Your garden is so awesome, you can tell the plants take on your joy.
My daughter tells me that all the time. She’s hoping that talent passed on to her.
How many plant do you have in your care Sue? Its overwhelming... Gotta ask, whats up with the bananas? Jamaican sprit for the Carnival? Love you commitment to it!
At the moment I have two in veg and 9 in flower CraZysWeeD, down recently from 12 in flower. This was a bit much to keep up with for me when it was running full tilt. Sometimes the urge to grow gets beyond the available resources. Lol!
The bananas emit ethylene gas as they ripen, which ramps up the drive to flower in cannabis. I always keep ripening bananas in my flowering tents.
Good evening everyone
Sunny, bright and warm was the outlook for The Burgh. I hope it played out that way in your flesh-and-blood neighborhood. I spent lots of time outdoors today. It was something of a disconcerting day, I thought the BIL had died and called the landlord to have someone check on him. Turns out he's still alive, but the emotional drain left me ......well....drained. I did a lot of walking and thinking.
I helped him move into the building so he wouldn't be alone when he died. I didn't think this one through. I'm not really happy about possibly being the one to find him dead. That's for me to find a way through to joyful acceptance.
If you haven't already you still have time to get out there and share that deliberate joy we’ve learned to cultivate with anyone lucky enough to enter your realm. This is what life was meant to be - a continuous dance of joy from eyes open to eyes shut. Practice long enough and it becomes your default emotional expression and suddenly you start stopping yourself when you get ruffled by some unexpected distraction.
It took me a while today, but I found my way back to bubbling joy. It's a deliberate thing with me.
You practice being deliberate about your thoughts. In time there are fewer and fewer distractions from your natural setting as a joyful, non-judgemental being. Then the energy streams pick up speed in proportion to your ability to let go of all the resistance you keep putting in your path.
And out here on the edge where creation sometimes happens right before your bewildered eyes.......this is where all the real fun happens.
....Wait....we need a visual for the joy, don’t we?
Let me see what I can rustle up.
I forgot to post these yesterday.
Partial Jarring it up: Royal Gorilla
I kept this branch out to hang dry so the daughter'd have some to smoke while the rest dried low and slo.
Then I go carried away with the camera.
I have some studies to button up. Catch you later.