Strange problem with edibles

Soooo, little problem.
I've been vaping the Do si dos from this past winter. It is definitely the strongest weed I've ever grown, and is up there among the strongest I've ever had.
I used the instant pot method to infuse some coconut oil, and made my usual gummy recipe.
They're weak!
This has me thinking I should re-infuse the oil with another 10g or something.
Has anyone else had this happen? A strain that's really strong when smoked or vaped, but makes weak edibles?
Ive never used a insta pot before. Did you decarb for 20 minutes or so first?
I decarb in the oven and then toss it in my sauce pan on the stove top for couple hours on low with coconut oil.
Hey Sparkey!
With the instant pot method you grind the weed and put it, lecithin, and the oil to be infused in a metal bowl covered with tinfoil. You add enough water to the pot to just cover the trivet that comes with the pot, then set the pot to 1 hour and 50 minutes at high pressure and high heat. After the first session you wait 8 hours, or overnight, then run it again. After the second session you strain and store it as usual.
You don't need to decarb it beforehand, it does it in the oil. Keeps the terps in there, and doesn't stink up the house.
I used this method with 3 runs of oil, 2 of butter, and 2 of vegetable glycerin so far, and all of them worked really well, so I don't really know why this one isn't working.
Maybe @HashGirl can offer input here. She double infuses sunflower oil. :)
Thanks LC! I've double infused coconut oil before after screwing up the measurements. I know it works, I'm just not sure why this batch didn't work out.

I know some people have trouble getting high from edibles, but I've always had a low tolerance for them. I was thinking there might be something about the cannabinoid profile that made edibles less effective or something.
Sounds kind of stupid now that I write it out, lol!
I used the instant pot method to infuse some coconut oil, and made my usual gummy recipe.
They're weak!

would have to know the amounts used. first guess is it was not enough.

This has me thinking I should re-infuse the oil with another 10g or something.
Has anyone else had this happen? A strain that's really strong when smoked or vaped, but makes weak edibles?

adding won't help if you cooked what was in there.

Hey Sparkey!
With the instant pot method you grind the weed and put it, lecithin, and the oil to be infused in a metal bowl covered with tinfoil.

don't infuse or heat the lecithin. add it after. heated lecithin changes it's structure. frankly it's not necessary at all if you have decent weed and processed it correct. i never use it and i do a pile of infusions.

Thanks LC! I've double infused coconut oil before after screwing up the measurements. I know it works, I'm just not sure why this batch didn't work out.

i often do a double cook with an 8hr cool down period between. if you don't have enough bud it won't make up for it though.

I know some people have trouble getting high from edibles, but I've always had a low tolerance for them. I was thinking there might be something about the cannabinoid profile that made edibles less effective or something.
Sounds kind of stupid now that I write it out, lol!

it is a completely different effect. a lot of folk can't tell if it's hitting. i can eat a pile of edibles but they won't do much if i don't smoke at least a little.
i often do a double cook with an 8hr cool down period between. if you don't have enough bud it won't make up for it though.

it is a completely different effect. a lot of folk can't tell if it's hitting. i can eat a pile of edibles but they won't do much if i don't smoke at least a little.
Same here, I have to give my edibles to someone else to know how they work, they barely do anything to me. Mom is the lab rat for my oil 😂

I agree with your lecithin info. Should be added after if you even really need it at all.

And I understand the instapot claims it decarbs during the process. I would personally still Decarb in the oven first.

