Thanks, Tangwena, always a pleasure chatting with you, I feel honoured. We met on your sister site (page 91). It's interesting how your method has caught on globally, well done Sir!. This morning I finished cobbing my first stage Kali China, and one of two different lines of Zamaldelica, (the one from ACE was done two days ago) and one from Growmore Club done this morning. When i opened the jar lid of Kali China the aroma was like a lager yeast, with a slight creamed corn flavour, sweet and noticeably yeasty. The Zamaldelica from Growmore Club was very fruity, like an ale yeast, really tasty smelling, Hey, I'm a beer judge so I think along those lines. I never really thought of them having natural yeasts but of course they must. (I grow all my cannabis outdoors and bring them in in late fall to finish off in a sunny south facing window, that way I can grow tropical sativas at 52 degrees north in Canada.) I prefer sun grown, organic cannabis to indoor hydro bud, so there's always the chance of a wild yeast coming in on the plant, Its the same principle as Belgian Lambic beer.
Anyway Last year I tried cobbing for the first time and I thought I did well, but in retrospect I may not have fermented the cobs as long as they should have gone. The results were greener than most I see on the sites, nevertheless they were very potent and smooth smoke. Hopefully this year I will get everything done to a science, and if anyone else can use the CO2 method successfully I'll feel somewhat redeemed. I'll do my best to post pics after this entry, but I'm an old dog that doesn't always get the technical part right when it comes to pictures, I had lots of trouble on your sister site.