Stonecrusher's Backyard Bonanza - Bringing Out The Big Pots!

Here's an update on all the growings on at my place.

The outdoor starts, ready to go in the pots. I am only going to choose 2 of these to put in the 30 gal pots.

Looks like 4/6 clones lived! That wasn't so hard.. Now what am I going to do with them? Im kind of running out of ideas and space.

The 3x3 Autoflower-SIP tent. Im concerned the temps are in the high 80s in there since it is in the garage.

Blue Dream Autoflower. It has been slow to set flowers, but it is in week 7 so Im trying to be patient.

The 2 new girls in SIPs still haven't even needed water in the res for weeks. They look great but geez when are they going to start drinking?
To me it's still a bit early to tell. I had a plant that looked just like that that I swore was male and it turned out to be female.

Those little flower clusters will have a bit of a stem to them if male, but nestle right in close to the trunk if female.

So, yes, I'm leaning male like you are but too soon to be definitive for me.

Here's a post from @Stunger with pics to help you practice.
It's too early to call IMO, Crusher. But it looks like you'll know soon!
To me it's still a bit early to tell. I had a plant that looked just like that that I swore was male and it turned out to be female.

Those little flower clusters will have a bit of a stem to them if male, but nestle right in close to the trunk if female.

So, yes, I'm leaning male like you are but too soon to be definitive for me.

Here's a post from @Stunger with pics to help you practice
Hi Az,
That is a great seires of posts from @Stunger. Maybe he can also take a look at my last pic and weigh in. I assumed the balls at the base of the structures indicated maleness. I guess Ill wait and keep posting as they develop. No chop today. I have a number of other regulars to watch right now and they all "look" male to me, but that could just be my lack of experience at identification. And it wouldn't make sense that all the plants are male.
I assumed the balls at the base of the structures indicated maleness.
The balls sitting on top of a small stick/post indicate maleness. But you'll have to let them develop a bit more. Plus, they're still growing with opposite, as opposed to alternate, nodes so not sexually mature yet.
Yeah I’d say 99.9% it’s male. Female sexual features don’t grow the same…that’s exactly how males start showing. Should be a pistil popping out of that by now if it was female

Hi Az,
That is a great seires of posts from @Stunger. Maybe he can also take a look at my last pic and weigh in. I assumed the balls at the base of the structures indicated maleness. I guess Ill wait and keep posting as they develop. No chop today. I have a number of other regulars to watch right now and they all "look" male to me, but that could just be my lack of experience at identification. And it wouldn't make sense that all the plants are male.
Sorry, that doesn't look like a female.
Here's one for the Sippers! If you have followed you know I built two largish SIPs for an outdoor grow at a friends backyard. I haven't been able to visit for a couple of weeks, even though he just lives down the street. I didn't know what to expect but I was so stoked when I finally got to see them.
My friend says he fills the res with about 2 gallons every 2 days on these, a little less on the smaller one.

They are thriving!! Tall and lush, especially the Afghan Super Skunk on the left.
The plant on the right is a regular of unknown origin. I hope I'm not wasting a good summer on it. Stay tuned and find out

Afghan Super Skunk
Good morning,
I finally got all the plants outdoors for the summer. I even pulled down one of the two tents in the garage and put it in storage until Fall. There have been a number of changes to the plan along the way, but I think I have everything in place for a couple of months at least and won't be starting anything new...unless..

On the right are my autoflowers, on the left photoperiods. The two smaller autos are really taking off and I'm finally filling their SIPs to runoff.

Up front are the 2 volunteers. Today I confirmed that they are male and pulled them down. They had popped some pollen sacs overnight. In their place I put a Chemdog 4 fem that I had standing by. Sorry I didn't document the male structures I was lazy.

This Autoflower is 9 weeks old and is a beautiful plant, but where are the budz? See next pic for detail.

The buds are there, but don't seem to be bulking up. It is growing lots of leaves though! Ill be interested to see if it is a late bloomer of if it has been a waste of resources. Either way, this was my first SIP plant and I learned a lot.
Are you planning to mulch the one in the ground?
I pulled the males out and dug the hole a little deeper, then I mixed the dirt from the hole with compost, Build A Soil Craft Blend, and worm castings before planting the Chemdog 4 fem.
I haven't mulched yet, but I think it sounds like a good idea. I should probably mulch the 30 gallon pots too. I really have no clue what would be the best mulch for this. Any suggestions?
The boneyard.
These girls are destined for the composter. I just have no place for them and they are strains I already have planted. They were backups and now have served their purpose.
But do I say goodbye?
I pulled the males out and dug the hole a little deeper, then I mixed the dirt from the hole with compost, Build A Soil Craft Blend, and worm castings before planting the Chemdog 4 fem.
I haven't mulched yet, but I think it sounds like a good idea. I should probably mulch the 30 gallon pots too. I really have no clue what would be the best mulch for this. Any suggestions?
For outdoor plants I mulch with a nice thick layer of compost covered by grass clippings. The grass clippings will fade to a light tan and help reflect light and heat keeping the mulch layer cooler and protecting the microbes from UV radiation.

Just don't use clippings from a lawn that's been sprayed with weed killer, obviously. And you can use them even without the compost layer if you don't have any. Just be sure to wet the ground before applying since the mulch since it will tend to lock in whatever environment you have before applying as it'll take an awful lot of rain to penetrate the mulch layer.
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