I recently took CapJunky and only used frosty trim, no buds, a little over an ounce. Decarbed and stunk up the house. Used the MB machine but had no lecithin to use at the end.
Some of the strongest oil I’ve ever made, lost no flavor or terps.
would have to know the amounts used. first guess is it was not enough.
30g of weed to 500ml oil, as per usual.
adding won't help if you cooked what was in there.
Do you mean overcooking the THC into CBN? It doesn't seem to have much effect at all, even making me drowsy.
don't infuse or heat the lecithin. add it after. heated lecithin changes it's structure. frankly it's not necessary at all if you have decent weed and processed it correct. i never use it and i do a pile of infusions.
Ahh. I didn't know that. The recipes I had for infusing oil all added lecithin before extraction, as well as before making the gummies to prevent separation.
it is a completely different effect. a lot of folk can't tell if it's hitting. i can eat a pile of edibles but they won't do much if i don't smoke at least a little.
Yeah, but I think part of it has to do with how it's processed by the liver, and medication history.
I've noticed a lot more women seem to have problems getting high from edibles, and people who have been on some meds like antidepressants.
Same here, I have to give my edibles to someone else to know how they work, they barely do anything to me. Mom is the lab rat for my oil 😂

I agree with your lecithin info. Should be added after if you even really need it at all.

And I understand the instapot claims it decarbs during the process. I would personally still Decarb in the oven first.

I recently took CapJunky and only used frosty trim, no buds, a little over an ounce. Decarbed and stunk up the house. Used the MB machine but had no lecithin to use at the end.
Some of the strongest oil I’ve ever made, lost no flavor or terps.
Hmm. If I'm going to be decarbing anyway, I might as well use my MB machine. It takes up less counter space.
I really haven't noticed a difference in strength of oil made from the same strain in the MB or the instant pot. As far as I can tell it decarbs just as well in there as the oven, but I guess I can try it in there to see if it changes anything.
The only thing the lecithin does for me is preventing the oil from separating out from the gummies before they set in the fridge. I use powdered sunflower lecithin, as I couldn't find the liquid ( it wasn't anywhere near the powder, it was in the supplement section :rolleyes:). It doesn't dissolve well when I make the gummies, but it does in the oil.
I've been making these gummies for years now, and this is my first batch of duds.
And I understand the instapot claims it decarbs during the process. I would personally still Decarb in the oven first.

it's completely unnecessary if you follow the process.

decarbing ahead of time will even reduce potency with the instant pot.

30g of weed to 500ml oil, as per usual.

there's an issue. not enough oil. the base recipe is scaled to 8g for every 250ml of oil. if you don't have enough oil the trichomes won't migrate into it.

Yeah, but I think part of it has to do with how it's processed by the liver, and medication history.
I've noticed a lot more women seem to have problems getting high from edibles, and people who have been on some meds like antidepressants.

edible experiences are tied to each individuals' physical attributes
Hmm. If I'm going to be decarbing anyway, I might as well use my MB machine. It takes up less counter space.
I really haven't noticed a difference in strength of oil made from the same strain in the MB or the instant pot. As far as I can tell it decarbs just as well in there as the oven, but I guess I can try it in there to see if it changes anything.
The only thing the lecithin does for me is preventing the oil from separating out from the gummies before they set in the fridge. I use powdered sunflower lecithin, as I couldn't find the liquid ( it wasn't anywhere near the powder, it was in the supplement section :rolleyes:). It doesn't dissolve well when I make the gummies, but it does in the oil.
I've been making these gummies for years now, and this is my first batch of duds.
I understand, I have made batches of duds a few times (duds for me at least) over the years. The MB helps me do it a little less.

We are our biggest critics ;)
there's an issue. not enough oil. the base recipe is scaled to 8g for every 250ml of oil. if you don't have enough oil the trichomes won't migrate into it.
Really? Every batch I've made for years has been this ratio except for a couple of extra strength batches I've made for my sister, which were both much stronger than my usual oil.
I thought 14-15g per cup of oil was standard?
I understand, I have made batches of duds a few times (duds for me at least) over the years. The MB helps me do it a little less.

We are our biggest critics ;)
I'll make a batch in the MB, see what happens.

