Sweetsue's First Grow - Stealthy Trio of Autos Under CFLs

I've already decided we're canceling tomorrow's appointments and staying home. I don't think you're going to be that lucky CC. It looks like rain for the mid-Atlantics.
Get out of here! It's been snowing here for over 12 hours! Mostly tiny flakes where I am. I hear the eastern seaboard it getting wacked.

Not quite getting whacked yet!!! Only a coastal clipper system so far. :)
The serious Noreaster with snowfall rates up to 3"/hr and potential blizzard conditions
Is scheduled for EVERY hour over the next 12-16 hours (depending on where you live.):slide::slide:

Locally, schools have cancelled Tuesday AND Wednesday. :cheesygrinsmiley::party:

I heard 73 in Colorado on the news and was almost floored.
Daily Update: Day 53 (THC Bomb) & Day 52 (Buddha Magnum)

I believe we have officially reached maximum height for this grow. No change again overnight. They both took another five cups of water to top off the reservoirs.


The main colas are swelling like mad. The Bomb is showing steady increase in bud development and filling out beautifully.


Looking all proper and in line.


The sheer girth of Buddha's main cola always catches me by surprise.


Doesn't she look like she's dancing?


The shared space, where leaves and blossoms intermingle.


Tucked away beneath Buddha's leaves in this shared zone even the smallest blossoms continue to expand and frost up.


As I was putting together this update I got the alert that my favorite sister-in-law is reaching the end of her 15 year battle with cancer. This brave woman has fought harder than anyone I have known. :green_heart:

That's all I can muster right now. Later.

great growing Sue , cancer an awful thing, just lost my friend new years eve just gone , her 38th bday ... very very sad , cervical cancer , could have been saved only she was too embarrassed to get smears . such a waste of a life , i named my plant Mia after her as is was short for maria :)
great growing Sue , cancer an awful thing, just lost my friend new years eve just gone , her 38th bday ... very very sad , cervical cancer , could have been saved only she was too embarrassed to get smears . such a waste of a life , i named my plant Mia after her as is was short for maria :)

I'm so sorry to hear that paddy. What a lovely gesture in her memory. She's a vigorous plant too.
Daily Update: Day 53 (THC Bomb) & Day 52 (Buddha Magnum)

I believe we have officially reached maximum height for this grow. No change again overnight. They both took another five cups of water to top off the reservoirs.


The main colas are swelling like mad. The Bomb is showing steady increase in bud development and filling out beautifully.


Looking all proper and in line.


The sheer girth of Buddha's main cola always catches me by surprise.


Doesn't she look like she's dancing?


The shared space, where leaves and blossoms intermingle.


Tucked away beneath Buddha's leaves in this shared zone even the smallest blossoms continue to expand and frost up.


As I was putting together this update I got the alert that my favorite sister-in-law is reaching the end of her 15 year battle with cancer. This brave woman has fought harder than anyone I have known. :green_heart:

That's all I can muster right now. Later.


Your young ladies are growing up so fast, and what a good mother you have been to them!! :cheesygrinsmiley::love::Namaste:

You will receive the reward you deserve for your time and devotion to not only these plants but your friends and family. You seem like a very genuine person, I am so sorry to hear about your friend, I will keep you all in my thoughts.

Keep your head up Sue... Here's to what we have!
Thank you all for the caring thoughts. Aki, that was such a loving thing to say. My brother and his dying child bride (his affectionate term of endearment) live so far from me and all I can do is love from a distance when my whole being wants to be of more assistance. We've both been fighting for almost 20 years to keep our soul mates alive. We knew all along she would pass first.

Life and death are so intertwined. It's such a sad day. She is such a wonderful spirit and is surrounded by her family and friends. It's all one can hope for in the end. Reach out and hug someone you love.
So sorry to hear of your sister in law, thoughts are with you and your family Sue.

Your girls are looking amazing - its nice to have a hobby to keep you busy :)

We're in the middle of this blizzard - already have 24" and its still snowing like mad. I went out and bought a new generator yesterday in case we lose power again for days. I wasnt taking any chances!

I hope you and Dale have a great week! And thanks for the update I love it! :circle-of-love:
So sorry to hear of your sister in law, thoughts are with you and your family Sue.

Your girls are looking amazing - its nice to have a hobby to keep you busy :)

We're in the middle of this blizzard - already have 24" and its still snowing like mad. I went out and bought a new generator yesterday in case we lose power again for days. I wasnt taking any chances!

I hope you and Dale have a great week! And thanks for the update I love it! :circle-of-love:

Thank you JJ. I'm glad to hear you were prepared for the blizzard. They were talking about cutting power lines and you came to mind. Be safe my friend. :love:
Yall are makin me emotional.

I hope you don't stress out too much Sue - and can keep appreciating them for who they were after they are gone. I'm sure you will.

