Sutaa's First Grow: Fatso & Green Crack Autos

Hey Keith. :ciao:
There a couple things I can be helpful with thank you. :thanks:
But I always say I'm just a friendly beginner. :high-five:
We all pitch in to help each other.
It's always good to get different opinions and views on things.
In the end we all just do our best for our girls with what we have.
Coco is my go to though.
That's where I really have fun. :yahoo:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Beginner, lol 😂
I think you’re doing great so far @sutaa ! I love growing autos also. Either way it is such a resilient plant, they are very hard to kill once established. Keep learning, we all are all of the time! From what I can tell you should be able to start watering to runoff now. If not now then very shortly. I suggest you leave your light turned down to whatever you reduced it to after noticing the PAR was 700. Just leave it for a week or two and once you’re happy with how the plant is looking and there is no more leaf burning then turn it up 15 to 20% and wait a few days and see how she reacts. I would assume with her current height and development rate it won’t be long before you can turn it up again after that. And once you get it turned up to 75 or 80% you don’t really need to turn it up anymore. The difference between running at 80% or 100% is negligible to the plant but it is noticeable on your electricity bill : )
Keep it up!

Personally starting a new Auto grow of Bruce Banners in the next few weeks and I cannot wait! My current grow is a photo plant which looks like it’s going to do all right but for me the simplicity of Auto’s is my game. Especially in a tent.
I think you’re doing great so far @sutaa ! I love growing autos also. Either way it is such a resilient plant, they are very hard to kill once established. Keep learning, we all are all of the time! From what I can tell you should be able to start watering to runoff now. If not now then very shortly. I suggest you leave your light turned down to whatever you reduced it to after noticing the PAR was 700. Just leave it for a week or two and once you’re happy with how the plant is looking and there is no more leaf burning then turn it up 15 to 20% and wait a few days and see how she reacts. I would assume with her current height and development rate it won’t be long before you can turn it up again after that. And once you get it turned up to 75 or 80% you don’t really need to turn it up anymore. The difference between running at 80% or 100% is negligible to the plant but it is noticeable on your electricity bill : )
Keep it up!

Personally starting a new Auto grow of Bruce Banners in the next few weeks and I cannot wait! My current grow is a photo plant which looks like it’s going to do all right but for me the simplicity of Auto’s is my game. Especially in a tent.
Thank you! I like the simplicity as well even if the learning curve seems a little higher due to the feints autos seem to throw out there. I gave her a couple liters two days ago so she's still working on that, probably around the weekend I'll give her a good drench. Even if I'm pushing a bunch of buttons on this plant it's very useful to actually see in action what happens when variables change, I just internalize it a lot better that way. That seems to be the way these plants like to be raised, by giving them attention on their terms (a lot like me lmao).
a bit of water for the top roots, and moved the LST up a bit (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。now to let her be for a few days I reckon


She got watered more heavily yesterday :> she was drooping a fair deal after that until today, so it seems I went overboard, but it wasn't even 3 liters either and the bag was bone dry, so my guess is the soil drainage isn't so good. I didn't really mix it well I think, or with enough perlite, so it's not a huge surprise. I'll just adjust for the conditions moving into flower, which the first few pistils are coming along to indicate is coming soon. She's still pushing up and out too, so I'll wait and see (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。



She got watered more heavily yesterday :> she was drooping a fair deal after that until today, so it seems I went overboard, but it wasn't even 3 liters either and the bag was bone dry, so my guess is the soil drainage isn't so good. I didn't really mix it well I think, or with enough perlite, so it's not a huge surprise. I'll just adjust for the conditions moving into flower, which the first few pistils are coming along to indicate is coming soon. She's still pushing up and out too, so I'll wait and see (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。



Very nice
She's goin'! I top dressed with GeoFlora Bloom and gave her a trickle to let some of that good stuff in (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。this is day... 36 I believe. She went in the ground on 5/30. Feels like it's been a year and it's only been 5 weeks and a day lol. Go green crack baby go! She's 16 inches tall at the tip top, it's wild to think this was a seed a month ago. Plants are cool 😎 she's got a good number of bud sites from what I can see, and I'm not picky about presentation, just oil (I use concentrate/edibles exclusively) so it's all good stuff (⁠☞゚⁠∀゚⁠)⁠☞

I like the auto, it has an attitude. It's gonna do what it's gonna do and if you're along for the ride you'll like it, you just can't steer. It's a lot like me, really. I think working with these plants will teach me a lot about myself, somehow.


Blooming ୧⁠(⁠^⁠ ⁠〰⁠ ⁠^⁠)⁠୨ LST to even things out, lights tweaked, watered fully yesterday. She droops for a while when I do that so far, I think the soil just has bad drainage and I'll be addressing that on the next run. It's 2 liters in a 5 gallon pot so I don't think I'm giving too much strictly speaking, at least not for the container size. I'm taking notes 🗒️🎶




Blooming ୧⁠(⁠^⁠ ⁠〰⁠ ⁠^⁠)⁠୨ LST to even things out, lights tweaked, watered fully yesterday. She droops for a while when I do that so far, I think the soil just has bad drainage and I'll be addressing that on the next run. It's 2 liters in a 5 gallon pot so I don't think I'm giving too much strictly speaking, at least not for the container size. I'm taking notes 🗒️🎶




Looks really great
Baby blooming update (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。there's some yellowing that I don't think is light related this time, some kind of deficiency? Not sure yet. Basically just picking up the pot to see when she wants water, which is increasingly frequent that I can tell. Won't be too much longer I imagine (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡


More blooming ✧⁠\⁠(⁠>⁠o⁠<⁠)⁠ノ⁠✧ Today is day 45 since seed to ground. She's been fed, and I believe the yellowing is receding. Just continuing to keep a close eye on things, mostly so I can record what happens when variables change. I feel like better draining soil will make this a lot easier next go round lol. I figure using a bunch of perlite and using the drip trays to allow reuptake of the easier flowing runoff. I'm growing organic, dirt + GeoFlora seems like a good simple combo for my goldfish brain, few or no worries about pH or excess salt in the runoff. DLI is 38-40 across the canopy, and added a little bit of Veg with the bloom to see if we can't get that deficiency dealt with. Or cause a new problem, who knows. It'll be fun to figure out :>





Well, we have prominent damaged spots on some leaves, but it's kind of haphazardly placed, leaving me thinking that it's damage that existed long before now but was hidden by lighter leaf color. Continuing to internalize the lessons about water, and soil drainage especially, by seeing these things unfold. Otherwise looks pretty good I think? (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。




I thought leaves sometimes do that shit during flower. Something about the flower grabbing for more to keep the flower strong. Or something like that. In any event they still look good.
Yeah! I've read that too, but I think that's different than what this looks like. The plant eating from its leaves looking more like it's drawing out all the green slowly, not the mottled random spots. Either way I'm not terribly concerned as things overall look nice and the spaces between the spots look healthy! 😜 Honestly I'll probably do my best to give this root ball a dissection after all is said and done to see what's been going on down there all this time. Seems like a very good way to confirm or deny suspicions about my Schrodinger's Weed here hahaha
Growth (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。



I love the fuzzy hats.
Incredible photography my friend, well done.
Everything is looking healthy.
Keep up the good work.
Take care.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Pretty pictures, nice work
Those Green Crack buds are going to swell up big time, might be time to crank your fan up
GC is in my top 5
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