Hi Sue im new to this place and just want to say Wow! What great work and dedication you have in here!
I'm here because my brother got diagnosed with a grade 4 glioblastoma to the brainstem 3/4 years ago. We researched and came across cannabis oil, anti cancer supplements, diet change, raw veg juicing. He went through radiotherapy to no success and started all of the listed above. Things were going great and the Tumor was shrunk down next to nothing. He cut way down on his oil to the point where he wasnt taking it at all sometimes. Sadly it has reappeared again ,only this time we can't shift it. He has been taking 3/4ml of oil daily for the past 6 months but just keeps going downhill.
After coming across this site i have seen that it's likely he could have a tolerance for it now after taking so much, so long. And we havnt been taking a carrier with it tho he has been taking coconut oil on the side (not directly mixed with the oil tho) if you wouldn't mind answering a few questions from me?
What is the best way to take the oil given his Tumor type and location and at what dosage?
Best carrier to use to break the brain barrier?
And will we need to start the 6 day Day Sensitization protocol?
Many thanks Mark
Hello Mark
The work exists to help members like you, so it's a good feeling to know it's useful.
Now, down to the business at hand. Sorry, I tend to go straight to work and ignore many of the social niceties.
So...... my first recommendation is to avoid the sensitization protocol. It's not recommended for patients treating life-threatening disease.
Glioblastoma, this is one that strikes a little fear, doesn't it? Ok.... nothing to be fearful of. Think of it as a signalling problem you're bound to figure out. From the sound of it you'd be best to explore a couple different administration methods. I'll share that I do know of a case where the patient had an inoperable glioblastoma and she shrunk it to nothing using an extra-strength topical that she rubbed into her neck and shoulders daily. I strongly recommend the most potent topical you can find, as high in THC as possible.
Other than that I'd probably go with biobomb capsules, a little modification we've developed that incorporates a carrier oil and liquid sunflower lecithin, both of which help dramatically increase absorbtion and bioavailability. Less oil does more healing. Kinda like its own little entourage effect.
We don't normally recommend the biobombs as suppositories for brain tumors, but the mix can also be used sublingually, and that's what I'd recommend. Olive oil. Definately, olive oil. It's a cancer-fighter in its own right, and because it's a long-chained fatty acid it gets absorbed into the lymphatic system if it gets swallowed and ends up in the gut.
Cannabinoids themselves are evolved to slip through the BBB. The purpose of the carrier oil is to slip them into the system more efficiently.
Between the BioBomb oil and the topical you might be able to get his system to switch back to a positive healing balance. I can't see any harm in trying. We can walk you through making topicals and preparing biobombs, if you're so inclined.
Your brother's been fed all the stories about how sick he is and how this is going to kill him. His endocannabinoid system would appreciate it if he rewrote the story to something like "They told me it would kill me, but my ECS had other ideas." His belief that his system can successfully signal an end to this madness within will be instrumental in the effectiveness of the protocol. The ECS is so closely aligned to the limbic system that emotions drive the signalling.
This is my instinctive understanding of how this marvelous healing force operates, and it's my belief that the ability to infuse as much joy as possible into your life results in the celebration of spontaneous healing at a cellular level. The more you can laugh the less internal tension to block the vibrations the ECS is feeling for.
There are methods of competitive inhibition you can incorporate that will greatly enhance the bioavaibility of the cannabinoids you'll be administrating. They can be found outlined at Cajun's cancer regimen thread, which is where we typically handle these types of cases. It would be most beneficial to you and to the community at large if we continue this discussion over there, where a dedicated cadre of members man the room. I'd appreciate it if our next posts on this matter were over there. Will that be acceptable?
The thread is here:
A Base Treatment Regimen for Cancer. and the pertinent information I mentioned is on the first couple pages. We recommend new patients and caregivers read the first 4-5 pages. Feel free to join us on the current page.
Hey... I know this can feel frustrating, but there's much to be hopeful for. This plant has marvelous healing potential and his ECS is evolved to destroy cancer cells. I say evolution and timing are definately on your side.