Thanks for the input everyone!
We are our biggest critics

honestly our tolerances are set far higher than most folk. normally if i give an edible to one of my friends i have to peel them off the ceiling in an hour.

i'm left wondering what happened lol

Really? Every batch I've made for years has been this ratio except for a couple of extra strength batches I've made for my sister, which were both much stronger than my usual oil.
I thought 14-15g per cup of oil was standard?

i'm thinking that's more for an MB machine. they are a bit wasteful.

original instant pot method calls for 16g bud in 2 cups of oil. i just transposed it over to metric, and changed it slightly. the ratios are important.

i have slightly different approach when infusing vegetable glycerine.
honestly our tolerances are set far higher than most folk. normally if i give an edible to one of my friends i have to peel them off the ceiling in an hour.

i'm left wondering what happened lol

i'm thinking that's more for an MB machine. they are a bit wasteful.

original instant pot method calls for 16g bud in 2 cups of oil. i just transposed it over to metric, and changed it slightly. the ratios are important.

i have slightly different approach when infusing vegetable glycerine.
I use 28-30g in 2 cups oil. Maybe too much lol

And yes, most people have to be peeled off the floor. My neighbors split one tiny edible between 4 people and say it worked great 😂

I add my sunflower lecithin as the oil is cooling at the very end.
While I don’t really notice any texture/separation differences, it was explained to me how it binds to the THC molecules and actually helps deliver it faster/more efficiently when ingested.
How long does it usually take for you to notice effects from your gummies or edibles?
I've had some strains in the past take over 2 hours before I felt it in full. I didn't do any vaping or smoking while I waited for the effects, so that I would know how potent it was.
I usually start to feel the first effects in about 35-40 minutes. I've always been fast like that, even shrooms and my brief experimentation with LSD took effect before my friends doses.
Downside is things tend to wear off faster too. Edibles tend to wear out after about 4-6 hours.
i'm thinking that's more for an MB machine. they are a bit wasteful.

original instant pot method calls for 16g bud in 2 cups of oil. i just transposed it over to metric, and changed it slightly. the ratios are important.

i have slightly different approach when infusing vegetable glycerine.
Hmm. I wonder why my other instant pot batches worked out then?
I use 28-30g in 2 cups oil. Maybe too much lol

And yes, most people have to be peeled off the floor. My neighbors split one tiny edible between 4 people and say it worked great 😂

I add my sunflower lecithin as the oil is cooling at the very end.
While I don’t really notice any texture/separation differences, it was explained to me how it binds to the THC molecules and actually helps deliver it faster/more efficiently when ingested.
That's how much I always used.
I figured out that at that strength 1.5ml of coconut oil under the tongue woks as a sublingual as well, although it's a bit slower to absorb than vg or alcohol based infusions.
I forgot the lecithin a few times when infusing whilst high, and the separation issue was the only difference I noticed.
I think I'll switch back to the MB, and try using the liquid lecithin for the gummies.
I didn't do any vaping or smoking while I waited for the effects, so that I would know how potent it was.
I forgot to mention, I don't vape within 2 or 3 hours of taking an edible, after an experience with a chamber of Ghost Train Haze followed by a couple of gummies.
I'll know when I've met my match if I tell her the story of that night and she sticks around.
Hello all I’ve been reading through these wonderful posts and do have a question regarding infusing coconut oil with an instant pot

1) I already decarbed Do I use slow cook or high pressure setting, and for how long?

Thanks in advance!

don't decarb the weed before. you'll simply reduce the potency. it decarbs during the process.
with fresh weed it's 1:50 on pressure cook at the highest setting.


now you've decarbed the weed it is mostly a guess. you could try it at the normal settings but i don't know if it will work.
Hmm. I wonder why my other instant pot batches worked out then?

it'll still work. you're just leaving some on the table as it won't all migrate. the 8g weed:250ml oil just peels everything out of the weed at that ratio.

it can still be more potent if you add more weed, but it might not all infuse.

the other reasoning behind the ratios is for a standardized approach to calculate potency for medical based product. i do a lot of med based things.
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