SubCool Supersoil In SIPs With EWC, CBD Autos For Aspergers


Well-Known Member
Hi all from the indoor LED grow in the Andean highlands!
We have subcool supersoil in 5G SIP (so maybe 3.5G soil and an EWC frosting.
And then there's may be a solo cups worth of soil in the center for the seed.
I got the new indoor grow room outfitted and I like it much better. I need to hang two or three more lights once I'm done moving things in.
Here is the new room if it will let me post pictures from my tablet:

I wanted to go with the sub cool super soil because I've got access to the components here, and it's seems like the cheapest and least work from here if you have all the room to mix all the stuff and let it cook for a while (which not everyone does, but thankfully I am presently blessed with). But my landlady wants to sell the house, so I want to grow as much as I can, and put as much as I can into cob in case space becomes an issue later (which is a real possibility). I have maybe one more month to go and then I can test cob, and I've got plenty to last until then, so I want to grow the next crop now. And then we have to see if CBD survives the fermentation.
I will have to adjust the lighting later but they should get me started. I've got a little bit of Dino MYCO left and I'm going to use that up, and then they have some local MYCO that was like 9-10 times cheaper than shipping Dyno Myco! I do not know if it is any good, we're going to try and pray for the best, because that is what I can afford.
The plan from there is just to give it a molasses drink once a week with some recharge, and add supplements for any deficiencies, but it is fresh roots organic soil as the base, and then original subcool. I understand the new formulas are hypothetically better, but I need to use up what I have first before I get into sourcing something else.
I am trying for a drama free grow. I think just pouring molasses and recharge over super soil and adding supplementals should be pretty good. Should be pretty drama free. At least I'm hoping.
For full disclosure I added a little extra kelp, but other than that is the same.

For full disclosure, this is the control group in the original original standard subcool plus a bit of kelp. That's the control.
there will be a variant super soil that I will explain when we get to it. I'm kind of thinking just to get as good as grow as I can, but I'm establishing a range of what works and what does not work for reconditioning super soil. Because after I get these plants started, I'm going to need to recondition soil. Right now I have to do a little bit of hoop jumping to get enough space to get all the buckets and containers and everything to match up, so I will probably be planting in stages or waves Which will serve just fine.
I only have two hours left and I would like to get some bucket soaking so I can plant seeds a day or two later. So I'm going to use up the rest of the Dyno Myco and stuff is going to change from batch to batch but that is what we got. For full disclosure I am not sure where I put the dino myco replacement, I know it is here, I will have to deal with that later. Right now I just want to get some seeds popped and starting to grow, because it has been too long! And this way we can make stuff go into the cob in stages, more of a continual process maybe not sure yet. cold here.
It feels good to start the lights in the house again to get some real house heat!
Sorry for the voice dictation and any mistakes. We have big cutbacks here so I have to do almost double duty but we will make it. Now I get to see if it will let me post the picture from my tablet
This is original recipe sub cool super soil with the roots organic, plus a start lowing per amount of polite, and earthworm castings, and genuine "" DynoMyco. I am just guessing I will like this stuff best, but at 10 times the cost difference, I will have to accept a lower standard. No money no time right now, so, run run run!
🏃 Haha, good exercise.


For full disclosure, I have a big trash can and some of this original Subcools in Roots. When this is gone, then I've got some experimental stuff so we will do it that way. I think it's a little hot but maybe 15% hot so it should be good. Because it is plants.
I've got some rice holes in the other mix but I'm cooking the rice hulls in when I make them mix just to kill anything that might be living on the hulls.
Right now I'm just adding per light. I was thinking with a little bit hotter mix I could add more per light and then still have enough food. Because the old recipes were saying 20% per light, but in an SIP you need more per light or aeration I think. so I thought maybe to try with a little hotter soil and see what happens. Haha, 🤣 I hope and pray it works!
I hope the plants do not show burn. So far they have shown only deficiencies, mostly nitrogen. So that's part of what I tried to correct in the new soils. But I digress. Right now I must mix soil
my thought in making the soil hot is that I think people are saying that you want more aeration for SIP.

