TC Cranks All The Way Up: My Attempt To Max The Frost & Pounds

Day 42 of the bloom period. Plants are looking terrific. SOG side is looking more efficient compared to the quadside. Bud form and density is superior but who knows what these bigger quads can do in the end right? I started feeding the quad-side heavier and tried the same thing with the SOG side today. I'll keep feeding Quads hard but we'll see how SOG plants respond. Purple Punch is a more hungry strain compared to the Pink Kush and I am expecting a burst on these plants with todays 1100PPM feeding.

CO2 supplementation is almost going non-stop. I am running out of yeast some days but my plants mostly get the CO2 they need in this high PPFD setup. I am opening the window and maxing the fans if I don't have the fresh batch of yeast ready. Free CO2 is in the air guys. Use it.

I'm dropping all the pictures I just took. I'm labeling my uploads for a while so they can speak for themselves. Cheers and happy growing :passitleft:

Let's start with a fine nug from the recent guerilla grow harvest. We call this one the Atelier Chunk. An accidental SSH dominant cross with the Chocolate Chunk from T.H. Seeds.

Main tent;

Looking great TC!
SOG suits me fine. Less work and quicker to set up than quads if you ask me.

Thanks and indeed Prof. :passitleft: SOG is miraculous compared to quad or any other training. Both main tent and my guerilla grow tents prove that. I am planning to seperate this grow space into two levels but the space is limited in my nursery and I don't think I can get that many clones in near future. Air is cold and clones are not rooting fast. I'll be chopping some more clones next week and I hope the current batch of cuttings show some roots.

I'll fill this main tent with as many clones as I can. The balcony VIP Pink Kush here is the perfect size for SOG'ging. She's been vegged for 12-14 days and has a very small pot around 0.5L. Check the bud size on this little beast;

I can fit 55-60 plants like this in here easily. I believe the yield from one plant like this would be around 25 grams dried and trimmed. 1500 grams is very possible with the Pink Kush even though she is a low yielder.
Well, we started the 8th week with some trouble. There was some mildew on the fabric pots due to my heavy watering schedule but I spotted them and sprayed all of the pots with strong hydrogen peroxide solution. All of the mildew have disappeared but the overwatering and mildew invited the fungus gnat larvae, which is not in soil yet. They should all be dead by now since I sprayed them with a strong solution. We have 14 days before harvest so I'll watch the tray closely and water less frequent. Bud size and frost amount is already amazing and I only need ripening so these plants can finish with less water. Enough with the hard pushing because if I push things harder, I might lose all the harvest.

If the mildew comes back and the gnat larvae keep crawling in the tray, I'll cut these babies relatively early. Second part of this week will be about trichome shots just to see if all the plants are ready to cut. I'll top the coco with perlite, which is a late move but still efficient since I'll keep it dry and bottom feed my plants from the tray for the remaining two weeks.

I had to cut down the Purple Punch twins to make some more room for the pots. I hope these measures help keeping the mildew away so my plants can finish properly. Purple Punch nugs are looking amazing though...

Lesson learned. No fabric pots for stacked SOG type grows anymore. Cheers :passitleft:

Trichome shots are here. We got some amber on all Pink Kush plants and these babies will definitely be ready by next weekend. We'll be harvesting a week earlier than I planned and that is a good thing. I'll move the remaining two Purple Punch plants to my nursery and keep them blooming in there. They'll probably finish in a week or two. I'll take clones and train my bonsai moms in the main tent while the PP plants ripen.

I have Pink Kush and Purple Punch bonsai moms and they already can give lots of clones. Next grow will also contain both Pink Kush and the Purple Punch. What I'm trying to add here is Tropicana Poison F1 from Sweet Seeds and the infamous LSD from Barney's Farm. I'll try to get 4-6 clones from the TP and as many as I can cut from the LSD. TP is already planted in a coco pot and LSD will start germinating in a couple of days. I'm also waiting for my Chocolate Chunk seed to start another mother. I'll have to come up with a perfect plan for accommodating all these mothers this week. I have a very limited space for mothers.

Here is how the flowering plants look. Cheers :passitleft:

The high coming from PP is great. It gets you there without question and doesn't have the sativa type of buzz that makes me anxious. I wasn't aware of the high CBD content of the PP though. It must affect the experience in a good way.

