Well I made a new spot under the stairs as I needed to up-pot but 2 gallons did not fit on the counter spot, they are all in 2 gallons under the stairs for the next 2-3 weeks and growing nicely

Yeah, they will be in that lamp in no time. Very healthy ladies.
I hope one of you notice my persistent use of S hooks :rofl:

Yeah, they will be in that lamp in no time. Very healthy ladies.

If they do anything like the other clone a week of the 2 gallon and I won't recognize them
Actually it was a perfect fit it was crazy, except it was already utilized I had to move a bunch of stuff
Meh, who cares it’s just stuff lmao! That space now serves a much better purpose. :Rasta:
Well Monday is day one... + 7 weeks of flowering :ganjamon:
Blue Dream looks furthest along but is still half clear for trichomes but I think she might be done first, Afghan grows bud oddly it is all calyxs sorta and no leafs idk little different and she is in last place for orange hairs. Clones will get pulled out sometime tmmr to look and feel them so maybe get photos of them then.

Well Monday is day one... + 7 weeks of flowering :ganjamon:
Blue Dream looks furthest along but is still half clear for trichomes but I think she might be done first, Afghan grows bud oddly it is all calyxs sorta and no leafs idk little different and she is in last place for orange hairs. Clones will get pulled out sometime tmmr to look and feel them so maybe get photos of them then.

Those look amazing man. Nice job!
I am happy everyone is still a nice green it went well I just hope the 2 in hydro do a lot more swelling still
Curious... how big is your airport either liters per minute or gallons per hour
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