Sutaa's First Grow: Fatso & Green Crack Autos

Pretty pictures, nice work
Those Green Crack buds are going to swell up big time, might be time to crank your fan up
GC is in my top 5
no worries friend, exhaust fan is on 7 and has been lol, or do you mean the stem strengthener?

either way we're... over 8 weeks in, give or take, and I gave her about a gallon of water yesterday. She's taking things fine but I do think how she takes the water illustrates what's happening underneath to some extent, in a way that doesn't worry me, just is informational for next time. I space out single liters across something like a couple hours, because I just happen to be here to do so. Anyway, it's a fabric pot, and there is basically no runoff. There's a bit of a puddle, so to speak, that forms at the bottom between the drainage base and the pot, but no runoff the way people tend to talk about it. I reckon this could mean her soil is compacted so it's not running through like it optimally should, and pools up and kinda gets the roots a little irritated instead. Mind you, she's obviously trucking along well, I think we're at a "thriving out of spite" stage beyond the troubles of the past that only changes the yield outcome a bit, again in ways I am merely trying to notice rather than judge. My care has begun properly taking notice of things that happen when I change variables and the current condition reflects that, while we can also take in really useful things about the sum of events that is reflected in the combo of the two states now. Come to think of it, there is a cola that you would swear is not one, maybe, if I showed you without context, but since more development has taken place you can very clearly tell where that one main branch was held back, and continues to be. I gotta get a good image or two of that one, as it's just as useful as the pretty buds for learning :>
So here is a seeming oasis of unhealthy symptoms, nothing lethal but basically, look at the way this stem (a main branch off of node three no less) compares to the one on the other side of the same node, which I've also attached for reference. The branch itself shows that it's been denied growth for some reason (messed up roots). This branch has basically been like this since the unfortunate over watering business very early on during week two or three. Like I keep saying, I'm sure I'm gonna enjoy what I do get out of this plant, it's just worth it for me to look at every piece of this picture. It's interesting how the condition of things looks to others just because of how selective I seem to be with showing it off sometimes 😜




Nice white pistils.
Thanks! Hoping this comes along quick enough for me to harvest and start drying before I go see MST3K soon lol. She's definitely starting to give off a nice scent without sticking my nose right in there, and from what I can tell with my horrid conventional sense of time, there is palpable production each day. It won't be too long now :>
I took a trichome video (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ

It's mostly just blurry crap with some accidental good shots, like most photography seems to be at its core. I took this with a cheapo $20 USB OTG microscope and an app named nExt Camera, seems like a very nice option for this kind of thing.
Around week 12, basically trichome checking for harvest time still, no amber oil yet. It's definitely the fall season for this girl's accelerated life though.


Hope all is well in your world.

How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

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