Sweetsue's First Grow - Stealthy Trio of Autos Under CFLs

I never flush my girls :laughtwo: They get fed only banana and molasses so never seen the point in starving the girls.


They obviously respond well to that nutrient schedule. Your plants are stunning at harvest.
Daily Update: Day 74 (THC Bomb Auto) & Day 73 (Buddha Magnum Auto)

The day started with the usual 1/4 turn and water. I've been just tossing a quart into each reservoir before dashing out the door to Dale's side. This morning I had a bit more time and filled the reservoirs to the regular level. They both took just over six cups. What's really nice is that although I shorted them a bit there were still ample water reserves. One of the ways you can check to be sure they aren't water deprived is to feel the pots. They should always be wet at the bottom. That never changed.


The Bomb is beginning to relax out a bit more. I found myself wondering how she was bearing the weight of these colas and had to laugh when I remembered I had her loosely bound with the Velcro straps. :laughtwo:


Her main cola is a massive cylinder of buds on buds.


All of the secondary colas are coated and frosty. I was reading Greytail's smoke report of Destroyer (such a beautiful specimen!) and smiled where he spoke of his belief that the buds and the sugar leaves were equivalent in potency. I'm pretty sure the Bomb will be like that. These leaves are almost completely encrusted in tricomes. Looking closely this morning I found the beginnings of amber coloration. I may take her down this weekend. I'll make that determination on Saturday.


This is the profile shot of that cola in the previous picture. Yummy. :yummy:


It's becoming obvious that she's almost at the finish line.


Buddha is so massive and luscious.


The main cola is tight and dense beyond belief.


From this vantage point you can see the manic wildness of the pistils. Her leaves twist and turn every which way. A true nonconformist - just like her grower.


The colas are also encrusted with frosty goodness. It reminds me of the candied flowers you see on cakes.


A side view of the cola pictures above. More like balls of buds from the looks of it.


I think I'm close enough to the end that I'll start pulling together my notes and begin drawing up summary reports. That way future growers will have easy access to the information in the journal that I feel is most relevant to a successful grow. Next time I'll keep up with that as I go. Lesson learned.

Have a wonderful day all. It's brutally cold here in Steeler Country. Thankfully I've been making great bus connections so I haven't been standing out there long. Stay warm everyone.

manic wildness,,,,,,, ha,, love it,, great expression. reminds me of my hair some days,, ha,, i am excited for you too sue,, beautiful looking kids, both of them. super job there. i can't wait for you to enjoy the fruits of your labour,, cheers sue,, nothing but good thoughts headed your way,, cheers:byebye:
manic wildness,,,,,,, ha,, love it,, great expression. reminds me of my hair some days,, ha,, i am excited for you too sue,, beautiful looking kids, both of them. super job there. i can't wait for you to enjoy the fruits of your labour,, cheers sue,, nothing but good thoughts headed your way,, cheers:byebye:

:laughtwo: We'll just call your wild hair your eccentric artist look. We can get away with a lot more than other people. I've always been unconventional.
Beautiful ladies Sue, Im really impressed with the size of your plants, considering its a Cfl grow. I guess you have big pots = bigger root mass = bigger ladies. Whats the size of your pots if I may ask?
Sue, I think every new grower should have a look at what you are doing, and think about starting with auto flowering strains. The focus should be on growing a great product like you are, and you show how easy it can be with proper soil setup. I can't wait until you start with photos under better lighting!
Beautiful ladies Sue, Im really impressed with the size of your plants, considering its a Cfl grow. I guess you have big pots = bigger root mass = bigger ladies. Whats the size of your pots if I may ask?

Why thank you guys. :circle-of-love:

Danishoes, these are 7gal. Geo Pots. I think one of the things that has made a big difference with the CFLs is my dedication to rotating them 1/4 turn every single day. Because I have a mix of warm and cool lights that are scattered around the plants, every leaf and bud source is constantly exposed to the changing spectrums.

I can't say it often enough - it's the soil mix and the regular schedule of drenches that replenish the biomass. I went into this as prepared as my budget would allow, but researched to the hilt and I've continued to research all along the way.

Good soil + SWICK + well thought out and executed light array + continuous amending through drenches = very happy plants.

36Gr0w, you flatter me. :love: I chose autos because I was so limited in space and I wasn't ready to try Light Addict's fluxing technique just yet. I thought they'd be small. :laughtwo: If I don't have money for new seeds for the next grow I will probably do a couple Delicious Critical Super Silver Haze Feminized. I have a free seed from Herbie's and I believe the grower downstairs has one as well that he won't be planting and since he's my BIL I think I can convince him to let me have it. LA has me tempted to flux. I have the seeds, I have the Velcro to attach to the fabric pots and it will be fun to do two at once. That buys me more time to work on a decent box and upgrade lighting. The more I think of it the more I lean towards a combination of T5s, CFLs and LED. LA is playing with LED strips in his latest journal and those are looking very interesting.

Aki, you reminded me that I need to get a decent scale ASAP. Maybe I'll swing through Target on my way home this evening. Thanks.