I thought, if you want more aeration, then is it wrong to make the soil a little hotter? So I made it maybe 15% hotter, to compensate for the extra aeration. I am not sure if that was right or wrong, but that was my thinking. I think ideally I would go to a larger SIP, but these autos are not bigger than the photos that I used to grow from five and 7 gallon fabric pots. I think it's more like I'm guessing 3.5 L of soil or whatever it seemed pretty good so far for autos, except usually it needed some more N. so I went a little heavy on the bloodmeal. Not too much but I am always adding lots of N...

Eyeballing 8% some kind of bio char. EDIT it's a bunch of cheap local charcoal made for biochar or for a charcoal grill old style. It seems pretty good. Pretty porous. Probably not the best there is but this is what's cheap locally, and that is what they do here.
anyway, I'm trying to put about 8% in there. Everything is get done because I'm sure the plant is going to sort it out.
I hope this informal posting style is OK, because I'm trying to get as many buckets built as I can, to get er going...
Hey @Azimuth, thanks.
Hey @CBDMed , congrats on the new journal.

A reminder to be sure to charge your char before you use it. I know you know that but thought I'd mention it to be sure.

Yes, thanks. It has been sitting in EWC for several months, so I hope it should be good and charged by now.
I am still not super clear why EWC in charcoal is better than straight EWC, but I am sure there is some science to it.

Good to hear from Azi, Shed, and @cbdhemp808 (on the other thread).
I was super stoked to plant 4 beans tonight.
I think Keffka said not to soak them, so I thought I would just put them in the SIP soil, and mist. It has been soaking for a day, and it soaked about 1" of liquid I had to replace. It has much more to soak, but I figured I could wet the top soil with a mister filled with BTI water mixed with Orca liquid myco.
The planting dirt is Roots Organic. I hope that is not too hot. (I have planting mix, but it is easier to use Roots.)

The seeds are 00 Seeds (bought from a sponsor) Afghan Mass XXL.
They got pretty big the last time I grew them, and I do not know what to say about them. They just have a nice citrusy and hash, earthy kind of flavor (I may not have all of my terms right).
It is only 3% CBD. In a perfect world (which does not exist) I would want at least 5%, or ideally 1:1 or better, but for some reason, this little 3% seems to hit things just right, and I find myself reaching for it often. (Maybe because it is a sativa??)

I was rooting through my seed stash, and I discovered I still have 5 Delicious Seeds Delicious Candy (originally Delicious Cheese), and I was very happy about that. They are a winner 1:1 (I think) with a good cheese flavor, good vapor, good yield, a little sticky, etc. I would definitely buy it again, except I think after I run out all of my autos I may go photos (and I already have them in photo regulars, so we will see what I do).

I should be able to test the cob ferment in another month or so. If the CBD seems to have survived (to my uncalibrated palate) then we can put 95% of it into the cob (if it is easier on the lungs).
And if the CBD does NOT survive the cob, we can still find a way to press it out and make resin capsules, or go some other way.
We should know in about another month.
I am on a sprint for 3-4 days, but after that I hope I should be able to build some more buckets. (But we will see what I do.)

I would send a picture but the internet is acting up. I built the SIPs the same way as the ones I tried on the roof.
I have it packed with original Subcool Supersoil as a control group, with additional stashes of DynoMyco to help roots along.
I did NOT put any extra spikes, layers, or dollops of fertilizer in the SIP (because I think that is why the two Crack CBD (CBD 1:1) did not get big, is they were the two dollop test buckets.
I put a Solo cup's worth of Roots Organic soil for the seed to start in, and then put a 1" ring of EWC sloping slightly away from the center. (Ultimately that gets lost over repeated waterings, but it seems to help to start with, to coax roots outward.)

