I was just curious
You may want a larger size air pump in the future. Mine pushes 10 times what yours does. To be clear yours pushes enough air. Mine is overkill for other benefits than disolved O2. Also, you may want to look into a nice big diffuser.

Lasts longer than a stone, some say the bubbles are finer. Just a thought
You may want a larger size air pump in the future. Mine pushes 10 times what yours does. To be clear yours pushes enough air. Mine is overkill for other benefits than disolved O2. Also, you may want to look into a nice big diffuser.

Lasts longer than a stone, some say the bubbles are finer. Just a thought
Your air line is nearly the size of my water intake lol I been trying to find a better air thing but as for the pump I don't want the big noisey things
Your air line is nearly the size of my water intake lol I been trying to find a better air thing but as for the pump I don't want the big noisey things
My airpump sounds like a lighy muffed wood chipper. I have a subfloor so its quite a bit louder than it should be, but I don't care. You can find a way to hang it from a string to do away with renegade vibrations
I sleep near mine that will never do lol, what is yours push?
Its an Airforce 80 linear. They don't make it anymore. I also have 2 back up pumps, Eco 5s incase my big one goes tits up
My airpump sounds like a lighy muffed wood chipper. I have a subfloor so its quite a bit louder than it should be, but I don't care. You can find a way to hang it from a string to do away with renegade vibrations
what if you put a foam under it?

@r0am1ng st0ner whats been up bud. That blue dream and afghan hash are looking amazing. I just flipped to flower few days a go. Can't wait for the buds to develop
what if you put a foam under it?

@r0am1ng st0ner whats been up bud. That blue dream and afghan hash are looking amazing. I just flipped to flower few days a go. Can't wait for the buds to develop
That could help. Just gotta make sure you aren't covering the intake. Hopefully it won't insulate the heat
what if you put a foam under it?

@r0am1ng st0ner whats been up bud. That blue dream and afghan hash are looking amazing. I just flipped to flower few days a go. Can't wait for the buds to develop
Not too much just busy as heck, flipping to flower is the best I already cannot wait to flip the clones and the tent is still full.
I think Blue dream is getting really close but I still see the occasional clear trichome and not really any amber but today is week 7 day 1.
i flipped to flower few days ago and signs of flower hairs are coming out. in total i took 15 clones from all three main clones i had.
Found a bag seed with really nice coloring 2 days ago and began a germination process for the fun of it. today we have a tap root! I will be giving it away I don't do regulars for now only fem seed
I will try get pictures later tonight but all of the plants are mainly cloudy trichomes and we are in the middle of week 7, should not be much longer then the clones will be in there. As I sorta expected the Afghan is foxtailing like crazy but I presume it is light stress related she did get too tall. The Blue Dream is starting to go purple but the pictures I take never really show it as well and she is the nicest plant so I am glad I cloned her, Wedding cake smells the best.
Uhm tent light is off but here is the new seed and clone pics. The seed will be short lived it won't be a addition to the journal just how I germinate and random pics till I gift it

- 24hr soak in shot glass with RO water in a dark warm spot
- pour the water and seed from shot glass into paper towel
- Shake off excess water and put in ziploc in warm place
- Plant when I see tiny tail poking out

This morning the seed was flat with the surface and surprisingly stripped of the seed shell super smooth and easily all on her own, I put her under the light instead of above it and already she is greening up. Hopefully a female for my friend as it is a strong bean for a rando I found on my rolling tray

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