Thanks CC. I'm 61 now - that stage when your siblings and their spouses naturally begin to dwindle in number. I come from a deeply spiritual family tradition that has never feared the inevitability of death, choosing to celebrate the joy expressed in the life of our passing loved one. We're a strong and loving extended family, scattered to the four winds but bound by our mutual affection. It's just hard to feel my brother's pain as he comes close to this final stage with his beloved and not be able to be there at his side. I'm the intensely empathetic one in the family. I've been hugging my own spouse and daughter more frequently these days. That helps.
Having this lovely, vibrant garden to tend helps with the pain of loss. Is anyone else struck by the therapeutic value tending these plants brings that tending other plants doesn't match? Could it be the anticipated reward or do they just naturally give off a different energy?

Daily Update: Day 54 (THC Bomb Auto) & Day 53 (Buddha Magnum Auto

No change in stature, but definite and noticeable increase in bulk. They both took 6 cups of water to top off the reservoirs. I realized this morning that I'd been erroneously posting five cups of water for who-knows-how-long. Silly me! :laughtwo: It's been a steady 6 cups all along for Buddha and the Bomb increased her take to the same about three days ago - about the time she stopped growing taller.


It's fascinating how differently they structure their main colas.

The upper photo is the Bomb. Her main cola now measures about 2 1/2" at its widest point. The lower is Buddha, whose main cola is already at just over 4" wide!


This is great soil, continual access to water, abundant light and copious amounts of love in action. This grow is still wide open to the room, (acting as secondary lighting in the evenings) and we have become so conditioned to the smells they exude that we don't notice them most of the time. I discovered that when I'm stretched out on my exercise mat, which is on the opposite corner of the living room, I smell them the strongest. Sweet.

What struck me most this morning was how massive the flowering on side branches is becoming. We're reaching the point where you see more flowers than leaves, which says a lot because these babies have dense leaf cover going. When I added a top drench of 2 cups of water with 1/4 cup of coconut water to each I had to work to get the lower leaves out of the way so I could get underneath. I haven't watered in anything for a couple weeks now, so it was time for another enzyme boost for my young ladies. I had to drench blind and by feel because I couldn't get in there to see! :laughtwo:

The Bomb's branches are packing them on.


Not to be undone, Buddha bursts with flowers, densely packed, as is her nature.


I worked up some close up views of the trichome development going on. This would be better with a nice camera, but you can still get the gist of how they are steadily increasing in number and size, as well as forming that delightful mushroom cap on their tops.

First up, as always, the Bomb.


Buddha's trichomes seem to just drip right off her buds and leaves. Impressive.


I noticed a little brown spot on the Bomb's tip yesterday, but couldn't make out what it was. Today, while zooming in on the photos I realized it was a small flying critter that got trapped in the sticky goodness of the trichomes, so I got some tweezers and gently removed it.


If this closet weren't wide open it would definitely be necessary to have a fan and scrubber assembled and installed. With all the lights on and no fan running it's fairly warm.


I keep one small, non-oscillating fan blowing and it brings the temperature down nicely.


I can get away with this because it's wide open and shares in the air movement of the apartment's forced air heating system. I know it's unconventional, but it works for me. I found an interesting tutorial for a simple and inexpensive scrubber that just may do the trick for my tiny closet. I'll probably give it a try next week. We still haven't reached the point that the perfumes are problematic, but we know it's coming.

I'm putting together my next order to build my soil's strength. It's a never-ending wish list, no?


I limit myself to $100 a month and this month I decided to order the aloe vera powder and count it as a med expense, freeing up more hobby funds for me. I came across a recipe to speed the healing time of this dastardly diabetic ulcer on Dale's foot pad where you grind up dried comfrey root (we always have a supply on hand for making poultices) and mix it with aloe gel, pack it into the ulcer, bandage and change twice a day. I thought it appropriate to make that a med expense, even though I will also be using it with the plants.

The malted barley grain is to make quick enzyme teas that don't need sprouted, just bubbled for four hours. Malted barley grain is the absolute best source of enzymes one can find. The Ful-Power supplies fulvic acid, in Clackamas Coots' words "the catalyst of catalysts". These items bring me three steps closer to having everything on hand to maintain a healthy no-till for years to come.

You all have a great day.

This grow is truly amazing and my wife would be all over this fully organic soil and ferts you have going. You have def inspired me to lean more that way on my next run.... Keep it up I can't wait to see the end result as I have 3 auto bombs I'm waiting til my current run is done to drop

I find your grow inspirational as well. It's worth the consideration to go organic, for your wife's sake. Beyond that, the flavor and potency of organically grown meds is unsurpassed. You'll never turn back atrain.

You're running a month behind me. If you want to build an organic soil it will need to cook for at least a month before you plant in it. Just wanted you to have that heads up so you can move from one grow to the next seamlessly. Please feel free to ask any questions as you prepare. I'd be honored to help you make the transition.
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