Sticky's Almost Perpetual Grow

If Weed gets legal in the USA I would bet the big cigarette corps will probably influence a lot of the processing.

IF they are smart, and they are - they will start with seeds and work their way down from there. Monsanto showed em how already.

GMO Canna anyone? You need this special grow media or they won't sprout! It's only $500 a gram.

A perfect reason to not tell the government you grow or smoke cannabis in the USA. Even if its legal.

Canada voted YAY on weed - YESSSSS :slide::yahoo::slide::cheer::surf:

I won't be reporting myself up there either. Thanks for the vote of confidence.
hey fish I may need some if you get enough to spread around I have some from the earlier grow but its 2 mos. old now so I don't no if its any good,thanks for the offer bud will see what you end up with,could you use a couple females lol I was planning on a couple of those would be male so I could cull one and have a little less in my yard but wo is me I guess ill just have to grow them lol,you have a good day fishman!:smokin2:
I think 70% may have been a bit dry, but I think you are going to wind up with some top shelf smoke for sure. I wonder if a longer ferment may help with the little drier bud going in?
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