Sticky's Almost Perpetual Grow

Though I fought it off for years, I eventually broke down and got myself a little binder of lined paper to keep critical notes with, especially all the hydro stuff. But I now use it to track my bloom cycles as juggling up to 9 will get very chaotic if I didn't write things down. So I record start dates, but I also count ahead 63 days from each start date to see when the window is. In hydro, I always seemed to be 7-10 days sooner than that 63 days, but in soil, I expect that might increase some, but whatever, 9 weeks is still a pretty good estimate.
I like to keep certain things written down to im not as detailed as you are lol not that theres anything wrong with that when you do a solid flip down to 12/12 or whatever your doing you have an exact time frame but the way I did it this time it was a slow gradual down to 11/13 they've been flowering about three weeks now the indicas not the two sativas there just starting anyway im thinking they'll be done some where around 6-7 weeks then the sativas are going to be a while maybe a mo. or more past the indicas your rite though it is nice to document each grow if you grow those again 2 years from now you wont be in the dark! :)
I like to keep certain things written down to im not as detailed as you are lol not that theres anything wrong with that when you do a solid flip down to 12/12 or whatever your doing you have an exact time frame but the way I did it this time it was a slow gradual down to 11/13 they've been flowering about three weeks now the indicas not the two sativas there just starting anyway im thinking they'll be done some where around 6-7 weeks then the sativas are going to be a while maybe a mo. or more past the indicas your rite though it is nice to document each grow if you grow those again 2 years from now you wont be in the dark! :)

my bad, I keep forgetting you taper down the lights. For me, it's either 17/7 or 12/12 due to my perpetual op, but you grow for what, 3/4 of the year? Do you do all of yours from seed? I wish I could do all mine from seed as growing from seed makes topping them a dream, but once they mature and the nodes alternate, topping becomes a lesson in futility.
So pretty! I have lost the darn trail for the Spinosad. I am on a trek through a rabbit hole... so tedious.

@Carmen Ray

Catching up but I thought I'd throw this one out at ya since I'm about ready to not be albe to type :passitleft:

Look for GF-120 - check your label for concentrations. Looks like they are zero day harvest with it. Meaning spray and harvest for h00h-man consumption in SA.

I try not to spray 1 week before harvest. My concetration could be higher. In the article they fighting fruit flies - meh.... I'd trade 1000 fruit flies for the first spider mite. lol

Here's how its being used in ZA

Spray and harvest - new zero day withholding period for GF-120 - Hortgro
@Carmen Ray

Catching up but I thought I'd throw this one out at ya since I'm about ready to not be albe to type :passitleft:

Look for GF-120 - check your label for concentrations. Looks like they are zero day harvest with it. Meaning spray and harvest for h00h-man consumption in SA.

I try not to spray 1 week before harvest. My concetration could be higher. In the article they fighting fruit flies - meh.... I'd trade 1000 fruit flies for the first spider mite. lol

Here's how its being used in ZA

Spray and harvest - new zero day withholding period for GF-120 - Hortgro
Thank you. I have found the product. I am not going to use it outdoors as it is toxic to bees. I am investigating pheromones, copper and ozone now.
Thank you. I have found the product. I am not going to use it outdoors as it is toxic to bees. I am investigating pheromones, copper and ozone now.

Just about everything you listed is more toxic to bees.

Here's the deal with spraying cannabis.

It's a self pollinator so bees don't seek it out.

Spray when bees are the least active - later in the day.

To kill bees it has to bee sprayed ON them and since they don't pollinate cannabis you won't be killing many bees. I like your attitude.

I cut grass and kill more bees with my tractor. Sorry sorry sorry.

Side note - I love bees. Even the stinging ones ffs. :passitleft:
Just about everything you listed is more toxic to bees.

Here's the deal with spraying cannabis.

It's a self pollinator so bees don't seek it out.

Spray when bees are the least active - later in the day.

To kill bees it has to bee sprayed ON them and since they don't pollinate cannabis you won't be killing many bees. I like your attitude.

I cut grass and kill more bees with my tractor. Sorry sorry sorry.

Side note - I love bees. Even the stinging ones ffs. :passitleft:
Thank you. I am no scientist. I will figure it out soon. I have to because my list of pests is increasing. I am fighting pm, blight, white fly and caterpillars at present and have seen rats running around.
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