I've given this some thought, so let's give it a try. You don't discontinue adding fulvic acid or silica, but you can cut down on how much you add because the soil reaches a point of balance and you maintain that balance with a regulated scheduling of drenches and foliar feedings. I'll be touching on that in more depth next week. The soil community is a vibrant, active thing that is constantly pulling upon the available nutrients found in the soil matrix according to the stated needs of the plants. Your job is to assure that the basic nutrients are continuously replenished. That actually turns out to be fairly straightforward with cannabis. Other, bigger brains have already worked it all out and we need only follow their bread crumbs and reap the rewards.
I went looking for more I depth info on fulvic acid, because it's an indispensable factor in a healthy organic soil. Turns out that is makes nutrients bio-chemically available as well as transporting nutrients. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. The link below was a fascinating read. What follows is a bit of copy and paste on some finer points. I recommend taking the time to read through the link. This was a small part. I now have a deeper respect of fulvic acid and am pleased that I'll be adding it to my soil maintenance program next week.
As created by nature, organic fulvic acids are created by soil-based micro-organisms("SBO's") to make minerals and other nutrients assimilable by plants. ( The SBO's consume decayed prehistoric plant matter in humate deposits and excrete the substance known as "fulvic acid", or "fulvic acids".)
Fulvic acid is a derivative of microbial degradation of humic substances. Microorganisms are essential to the process. Each gram of healthy top soil has in excess of four billion microorganisms that participate in manufacturing bio-chemicals essential to healthy plants and animals. If they were to fail our lives would cease. A better perspective of their importance can be gained by looking at the work they do. Microorganism activity in preparing one acre of top soil, expends the equivalent energy of 10,000 people doing the same amount of work in the same amount of time.
What Humic Substances Do in the Soil
Scientists claim organic substances stimulate plant cellular growth and division, including auxin type reactions. They enhance plant circulatory systems and promote optimum plant respiration and transportation systems. They decrease plant stress and premature deterioration. They dramatically improve seed germination and promote greater fibrous root growth. They increase the size and numbers of legume root nodules and increase resistance to drought and insect infestation.
The Fulvic Plant Miracle
In addition to duplicating many of the positive functions of humic acid, fulvic acid will:
Stimulate plant metabolism
Give positive effect on plant RNA & DNA
Act as a catalyst in plant respiration
Increase metabolism of proteins
Increase activity of multiple enzymes
Enhances the permeability of cell membranes
Enhance cell division and cell elongation
Aid Chlorophyll synthesis
Increase drought tolerance, and prevent wilting
Increase crop yields
Assist denitrification by microbes
Buffer soil pH
Contribute electrochemical balance as a donor or an acceptor
Synthesize new minerals
Chemically weather inorganic substances
Decompose silica to release essential mineral nutrients
Detoxify various pollutants (pesticides, herbicides, etc.)
The Energy Continuum
Sunlight >>> Plants (Photosyntiesis*) >>> Animals - Bio Mass >>> Coal (Stored energy for future use), Oil and Gas, Peat >>> Microbes (Humification* – microbial decomposition) >>> Humic and Fulvic Acids (Final energy product sustaining both plants and animals)
I didn't realize I was entering a continuous student mode when I started on this path.
Hope that helped ClosedCircuit.