Tales From The Krip!

I love fixing stuff. Silver tape and i are quite fond of each other

They say you can fix anything with just duct tape and a hammer. The rule is, if it moves and it shouldn't, use the duct tape. If it doesn't move and it should, use the hammer! :rofl:
They say you can fix anything with just duct tape and a hammer. The rule is, if it moves and it shouldn't, use the duct tape. If it doesn't move and it should, use the hammer! :rofl:

Duct, Duct, Done!

I finished the window ducting solution for the flower tent today. It was easy, cheap, and better for me than cutting though walls.

Considering the window it will be going in isn't very visible, I probably went a little overboard for the stealth, but here's what I did:

First, I cut a piece of 3/4" plywood just short of the full width of the window so I could slide the board into the window track and it would be held by the window frame without even having to close the window on it (although, it will be!).

Then, I cut a 6" hole and painted the outside of the board the same color as the house, and the inside of the board the same color as the wall the window is in.

Finally, I installed a 6" commercial dryer vent, sealed the outside edges with some gutter sealer, and applied another coat of the exterior paint.

The vent cover is removable and has a grate at the bottom to keep the critters out, but it wasn't quite critter-proof enogh for me, so I removed the vent cover and glued some screening to the inside of the grate cover to keep out even the smallest bugs (well, anything that would have been prevented by the size of the screen on my screen door that my puppy ruined! :rofl:).

Here's the modification to the vent cover with the screening glued over the grate:

Here's what it looks like all done on the bench:

And, this is what the view would be from the outside of the window it will be installed in (if you were able to get a direct view at where I'll have it hanging! ;) ). I do have some weatherstripping I'll be adding to the edges before it goes in the window:

Planning on setting up the tent next week! :yahoo:

Happy Harvests!

Duct, Duct, Done!

I finished the window ducting solution for the flower tent today. It was easy, cheap, and better for me than cutting though walls.

Considering the window it will be going in isn't very visible, I probably went a little overboard for the stealth, but here's what I did:

First, I cut a piece of 3/4" plywood just short of the full width of the window so I could slide the board into the window track and it would be held by the window frame without even having to close the window on it (although, it will be!).

Then, I cut a 6" hole and painted the outside of the board the same color as the house, and the inside of the board the same color as the wall the window is in.

Finally, I installed a 6" commercial dryer vent, sealed the outside edges with some gutter sealer, and applied another coat of the exterior paint.

The vent cover is removable and has a grate at the bottom to keep the critters out, but it wasn't quite critter-proof enogh for me, so I removed the vent cover and glued some screening to the inside of the grate cover to keep out even the smallest bugs (well, anything that would have been prevented by the size of the screen on my screen door that my puppy ruined! :rofl:).

Here's the modification to the vent cover with the screening glued over the grate:

Here's what it looks like all done on the bench:

And, this is what the view would be from the outside of the window it will be installed in (if you were able to get a direct view at where I'll have it hanging! ;) ). I do have some weatherstripping I'll be adding to the edges before it goes in the window:

Planning on setting up the tent next week! :yahoo:

Happy Harvests!


I love it when a plan comes together!
Tut #1, Full Cab & Some Trich's

I thought I'd do a quick update on Tut #1. She was the one that had the worst start of the planned mom's so I didn't want to risk topping her and, instead, I've been doing some EXTREME LST, probably torturing this girl more than I have any other plant at her early stage.

Sometimes, that's the way you got to treat them to get them to respond, and she really seems to like being bound.

Here are some pics that give an idea of the torture I've been putting her through:

And, you can see how happy that's made her:

The cab is starting to look packed and at least one of the clones is showing roots outside the cube and the others need to be checked, but all look healthy.

Finally, earlier this week, I noticed a strange smell coming from the cabinet. It didn't occur to me, at first, but it's the Lucy-25 starting to throw off some dankness:

Happy Harvests!

Topping Tut #2

It was time to top Tut#2, which I almost hated to do since she is such a beautiful plant. Here is ONLY the top after giving her a UBT - The rest of the plant is in the cab:

Same top all trimmed up as a clone:

Happy Harvests!

Tut #1, Full Cab & Some Trich's

I thought I'd do a quick update on Tut #1. She was the one that had the worst start of the planned mom's so I didn't want to risk topping her and, instead, I've been doing some EXTREME LST, probably torturing this girl more than I have any other plant at her early stage.

Sometimes, that's the way you got to treat them to get them to respond, and she really seems to like being bound.

Here are some pics that give an idea of the torture I've been putting her through:

And, you can see how happy that's made her:

The cab is starting to look packed and at least one of the clones is showing roots outside the cube and the others need to be checked, but all look healthy.

Finally, earlier this week, I noticed a strange smell coming from the cabinet. It didn't occur to me, at first, but it's the Lucy-25 starting to throw off some dankness:

Happy Harvests!


GO TUT!!!!!!
Building BAK Bonsai

I sure don't need any more clones since things are quite packed right now in the veg cab. However, part of maintaining Bonsai moms is giving them regular prunings, whether you need the clones, or not; and the Bad Azz Kush, although still too young for me to consider a "Bonsai", was starting t get pretty hairy.

Here she is before the trimming:

Here she is after:

You can see the structure that's been created by the UBT. To be honest, I prefer creating Bonsai's from clones, and this one will ultimately get flowered and replaced, but before that, she'll be supplying lots of cuttings!

Happy Harvests!

Interesting Way To Create Feminized Seeds!

I was thinking about producing seeds and wondering why more people don't just use light stress to hermie the plant and, instead, rely on chemicals such as gibberilic acid, Sodium Theosulfate, Colloidal Silver, etc.

So, I started to research using light stress to create feminized seeds and, while I haven't collected enough info on that, yet, I did run across this method, which sounds VERY interesting to me:

Take a clone cutting and let it veg a few weeks until it is a solid plant, then put it into flower for 2 to 3 weeks until there is a nice calyxes worth of growth.

I then take the hairs that are coming out of the calyxes and roll it in between my thumb and index fingers until it pulls all the hairs away from the calyxes.

This will trick the plant into producing balls to self pollinate for survival, this happens with a quickness so you need to be on top of it unless you have a place that you can 12/12 to do this by it self, if not then take this plant out of the main bloom room and keep it in a new area with 12/12 light.

This is something I'm going to try! I just need another small space for a couple of Bonsais, which are perfect for producing seeds since you only need to pollinate a couple small buds to get LOTS of seeds.
Lucy-25 Auto Photo Shoot

The Lucy auto is doing pretty good, considering she's only about 12" tall and about 3 weeks into flower, stuck in that small veg cabinet with a cheap veg light. She's really stinking up the whole room the cab is in and I need to get her into a tent with a carbon scrubber ASAP but it looks like it won't be until this weekend that I can get the tent setup.

Anyway, I took her out for a brief photo shoot.

Here's the little girl looking pretty happy:

She has 3 nodes of decent (for her size!) buds forming and they are looking pretty solid, so far. These are the lower buds:

Here's the mid's:

And a few shots of the top cola:

If I'm lucky, I may get a half gram dry off her, but, with nothing else flowering right now, it's a fun LITTLE project! :laugh:

Happy Harvests!

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