I'm glad you're ok Keith, but I admit to chuckling. Thankfully, no harm done. Try making some capsules with lecithin and see how fast it hits the system. Mine hit within 10 minutes and carry at a consistent level for over five hours. It's notable though that Chewey gets almost no effect from the same formula that puts me up where I like to stay. I'm interested in noting as we go along what effects they have on others. I can't try them with my daughter, with her sensitivity to the THC.
Those CBD capsules I made with the olive oil extraction of CBD Critical Cure are proving to be effective for a friend of mine with bi polar disorder. It's a new therapy for her, so I'm watching her. I wasn't sure if they'd help her, but she tells me when she takes one her head clears and calms and she can focus better. She hesitates to take her prescription meds because of the side effects, so these were a godsend for her. Let's see how it goes over time. Bi polar's a tricky disorder. This was the plant I grew, in part to help my husband's brother who has Bi Polar. Since he won't be benefitting from the harvest it's good to know someone else does.
They may also be benefitting my walking buddy, a 73-yr old woman with ADHD.
Again, pretty amazing for a plant our federal government says has no medicinal benefit in the US.
As you noted, BPD can be VERY tricky because of the "cycling". The patient usually needs something to treat BOTH the mania and the depression and the right balance for both. Also, BPD's never want to take their med's and have a high tendancy to self-medicate with drugs and alcohol. When they're in the depression state, they believe nothing will help them and taking meds are useless; and when they're in the manic state, they think they're fine, they have no problem, and the problem is everyone else's!