Hey doctors can fix anything nowadays...... even a damn clown But,,, it's always something to ponder anytime you get cut. As long as the doc sounds confident should be fine. It's when they say we can try this.. Nothing a big ass bacon sandwich won't fix? Huh? JK
Blood flow,,,, something I haven't seen in 10-12 years. Least the drawable kind.. Big part of the reason I don't take care of some of the problems I have like a failed hip is the fact they can't getting IV's in me.. I ain't got any blood..... I got one oilwell left and I try to guard it. For blood tests. When I do need a surgery they run a central line. Cut my neck open and run a hose to my heart. One day they going to have to place a port catheter in my neck. All my veins are shot to hell. Sure I know I did atad of damage,, but every time I get a IV started,, it's done.. Problems come from nerve damage 'mainly'.
You'll be ok Penny.. I got faith in ya......
Hope you don't get a nurse named Penny,,,least like this one Penny? Wow that Odd;;