Sticky's Almost Perpetual Grow

What would be a cheap older camera that would work well. I would like to keep on eye out for one. I don't want to take pics in your league, but do want to increase the quality of my pics.

hey bud I have the d3100!

If You're looking for lenses they typically have a nice selection of Nikon stuff. Last time I checked out the used stuff it was slim pickins for the canon stuff. B&H is good too and they're on the east coast. Samy's is great for all, they have Point and Shoot all the way up to the real big boy toys. You can spend a little or you can spend a lot, the choice is yours.
good morning all good peoples im watching trichs now these are just about finished its been an uphill battle to keep them healthy they are demanding but im just about to the end of them so what I have today is a bud pic from each plant then a close up of that bud so you can see what I see I like looking for amber this way those brown points stand rite out and when I see much more than a dozen its chop time regardless of how many clear ones there are I have to draw the line somewhere and that's how I like to do it ok enough bs lol!:)

Now this one is a looker :)
I pulled them out of tent and took some pics this morning. It was just with the phone on a tri-pod with a timer flash set to auto. The look better, in my RD thread.
Frosty and sticky AF buddy! looking good num nums.

Get the loppers out.

Hide em in the corner tho. Don't wanna scare anyone. lol

OH hey peoples that are using a computer with a mouse - you can hover on one of sticky's pics - right click to "view image" then click the "+" on the pic and get even closer. Can see what Sticky is looking at on his computer at the trichomes up close and personal like.
ok I decided to show you what I did to the #5 ud let me repeat (I DID THIS TO THIS PLANT) so anyway its not dead but its not really growing either ive been putting it outside on nice days and I bring it in at night still 30s at night anyway here she is any suggetions on what to do with this poor girl I added to much Epsom and this was the result I no shes flushed because I left her in the rain for 3 days so shes flushed!:(

all the new growth looks like this!
Ouch.... she's burnt to a crisp.

Not even sure a cut will grow but I'd definitely cut all the tops and clean up the leaves and stick em in some water do your cloning thing.

Could transplant into fresher soil without the Epsom Salts. She will come back around but gonna be a little while!
Ouch.... she's burnt to a crisp.

Not even sure a cut will grow but I'd definitely cut all the tops and clean up the leaves and stick em in some water do your cloning thing.

Could transplant into fresher soil without the Epsom Salts. She will come back around but gonna be a little while!
im thinking about trimming her down a bit and trying some fresh soil see what that does I really wasnt ready to be done with her what do you think about shaking the roots off and then into fresh soil!
Yeah that will likely work. Cannabis is pretty hardy. Take cuts and see if you can just clone her in case and all.

Always take cuts dont be that guy (like me) "I should have taken cuts". That plant is definitely worthy of extra work I think.
Yeah that will likely work. Cannabis is pretty hardy. Take cuts and see if you can just clone her in case and all.

Always take cuts dont be that guy (like me) "I should have taken cuts". That plant is definitely worthy of extra work I think.
thanks bud I no its worthy or it would have been gone a long time ago this has been like this for over a mo I thought after a good flushing she might come around but it might be to far to go Im going to go tend her rite now!
Epsom Salts binds to the minerals already in the soil. Only thing you can do with that is compost the soil and start over with something else.

Why I don't use Epsom Salt. It messes up the Ca to Mg ratio in the soil eventually for me in a no-till soil, I end up with too much Mg. It ain't pretty.

It's helpful for the S (Sulfur) but even that is not very well absorbed by the plants. Mostly for me, it kills the micro-herd in the soil.

Top dress with EWC and kelp meal - 2:1 ratio. You get all the Mg and Sulfur your plants need + more goodies.

Epsom Salts are/were used more for outdoor gardening. In containers its not usually a good thing unless you go WAY WAY easy with it. Mg for plants is usually not the issue - Sulfur deficiency is more likely (in soil).
After you get your clone's: I would wash the roots in distilled water. Remove as much soil as you can, we can see she don't like it. I would place her in your mild seed sprout soil and let her re-establish herself. Maybe even give her a make shift dome for high RH for a bit. That is what I would do.
thanks guys I took her out of the pot and was able to remove about half the soil theres tons of roots so I trimmed her up and put her down in some new soil with just a little ewc added and a couple scoops of mychos and now I wait and see what happens I took a couple cuts a few weeks ago they didn't make it I may take some more but I would rather the plant do a comeback shes a strong grower so im not giving up yet were coming into some nicer weather some 60 or 70 degree days in the sun could be just what the doctor ordered!:)
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