I have this thought that's been rumbling through my head. Cannabis is an herbal medication, and as such has been processed in kitchens and administered in the most basic methods available.
Enter the pharma age, and we learned that medicines can be dosed within fine parameters. This works wonderfully for pharma drugs, which are for the most part synthetic concoctions that can come with some wicked side effects if you get the dose off. Here we are now, in this atmosphere, with cannabis, and I have this uneasy sense that the whipping up of herbal meds in our kitchens is being looked down upon and vilified by the mainstream medical cannabis community.
It's as if we all forgot that our bodies come equipped with some absolutely marvelous systems that are evolved to keep us healthy and strong, as in the immune system. One of our bigger mistakes in this time, IMHO, is the obsession we've developed with hand sanitizers, which has the danger of leading to the destruction of the bacteria that live on your skin and benefit you.
I'll grant you that a patient with a compromised immune system needs the purest meds you can secure, but even such a patient will benefit from CCO produced in some back-woods kitchen, if that's all you have available.
I don't know, it disturbs me sometimes, the attitudes I get out there about what we do in our homes. They won't slow me down one step, and I'll do my best to keep from judging them either. At some point we all need to learn to play well together. In the meantime, we'll keep right on doing what we're learning to do so well.