Tangwena's Malawi-Style Cob Cure: Fermented Cannabis

I was given some MBS x Zamaldelica the MBS stands for mind body and soul it def got some Indica in it.
I had 4 hours of euphoric waves (mind) followed by 2 hours of what I can only describe as if someone had given me a quaalude it was such a contrasting effect (body), then 3 hours of a cruizy tranquilised state (soul).
Its the first time I have had 3 contrasting effects in the one strain fun but not what I prefer I like to stay up the whole time.
But hybrids can offer some crazy effects chewed you can almost pick the parent plants out from the high.
Update on my first cob adventure. Quick chop on my cbdutch treat on Monday 5/28
Not the biggest of girls but man is she a sticky one
Next trimmed up enough for 2 cobs. Cob #1 is 40 grams and here is cob #2 at 32 grams

Then I rolled the cheech sized doobies with my corn husk rolling papers. To be honest I didn't think I had a chance to get that much product rolled together but got it good and tight.

Then i got to play with our families new vacuum sealer. I'm liking it. Quick, simple, i even double sealed the ends.

Then i put them in the dehydrator and set the dial to 104f and will be pulling them out in 24 hours
Hope i got things right so far.
Update on my first cob adventure. Quick chop on my cbdutch treat on Monday 5/28
Not the biggest of girls but man is she a sticky one
Next trimmed up enough for 2 cobs. Cob #1 is 40 grams and here is cob #2 at 32 grams

Then I rolled the cheech sized doobies with my corn husk rolling papers. To be honest I didn't think I had a chance to get that much product rolled together but got it good and tight.

Then i got to play with our families new vacuum sealer. I'm liking it. Quick, simple, i even double sealed the ends.

Then i put them in the dehydrator and set the dial to 104f and will be pulling them out in 24 hours
Hope i got things right so far.

Looks Outstanding to me! Double check your dehydrator with a thermometer. That can be calibrated off sometimes.
So after the 24 hours of 104f I open it up and dry it then reseal it and 7 days of 78-82f.

Just dry any moisture you see. If there is no moisture visable just drop the temp between 77 and 86. I kept mine as close to 86°F as possible. I used fresh corn husks too and had a little moisture. try not to keep them out of the husks too long. Sweat to ferment without losing momentum!
Very cool, Can't wait to see how they turn out.

Sunday will be 2 weeks for mine. I can't wait for my next grow. I got some hash I'm saving just for the Cobs to juice them up! Definitely doing Double Black That's some really trippy stuff! ES
I was over trying to catch up with Tangwena's own fast-moving thread and came across these bits of wisdom by repuk that I thought important enoug to drop over here. :battingeyelashes:

"Thanks to the (lactic) anaerobic fermentation biochemical processes carried out by yeasts.

CO2 is produced as byproduct, I think as it's an organic solvant, it acts as a transport agent for the essential oils to travel and distribute uniformly on the cob. Ethylene and acetic acids are produced too as byproducts (sickly sweet smell).

If it creates heat, it should be at very low levels. It requires heat, at least at the beggining to reach a critic mass of fermenting yeasts readily established.

Composting (decomposing) processes are of different nature, mostly oxidative (aerobic) with CO2 and Nitric Ammonia as initial byproducts, with the biological/mechanical aid of earth worms as "recyclers", and bacteria, fungi, microbes an other microorganisms as main "workers".

Composting process is different, relying on carbon/nitrogen balance, requiring oxygen for the oxidation and water for organisms to thrive without reaching anaerobic conditions.

Carbon is burnt by microbes/bacteria, --which feed from the available nitrogen-- by using oxygen: that's why you need to careful balance carbon rich and nitrogen rich matters when making the compost heap: for a quick and thorough composting process without bad odors, lixiviates, etc.

That's why is also beneficial to rake up the compost heap, to keep a good mix of carbon/nitrogen rich matter and oxygenate it.

Composting begins with an oxidative reaction, it's an exotermic process, and so generates heat."

Continuing the discussion....

"I have the constant urgent need of understanding things... and it doesn't change while high! 😆

I am really grateful for having found Malawi cobbing. and I'm passionate about it.

I think having good information and solid understanding about what's going on will engage more people into trying. And I know that makes you happy.

Soon I'll have crops to make some more!

Composting vs Fermenting
Forgot to add: Fermenting is a process widely used to prepare food and beverages on all cultures.

Composting is a process to recycle and sanitize biological matter into soil. When composting, the latest processes (maturing) annihilate yeasts, even seeds, and sanitize toxins.

Totally opposite purpose processes.

Mother nature knows it all:

Composting turns rot into golden soil; fermenting, and thus, cobbing, turns flowers into golden smoke/food

Just follow mother nature: use the golden soil to grow flowers: fermenting them will lead you to the golden prize."
Hi guys heres some Malawi x Ethiopian it had 12 hour sweat at 40c Then 2 weeks cure at ambient of 20c.
I am drying this now to preserve the terps and aromas and get a more euphoric type high the darker longer cures and sweats produce a deeper more psychedelic high.
The still green looking sugar leaves will yellow during the aging process.

Hello!!! :Namaste:

It seemed like years, but finally reached the three month cure!

For comparison:

Prior to chop & cob:

I only trimmed the fan leaves and bigger stems, all the rest went into the cob.

After Sweat

After 9 Days Fermentation

One Month curing

3 Months curing

100% crop (lousy macro sorry), notice how crystallized oils glitter like Swarovski crystals: green, purple, cyan hues...


Tip to photograph cobs:
To catch glittering, and enhance surface 3D-like detail in photos use a light hitting the cob almost horizontally from a side (look at the shadows in previous pictures).

Horizontal sunlight (morning/afternoon) is a really nice natural lightning (i.e. prop the cob next to a window).

I left it drying for about 6 hours after I unsealed it, then put it on a mason jar.

It's still soft and pliable, like leather.

Will test it today and over the weekend!
I gave the Malawi x Panama a test run last night. It is just about 3 weeks into the cure. It's my 1st sample I've taken of this one. I ground up .6 grams and took 3 nice bong rips then went out and cut the grass. That was the best time I've ever had cutting the grass. The videos that played in my mind were quite entertaining. At one point I was hearing the announcer do the play by play on the advanced methods I was using to navigate the pine trees while not missing a single blade of grass. I could hear every variation of the engine as I went up or down inclines. It sounds funny now but that was a lot of fun. When I was done and had to focus on real life I realized I was not on the same plane as everyone else. That .6 grams lasted me all evening.
You go Neiko! :high-five: "The most fun doing....." Haven't we all said that about the cobs? Lol!

I don't know that I reported on my first couple hits of Chris Scorpio's Dark Devil Auto cob, one month into the cure. After about three teeny bowls, more micro hits than anything, I was stuck to the floor, standing in perfect alignment, elbows bent and palms facing up. I was pretty much nailed to that spot as incredible streams of energy coursed through my body and out to the cosmos.

It took about five minutes to be able to move from that spot. I don't think I've ever had a similar experience. I planted two DDAs yesterday. :yahoo:

Aren't we having fun?
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