Oh here, the photo did send.
The water has not wicked its way to within 1" of the top yet, but I figured I could go ahead if I pre-wet the planting soil with a sprayer, and then I keep it moist with BTI and Orca Myco water.
Probably I will spray it often for about a day or two (to get it wet), and then when I sense moisture about 1" below the surface (which I expect to happen by tomorrow or at the latest the next day), then dial the spraying wayyyy back, and just barely keep it damp until I see coties.
And then when I see coties, then it is Dr. Bronner's once a week, molasses and recharge once a week.
At least, that is the plan. Now we can see what happens in real life 😅
I just planted seeds, and the little microorganisms are just starting to wake up!
I am already excited to put this sativa with mild CBD into the cob!
It feels good to be growing again!!

These are both big girls, so I probably have space for maybe 7-8 more buckets, to give them plenty of grow room and light.
Happy happy, happy!
It's a small cannabis world.:) It turns out that Afghan Mass is based on Critical Mass, and Sugar Black Rose is Critical Mass x Black Domina. Sugar Black Rose, sativa pheno, is one of the sativas that I was considering lately, because it's terpinolene-dominant. But I decided on the Slymer pheno of Subcool's Chernobyl instead, which is also terpinolene-dominant.

I'm looking forward to seeing your grow develop! good luck!
It's a small cannabis world.:) It turns out that Afghan Mass is based on Critical Mass, and Sugar Black Rose is Critical Mass x Black Domina. Sugar Black Rose, sativa pheno, is one of the sativas that I was considering lately, because it's terpinolene-dominant. But I decided on the Slymer pheno of Subcool's Chernobyl instead, which is also terpinolene-dominant.

I'm looking forward to seeing your grow develop! good luck!

808, thanks.
Is it terpinolene specifically?
Or is it generally a high concentration of terpenes (i.e., strong flavors) that makes for mold and rot resistance?
(Is it specific terpenes? Or just a high concentration of terpenes / strong flavors? Just trying to understand.)
808, thanks.
Is it terpinolene specifically?
Or is it generally a high concentration of terpenes (i.e., strong flavors) that makes for mold and rot resistance?
(Is it specific terpenes? Or just a high concentration of terpenes / strong flavors? Just trying to understand.)
Good question! answered HERE.
It is only 3% CBD. In a perfect world (which does not exist) I would want at least 5%, or ideally 1:1 or better, but for some reason, this little 3% seems to hit things just right, and I find myself reaching for it often. (Maybe because it is a sativa??)
That probably has more to do with terpines than the cbd or thc levels. If you found a strain that really fills the bill for you, figure out what the dominant terpines are and look for other strains with similar. You may find a variety of different ones that help even at various levels of the major cannabinoids.

The water has not wicked its way to within 1" of the top yet, but I figured I could go ahead if I pre-wet the planting soil with a sprayer, and then I keep it moist with BTI and Orca Myco water.

Probably I will spray it often for about a day or two (to get it wet), and then when I sense moisture about 1" below the surface (which I expect to happen by tomorrow or at the latest the next day), then dial the spraying wayyyy back, and just barely keep it damp until I see coties.
And then when I see coties, then it is Dr. Bronner's once a week, molasses and recharge once a week.
We seem to be discovering that organic SIPs run best with a periodic top watering.

