I always thought it was a fiver for a J a tenner for a dime...
@SweetSue I totally agree with your statements about this community! & For you &
@tangwena thank you both for your help! I have my cob aging in a large Mason jar now instead of a vac-pack. I want it to age to be more sedative-esq so we'll let it ride in its current dryer side of the spectrum for a while. I couldn't help myself & had to sample. It was still a "well....... Not sleeping for a while now..." Kinda high but very different from the raw stuff. This was an "I'm awake but my limbs are super heavy & I just don't wanna move right now. BTW I think the bed is also swallowing me." Kinda high. The taste was nice & sweet!
Thank you all for spreading the word on this process!