I am also planning to add one CBD mother to the nursery. I can spare some space for CBD experience which I never properly had. I've grown NYC Diesel CBD but it had like %14-15 THC alongside with the CBD. That was an amazing smoke for sure. I had to grind more nugs to get there but the experience was magnificent. I must say that some people disliked these dense and gas smelling buds due to low THC though.
Niceee sounds perfect to me. I always think the extra Cbd, Thca, Cbg or what ever it may be brings out a better high. Like outdoor if u do it right can leave u with delicious, clean bud.
Yea people lovee to have 30% THC in all there bud, im happy with 18% and good terps/ well growen :slide:
I’d love the space for a small commercial grow.
Day 42 of the bloom period. Plants are looking terrific. SOG side is looking more efficient compared to the quadside. Bud form and density is superior but who knows what these bigger quads can do in the end right? I started feeding the quad-side heavier and tried the same thing with the SOG side today. I'll keep feeding Quads hard but we'll see how SOG plants respond. Purple Punch is a more hungry strain compared to the Pink Kush and I am expecting a burst on these plants with todays 1100PPM feeding.

CO2 supplementation is almost going non-stop. I am running out of yeast some days but my plants mostly get the CO2 they need in this high PPFD setup. I am opening the window and maxing the fans if I don't have the fresh batch of yeast ready. Free CO2 is in the air guys. Use it.

I'm dropping all the pictures I just took. I'm labeling my uploads for a while so they can speak for themselves. Cheers and happy growing :passitleft:

Let's start with a fine nug from the recent guerilla grow harvest. We call this one the Atelier Chunk. An accidental SSH dominant cross with the Chocolate Chunk from T.H. Seeds.

Main tent;

Lol... “free co2 is in the air!,use it... ha ha
Your funny bro!
Lol... “free co2 is in the air!,use it... ha ha
Your funny bro!

Good circulation really helps under high PPFD brother. I got a great fan system and my grow area always gets fresh air whenever there is no active CO2 boost. I've been blooming these plants under an average PPFD of 1350 micro moles which is really high to conduct without CO2 supplementation. I've managed to grow these plants without any light or nute burn so I assume they had the CO2 they needed. I'll start giving them extra CO2 on the last week of veg. next time.

I am really curious about the yield because these strains both produce very dense buds. The plants I've recently harvested had nothing but rock hard buds. I started smoking after drying for 5 days and the taste is already here. Potency is magnificent as seen in the pictures. Some Pink Kush plants have incredible amounts of frost and I'll mark those for long curing.

Some more Purple Punch buds for you;

Main tent is now reserved for nursery recovery. I'm back with some harvest pictures;

Well, it's been a while folks,

I was busy with work and all other shit. I was taking my time on my nursery just to get some Chocolate Chunk clones from a fresh popped bonsai mother. Happily, strain is one of the best I've came across so far. Two cuttings rooted in 5-6 days, mother is looking great and symmetrical and other cuttings are looking happy.

Now, almost all of the cuttings are ready for some short veg. period. I think we'll be blooming in two weeks or so. I'll re-activate my nursery and start flowering and veg. the newer clones inside the nursery for some time.

We now have 4 genetics for this run;

-Sweet Seeds - Tropicana Poison
-Barney's Farm - Pink Kush
-Barney's Farm - Purple Punch
-TH Seeds - Chocolate Chunk

And what we have as a surprise is a seed from a fine Purple Punch nug. I just started a mother with this amazing looking seed and the plant doesn't look like Pink Kush or Purple Punch. It is a mystery for now but as it grows, I'll share the looks and any information that I possibly find on the genetic background.

Cheers :passitleft:

We are finally back from the nursery :goodjob:

Cloning and potting process is over. Plants are now in short veg. before flowering. Line up is Purple Punch, Pink Kush, Chocolate Chunk and Tropicana Poison. I decided to flower the Purple Punch mom and after harvest, I'll reveg. her for more future clones :)

I found a gnat today and topped the medium with perlite. I'll leave them dry for a couple of days to prevent gnat growth. I'll might sprinkle some DE and bottom feed them for a while. We'll see.

Not much to share right now. Plants are all in happy shape except one Purple Punch clone. Mother is growing organic and she is not in her best shape but she will come along in a couple of days since I trimmed some larf parts.

Cheers :passitleft:

I decided to flip and today is the first day of 12/12. Search in the thread later :)

Plants are now being fed around 900PPM. This is kinda heavy for my regular schedule. I don't like to feed my plants heavy. I always prefer to see healthy green leafs at the end of flowering. pH is around 5.6. This is the feed schedule for coco.

All plants are in coco except for the Purple Punch. She has been growing organically. I have Bioheaven and Fish Mix from Biobizz and also using Xtreme Gardening Mykos. I might go and get a bottle of BioBloom and let this PP bloom nicely. I'm not feeding this one heavy either.