Time to hit the mat and work on that trophy wife body now. :laughtwo:

Making Aloe Vera Juice

The key to properly maintaining a no-till is the regularly scheduled addition of things that enhance and energize the micro herd as they assist the plant life. Primary among those is Aloe Vera. The benefits of this extraordinary plant are extensive, and I encourage you to look more closely at this valuable additive for your own gardens. A quick google will direct you to information I don't have time to list here right now. Those of you cloning would be well advised to cut an aloe fillet open and drag your stem through the gel before planting right into soil. You won't regret it.

I purchase mine in powered form. It's finely powered inner fillet 200x concentration, meaning that 1gram of powder added to 199 grams of water gives you 200 grams of pure aloe juice equivalent to pure inner fillet gel. What I learned right off is that the powder does not easily mix into the water. Here's how I overcame that challenge.

Begin by gathering up the materials:
- Aloe powder
- a container with a good sealing cap
- measuring spoon
- water (I use distilled water for this)

I'm only making up a half cup. I use 1/4 cup in both the enzyme teas and the aloe/coconut drenches, which I do once a week of each, so there's no reason to mix up any more. Leftovers are stored in the refrigerator until needed. Although I usually mix it at 1/4 tsp per 1/2 cup water today I decided for some reason to double the strength. It won't hurt the plants or the soil at all. I probably felt it would be nice to offer the soil just a bit more concentration to assist all this blooming going on. Or it was because I was trying to get done and out the door to the hospital. I actually didn't catch that until I was posting this. :laughtwo: More is never a problem with LOS.

I measured 1/2 tsp of aloe powder into 1/2 cup of water.


As you can see, the powder sits on the surface.


Attempting to stir it in won't do the job. You just end up with powder adhering to your stick or spoon that you'll need to scrape off into the water. The stuff's too valuable and beneficial. To waste.


Cap the container tightly. You see how it all floats?


Shake vigorously until it's all mixed in. Sometimes I need to smash it up with my fingers to get small pieces to break up. Every time I do that I consider trying to mix it as a paste next time and slowly adding water, but then I forget.


This concentration of juice (using the proper 1/4tsp aloe to 1/2 cup water ratio) gets diluted at a ratio of 1/4 cup aloe vera juice to 1 gallon water. Use in drenches, teas or foliage sprays. Your plants will love you for it.

When I'm done it's all packed up again, sealed tightly inside another ziplock bag with a silica pack.


Easy peesy. All ready for the enzyme tea I bubbled with Malted Barley Grain for today's regular Wednesday drench.
That was fun to put together but using the iPhone is making me see double. :laughtwo:

I have some lovely pictures of the girls from this morning but I think I'll wait until I get home and can work on the iPad.
It's so good to be home. The temperature is falling into the basement again tonight so I cut out early to avoid the potential of snow and 40 mph gusts in 5 degree temps.

I came home to one of those things that every grower faces at some time. In resetting the timer I unknowingly knocked the plug loose so the lights never came on. Now thankfully my closet is wide open and directly across from it are the lights for the Nepenthes, so they weren't in the dark, just a bit chilly from the fan running all day. The apartment is heated to a steady 73, which kept the temperatures from falling below 67. I told the girls that we'll pretend this was a cloudy day. :laughtwo:

Daily Update: Day 75 (THC Bomb Auto) & Day 74 (Buddha Magnum Auto)


It's Wednesday - time for a nice enzyme tea. I gave them a 1/4 turn, drenched each with their tea and let it sit for 30 minutes while I dressed and gathered everything for the day in the hospital. Then I topped off the reservoirs. The Bomb took a quart to top off, but Buddha took a half cup less, to my surprise. She's always been the thirstiest one.

The pistils on the main cola keep getting more prolific!


In close up you can see how encrusted her main cola is becoming.


She had a different look today. Hard to explain - like she was trying to tell me to get ready for harvest. It's weird sometimes how these plants appear to communicate with me.

This is one of the secondary colas. I wanted to show you how densely they are filling up. Look how far down the blossoms go before the small break in the branch leading to the next huge run of dense blossoms begins!


A close up of that cola.


The same thing is happening with Buddha, except that her colas are at least twice as thick as the Bomb's.


A close up of that cola. Wow!


Recently Reg had mentioned he was seeing buds on buds with one of his plants. I'm seeing what appears to be the same thing with the Bomb.


Here's a sweet shot of the underside of Buddha's leaves. Whoa! That's some serious trichome production.


Of course the Bomb has the same thing happening, although her leaves are much smaller. This stuff is going to make some serious butter for edibles. I see caramels and brownie bits for my hubby and daughter.


One last look behind the screen.


I hope you are all having a wonderful day. Take the time to enjoy performing a random act of kindness. The world is a better place because you're in it. :circle-of-love:
That's the dream Doc. Medical crisis after medical crisis keeps sucking all the funds though. That's ok. I've never set my sights on something that didn't come about. I have no idea how, but I see it clearly, so I know it's just a matter of time. Thank goodness I have some talent with CFLs until then.
That's the dream Doc. Medical crisis after medical crisis keeps sucking all the funds though. That's ok. I've never set my sights on something that didn't come about. I have no idea how, but I see it clearly, so I know it's just a matter of time. Thank goodness I have some talent with CFLs until then.

I think he might mean as a sponsored grower.
Ok. I wasn't thinking along those lines at all. Stunned.
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