right got it i think it will show when i post lol
long press keep it simple please lol
now its information overload where can i put it all.
professionaly but confusing a bit lol.
Got it now i cant make excuses up so shot myself in the foot now
not got my VPD leaf temp monitor yet though they said yesterday it snowed an inch and the world stopped they got 9 drops away then he went to do other drops before my drop so never got it, this morningits on the van for 3:30-4:30 and gues what ? 2 drops away he oges to a retial park i thinks grabing himself a coffee , next minute driuver has to make few more deliverys will still deliver by 10 pm again so dont think its going to come today the 2cm of snow on the path is scaring them off. so looks like tomorrow i will get it. its the only thing from ac i have though so in the future least i have it if i get any of their products in the future .