Purple Punch and Trop are both growing very fast. Pink Kush plants are the slowest ones and they had a headstart. I think they will do allright but Chocolate Chunk plants are too short. I hope they will make the stretch but with my LED's I don't observe much stretch on bloom. Maybe for the first 10 days. Tropicana is a real stretcher and I don't expect any surprises from other strains.

Cheers :passitleft:

The best two jars left from the last Pink Kush harvest. I smoked a lot thanks to a bountiful harvest. Pink Kush is a very small yielder so I decreased the number of PK and added mostly Purple Punch for this bloom cycle. Pink Kush is a treasure but it is a hard plan a PK oriented grow. We have 4 plants and we'll keep having 4 plants for each cycle. My plan is to fit 7x Choco 4x Pink Kush 7x Mystery genetics(from PK and PP) inside my 3x5 tent. Here is a good nug for you guys.

Cheers :passitleft:

Bloom week 2 is on!

I'll swap to bloom feeding schedule tomorrow. We had a good stretch in the first week and I fed plants with the veg. program to promote that. Looks like it worked greatly.

I've added a LED strip prototype that I'm going to use in my clone and mother plant system. This strip draws 50W and added as a supplementary light source. Spectrum of this strip is somewhere between 3300K. It has both white and red diodes on board.

After measuring the PPFD values at the canopy level, I decided to add the strip. Now everything looks perfect. All plants are receiving over 1100 micro moles at the canopy level except the four Chocolate Chunk shorties. I'll raise them in the following days because they are getting 600-800 micro moles at the moment.

I also started to prepare some yeast mix to provide plants with a lot of CO2. I am directly blowing CO2 into the canopy and keeping my fans open. Ambient measurement is around 800-1000PPM but plants are getting much more. The output tube of the CO2 system makes the CO2 meter go crazy when measured from a close distance. I think what I'm giving my plants for photosynthesis is around 1100PPM's at least.

When lights turn on, temperature rises over 30 degrees Celsius and slowly comes back to 26-27 degrees right before the dark cycle. Humidity is between 45-55, depending on how much I water.

With these values, I am expecting a great harvest. I have 4 different strains in there and it would be much fun to smoke them all. Some early flowers are here, even without bloom feed. I think we'll be seeing a lot of flower growth starting from tomorrow.

Cheers :passitleft:

Day 42 of the bloom period. Plants are looking terrific. SOG side is looking more efficient compared to the quadside. Bud form and density is superior but who knows what these bigger quads can do in the end right? I started feeding the quad-side heavier and tried the same thing with the SOG side today. I'll keep feeding Quads hard but we'll see how SOG plants respond. Purple Punch is a more hungry strain compared to the Pink Kush and I am expecting a burst on these plants with todays 1100PPM feeding.

CO2 supplementation is almost going non-stop. I am running out of yeast some days but my plants mostly get the CO2 they need in this high PPFD setup. I am opening the window and maxing the fans if I don't have the fresh batch of yeast ready. Free CO2 is in the air guys. Use it.

I'm dropping all the pictures I just took. I'm labeling my uploads for a while so they can speak for themselves. Cheers and happy growing :passitleft:

Let's start with a fine nug from the recent guerilla grow harvest. We call this one the Atelier Chunk. An accidental SSH dominant cross with the Chocolate Chunk from T.H. Seeds.

Main tent;

Wow, beautiful looking buds, great pics!
Well, its been a very busy week for me but I managed to overwater my plants :meatballs:

It is 17th day of flowering. All plants look healthy. Chocolate Chunks haven't started blooming but I think they will start in a couple of days. They are the shortest plants in this boom cycle.

I've built a 90cm 50W LED bar and using it on the left side. I also built another 50W with 60cm length and I will stack this on the right side, right next to the 200W fixture.

I've measured the PPFD over the canopy to ensure that all bud sites getting enough photons. Most plants are getting more than 1000 micro moles of photons except the Chocolate Chunks and one Tropicana on the lower left corner. Chocolate Chunks are receiving over 900 micro moles of photons. I think the overall PPFD is more than enough. I am adding CO2 but the weather is not that hot yet. When it gets hotter, I'll increase the CO2 density inside the room and get the lights a little bit closer to reach 1200 overall PPFD.

Here is tent overview;

Tropicana flowers are already showing some color;

Purple Punch flowers are stacking tight like usual;

Frost is already there with Pink Kush flowers like always;

No big signs of flowering on Chocolate Chunks;

I hope to see amazing growth in 10 days. I think there is very few space for these plants. I might separate the Chocolate Chunks and move my nursery to my room with the 50W LED bar.

Currently smoking this Pink Kush nug and I think this joint will send me to bed;

Cheers :passitleft:

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