I got very robust and big plants without it but the brix levels were actually quite low suggesting not all that healthy plants. I'm going to start top watering weekly when I do my top dressing.
That probably has more to do with terpines than the cbd or thc levels. If you found a strain that really fills the bill for you, figure out what the dominant terpines are and look for other strains with similar. You may find a variety of different ones that help even at various levels of the major cannabinoids.
Hmmm... I must be missing something. If I had to put together a list of "fave rave" strains that I would gladly drop coin for again based on MEDICAL EFFECTS, these come to mind (not necessarily in any particular order):
God Bud (and I am very much looking forward to CBD God!)
Pie Face
Harlequin (CBD)
Harle-Tsu (CBD)
NYC Diesel (I might look for a CBD version)
CBD 1:1 (CBD Crack)
CBD Northern Lights
BlueBerry Crystal (5% CBD, I think it has some haze--it was very strong)
Delicious Cheese (Delicious Candy)
Afghan Mass XXL
(And for all-THC medicinal, maybe White Rhino.)
And probably I am forgetting at least one thing.
For flavor only, Sugar Black Rose and Black Russian were great (and I would be happy to find CBD versions of those).
And there are a zillion strains I have not yet tried! (And more all the time!!)
To me that seems like a super eclectic list, but maybe you can identify some common threads?

I love indica CBD, but I am also hoping for some more Sativa CBD in my life.
I would grow Harlequin again here, but they say it has poor mold or bud rot resistance.

We seem to be discovering that organic SIPs run best with a periodic top watering.
Hmmm.... it makes sense. Even in dry areas, you would expect to get rain once a week.
Emmie told me to put molasses and recharge (microbes) over it once a week. I think @Bill284 and many others said that also.

I got very robust and big plants without it but the brix levels were actually quite low suggesting not all that healthy plants. I'm going to start top watering weekly when I do my top dressing.

Sorry, what is BRIX levels?
Hmmm... I must be missing something. If I had to put together a list of "fave rave" strains that I would gladly drop coin for again based on MEDICAL EFFECTS, these come to mind (not necessarily in any particular order):
God Bud (and I am very much looking forward to CBD God!)
Pie Face
Harlequin (CBD)
Harle-Tsu (CBD)
NYC Diesel (I might look for a CBD version)
CBD 1:1 (CBD Crack)
CBD Northern Lights
BlueBerry Crystal (5% CBD, I think it has some haze--it was very strong)
Delicious Cheese (Delicious Candy)
Afghan Mass XXL
(And for all-THC medicinal, maybe White Rhino.)
And probably I am forgetting at least one thing.
For flavor only, Sugar Black Rose and Black Russian were great (and I would be happy to find CBD versions of those).
And there are a zillion strains I have not yet tried! (And more all the time!!)
To me that seems like a super eclectic list, but maybe you can identify some common threads?

Hahaha, I never met a cannabis plant that I did not like :)
I love indica CBD, but I am also hoping for some more Sativa CBD in my life.
Have a look at ACDC. That a sativa leaning strain. Also, Charlotte's Web I think also.

Sorry, what is BRIX levels?
It's a measure of sugars in the plant tissue. Higher levels indicate healthier plants with more bug resistance since bugs can't digest higher sugar levels and they either leave the plants alone or die from feeding on them.
It is only 3% CBD. In a perfect world (which does not exist) I would want at least 5%, or ideally 1:1 or better, but for some reason, this little 3% seems to hit things just right, and I find myself reaching for it often. (Maybe because it is a sativa??)
That probably has more to do with terpines than the cbd or thc levels. If you found a strain that really fills the bill for you, figure out what the dominant terpines are and look for other strains with similar. You may find a variety of different ones that help even at various levels of the major cannabinoids.
I think I've said this before, but I'll say it again... I think it's way better to grow a pure CBD strain -and- a THC strain, and then grind your buds and mix in whatever ratio is best for you. This takes care of the CBD and THC that you're consuming, while the terpenes are a different issue. If you are consuming CBD itself for the medicinal benefits, then this is definitely the way to go. One primary reason: you're going to get way more CBD from pure CBD strains. I've got two going right now, my CBD #1, #9, and #18 phenos of Cherry Blossom, all are 10% CBD; and Sweet Critical CBD, 15% CBD. I mentioned before that I grew a sativa-dominant CBD, Seedsman 30:1, and it came in around 12% CBD (I think), but unfortunately had a lot of powdery mildew. In a 10 gal. pot, it could have done better. But anyway, there are many pure CBDs to choose from, and many above 10% CBD.

