currently oriented in it's final direction. The AC will fit in the square frame over on the lower right. Oh look.... a cypress tree!

The frame on the right is a door that will fit opposite the AC and be held in place by latches... kind of hatch like.

It will be skinned on the inside with Reflectix double bubble and on the outside by thick black plastic. This gives me 2" (ish) of dead air space as insulation.

That looks like fine carpentry. Are you planning to put it inside an existing shed, or build an outer shed around it?
That looks like fine carpentry. Are you planning to put it inside an existing shed, or build an outer shed around it?

Well... it sure won't fit thru the door of the existing shed without some disassembly.
It's very closely sized to just fit inside the existing shed.... along with the veg tent. It'll be mighty tight in there, but that's the plan after all.
It still needs another 2x4 brace across the top to add more hanging options... and the intake and output vents need panels with holes for the tube.
Moving at the speed of slug baby!
Well... it sure won't fit thru the door of the existing shed without some disassembly.
It's very closely sized to just fit inside the existing shed.... along with the veg tent. It'll be mighty tight in there, but that's the plan after all.
It still needs another 2x4 brace across the top to add more hanging options... and the intake and output vents need panels with holes for the tube.
Moving at the speed of slug baby!

Doing a fine job for a slug. :laughtwo: That's gonna be awesome. The insulation space is an excellent idea. It's almost like the grow is growing up, isn't it? Lol!
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