Tales From The Krip!

Good info :thumb:
Also, it all comes down to money. If you pay enough, you can actually get something through even if it is bad for your health.
Read about sweetener Aspartame, dig deep and you see test results and 1st time it didn't pass, 2nd time it was passed..and when you look at the top people in the right places to pass it, see where they worked before...
Hey hey, Mr K. Hope you are OK..
Just read about your lack of facilities.. Bummer! Fingers crossed for a speedy resolution for you..
Hopefully, they fixed the pad up by now, and your adjuster thought you needed a new flower room and left alittle extra on the bone. Well, it wood be nice. GL Mr Krip and Keepem Green
Good info :thumb:
Also, it all comes down to money. If you pay enough, you can actually get something through even if it is bad for your health.
Read about sweetener Aspartame, dig deep and you see test results and 1st time it didn't pass, 2nd time it was passed..and when you look at the top people in the right places to pass it, see where they worked before...

Was just raving about this sort of thing over at mine.. Try to fight the Power too hard, you'll just die tired..and poorer.
And those guys will still get that extra ivory back scratcher they so desperately need..
Hopefully, they fixed the pad up by now, and your adjuster thought you needed a new flower room and left alittle extra on the bone. Well, it wood be nice. GL Mr Krip and Keepem Green

:rofl: I only wish!!!

I'm in a fight with my insurance company and they are going to send someone back out (for the first time since before the mold was discovered!) today. They have not paid anything since the original claim. The Kitchen is almost back together but a couple more rooms still need to be done. I was really hoping to have it all done before the end of the year (actually, was originally hoping it would be done 2-3 months ago!) but now, with the holidays coming up, I'm guessing it's not until sometime in 2017! :thedoubletake:
:rofl: I only wish!!!

I'm in a fight with my insurance company and they are going to send someone back out (for the first time since before the mold was discovered!) today. They have not paid anything since the original claim. The Kitchen is almost back together but a couple more rooms still need to be done. I was really hoping to have it all done before the end of the year (actually, was originally hoping it would be done 2-3 months ago!) but now, with the holidays coming up, I'm guessing it's not until sometime in 2017! :thedoubletake:

Not good....Couldn't Like that post. Hope you get this sorted out pretty quickly.
I hear ya Jim. Hard to post a like on bad news. Mr Krip, I hope the best with this problem. Keep your head up and Keepem Green
At least some things don't change from country to country... Insurance companies conveniently forget why we pay them in the first place whenever they can... Unless we miss a payment, of course... Then it's **WARNING** **YOU ARE ABOUT TO NOT BE COVERED IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY** **DO NOT RISK YOUR LIFESTYLE!!!**
Then, they remember..
Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.


Well, the grow hasn't been alive for a few months, but want to keep the journal alive for the next one! Just been away for a few weeks dealing with some other stuff.

Update on its way... :)
OK, sorry for the short absence but dealing with some other issues.

Believe it or not, my house is STILL not even close to being finished. The kitchen is mostly done and functional, but still needs some work on the walls, paint, backsplash, etc. The other rooms haven't been touched since they stripped them down to concrete.

Part of this is just delays and part is that I'm still fighting with my insurance company and looks like I'll be hiring a lawyer to pursue the claim. They're quick to take your premiums and quick to cancel you if you don't pay, but when it comes time for them to pay...well...not so quick!

As a result, I have not been able to restart my grow and, to be honest, it's driving me pretty crazy. They talk about the growing, and not the smoking, being addictive and I've been trying to quit "cold turkey" and having signs of severe withdrawals! :laughtwo:

Had some other things going on with my business and some recent visitors (in spite of the house conditions!) that have kept me busy but have to say, overall, life is pretty f'n great and I'm happy to be part of it!

My dad has been doing great on the RSO caps. The 20:1 caps were too strong for him and tended to put him to sleep, although they stopped his Parkinsons tremors. The next batch I made was a 30:1 and his hands were still steady but he still gets a little "loopy" even from a single pill, which is odd to me since he does now also vape pretty regularly so I thought he could handle the 20:1's.

Last week, I made him a batch of 40:1 caps. I haven't been able to get them to him yet, but if they still work to control his Parkinsons tremors, I'm pretty sure he'll be able to handle them much better, not to mention the much greater yield on the meds per unit of RSO.

Also, I think I had mentioned in a previous post that I had also give some RSO to a neighbor for his dog. He's got a beautiful Doberman that has cancer. He's already had to have a front leg removed and they just found out the cancer had spread to the dog's lungs. The couple has spent something like $15,000 on treatments for this dog and would happily spend more money if they thought anything would help but really had started to lose hope.

I just received a beautiful text message from the wife a few days ago. I'm going to edit the names (including the dog's!) for confidentiality, but here's the actual string of messages:

- Hey KRIP I just wanted to say thank you for everything you have done for Spot. I cannot tell you how much it has helped.

- No worries....Does it appear to be helping? we can discuss details when I see you, and anxious to hear them!

- Yes very much. And yes we will talk! I just wanted to thank you. Joe was inconsolable, he is so attached to Him and Spot was pretty bad last month / before. Now I honestly have hope that he is getting better. It's slow progress but it's good. Thank u again for Spot and for Joe's sake.

- I'm sooooooooooo glad to hear!!! No thanks are needed! I'm glad I can help

- Meeeeee too! Oh yes totally warranted. It's night and day compared to how he was.

- that's AWESOME Jill!

- If you ever need anything....you know to just ask.

- Thank you!

- Yep when I see you we will chat.

Obviously, I was overjoyed to hear that news.

I should be online more frequently over the next few weeks and I'll get caught up on as many journals as I can.

Best wishes to all for a Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy & prosperous 2017!


Dude I want to ask WTF happened to the crib? I know you've said,, but I don't read so well. As long as this remodel, rebuild, whatever has been going on,,, has to be someone to talk your case too. The insurance companies district manager? Legal aid? Sounds like they been pulling your chain longer than can be expected..... They started work and stopped? Was it because your insurance company won't cut a check or what? I've dealt with billing afew insurance companies in the past, things like kitchen fires etc.... remodel, rerock and paint type shit. But MAN this is sure dragging their feet type shit.... Best wishes,,,,, Keepem Green
Hey Krip! Good to hear from you. So glad the RSO is helping your dad and that you are dialing in the dosage. Also great that you are helping spot and Joe and Jill out, life is so much better with a 4 legged friend or two...

NorCal, Krip had some mold issues that forced him to shut down his grow, that is the short version. I hope that gets resolved sooner than later Krip. Too bad you'll need to get a lawyer for this.

Happy Holidays!
Sorry to hear you're still a vagabond K. All things in their right time. As a cultivator I know you're ready to jump out of your skin.

It's good to see you around the neighborhood again, and all this good news that doesn't have to do with your house. :high-five:
Heres your Christmas card. I hope to have acouple more out soon.

Keepem Green
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