If you are seeking both indica and sativa effects, then I'd say grow a sativa-dominant THC plant, and an indica-dominant THC plant. (Meaning type 1 plants - high THC, very low CBD). In other words, you can get your effects from the THC plants, not the CBD plant(s).

If you are seeking mold/fungus resistance for both CBD and THC plants, then yes, look at the terpene profiles of the phenotypes. And again, BIG important point here... virtually all seed these days are for sativa/indica hybrids, and those will produce 2 or more phenos. These phenos could be either sativa-dominant/leaning or indica-dominant/leaning, and in my mind, there is a direct correlation to the terpene profiles.

If you try to combine everything into one plant – i.e. sativa/indica effects, CBD, THC, flavor, and mold/fungus resistance – that's going to be a very challenging task. Well, impossible actually, if you sometimes want sativa effects, and sometimes want indica effects. I mean, generally speaking, indica is associated with a relaxing body high, while sativa is associated with a more mental, energizing high. You can of course arrive at combinations of those two types of highs, but for me, personally, I like to separate the two. Another important factor: the amount of CBD you are consuming in combination with THC will moderate the psychoactive effects of the THC, so having the two buds separate allows you to fine-tune the type of high you are getting.
Hmmm... I must be missing something. If I had to put together a list of "fave rave" strains that I would gladly drop coin for again based on MEDICAL EFFECTS, these come to mind (not necessarily in any particular order):
God Bud (and I am very much looking forward to CBD God!)
Pie Face
Harlequin (CBD)
Harle-Tsu (CBD)
NYC Diesel (I might look for a CBD version)
CBD 1:1 (CBD Crack)
CBD Northern Lights
BlueBerry Crystal (5% CBD, I think it has some haze--it was very strong)
Delicious Cheese (Delicious Candy)
Afghan Mass XXL
(And for all-THC medicinal, maybe White Rhino.)
And probably I am forgetting at least one thing.
For flavor only, Sugar Black Rose and Black Russian were great (and I would be happy to find CBD versions of those).
And there are a zillion strains I have not yet tried! (And more all the time!!)
To me that seems like a super eclectic list, but maybe you can identify some common threads?

I love indica CBD, but I am also hoping for some more Sativa CBD in my life.
I would grow Harlequin again here, but they say it has poor mold or bud rot resistance.

Hmmm.... it makes sense. Even in dry areas, you would expect to get rain once a week.
Emmie told me to put molasses and recharge (microbes) over it once a week. I think @Bill284 and many others said that also.

Sorry, what is BRIX levels?
Bokashi & Frass is what I top dress with.
But I don't run a sip , so no experience there.
I know in coco it's fantastic.
High Brix is a good method though.
Really helps my girls.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Bokashi & Frass is what I top dress with.
But I don't run a sip , so no experience there.
I know in coco it's fantastic.
High Brix is a good method though.
Really helps my girls.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thanks, Bill!
I tried to source Bokashi and Frass, but it was another expensive ship-in, and they do not make a local equivalent.
I tried to cut up an apple and let the flies eat it, but it was a bad idea 🪰🪰🪰
It sounds like trying to recreate the best of the natural ecosystem.
How do I give the girls High Brix?
Have a look at ACDC. That a sativa leaning strain.
Hahaha, thanks. 😂
I guess I will have to refine my statement: I was not crazy about the flavor of ACDC. 😂

Also, Charlotte's Web I think also.
CW is sativa?? I think I have some seeds. I got Pink Kush and I think Charlotte's Web in autos, just to try all of the Chemotype (CT) 3 seeds.
In Photos I have some other stuff, but we are not to photos yet. (We are still on autos for this grow, because it is cold and I want the house heat.)
It's a measure of sugars in the plant tissue. Higher levels indicate healthier plants with more bug resistance since bugs can't digest higher sugar levels and they either leave the plants alone or die from feeding on them.

Way coolness.
How do I give my girlies High Brix?
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