Day, 23: Veg, day 28 Couldn’t wait to get out of my training at the Union Hall as fast as possible to be able to get home to the girls! Soon I will have to get use to not being home all day with them as I’ll finally be back to work! This is a good thing but sad for my girls as they’ll miss me I’m sure! So anyways, Laverne was ready to be watered and so I did. She took the almost the same amount as when transplanted just a little less, not quite 4L’s. This is my first time ever following the Advanced Nutrients schedule from their website which called to double up this time. Last feeding was 2ml per litre of each, this feeding called for 4ml per litre. Only other change I made was the order in which I added each, now being Grow/Micro/Bloom, where as before was Micro/Grow/Bloom, guess we’ll see how they re-act! Shirley wasn’t quite ready yet, but should be by later tonight. Pics are from before any watering.