Sticky's Almost Perpetual Grow

so I checked all the plants in the 5x5 and couldn't find anything but I went ahead with another spraying hopefully this will be the last spraying my fingers are crossed it sure would be nice to finish them out without any more bug bs going on I will like spray them again in a few days see how it goes I snapped a quick pic of the gr I have them all pushed to the side so I can get in there and spray the crap out of em lol! :laughtwo:
this atf has been all safe by itself in the 3x3 its clean and its in flower im going to get it out tonight and hit it with some of that pollen from the atf male get some seeds for the future!:)
that's it for today!:ganjamon:
I got some new digs and can type again, yay!! Sorry Dank, I definitely can't do heavy internet stuff on a phone. My eyes aint great and thumbs have bad aim. I finger peck at this keyboard, but at least I can use about 4 fingers pretty efficiently and can type pretty quick with them, but if I had to rely on just one thumb, I would likely not use the web for frustration, lol.
I got some new digs and can type again, yay!! Sorry Dank, I definitely can't do heavy internet stuff on a phone. My eyes aint great and thumbs have bad aim. I finger peck at this keyboard, but at least I can use about 4 fingers pretty efficiently and can type pretty quick with them, but if I had to rely on just one thumb, I would likely not use the web for frustration, lol.
Hey bro glad you are back :high-five:
I wonder what kind of wild shit he was doing in his off time :laughtwo: He probably printed a new keyboard :rofl:

Normally if the internet's down, I go into my designs folder and do some offline work, but not having a keyboard, this was not possible. All I was able to do was mouse around and open pages. My message I typed on my phone, screenshot it, then emailed it to my PC to post. My hat's off to you for doing all your 420 on your phone. I can't type well on phones and between the tiny keys and spell check, the phone finds my breaking point rather quickly. My world has been made right again, mom floated m e the $20 to get a new wireless keyboard/mouse from Wallys.
thats cool skyman your back just in time to check out some of this #1 ud I dug up some pics :) of this one was a real heavy stoner couch lock you toke some of this and your sitting there staring out the widow not moving lol not daytime i wasnt the greatest flavor but it was potent im still toking the squish from it rite before bed!

almost an og structure seems like!
Damn Sticky, that UD looked amazing!!! I see UD getting a lot of mention around the various journals, and for many years now. Is it a photo plant, or auto only? I think Woody does UD like once a year.
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