Starting A Continuous Harvest Grow - Need Advice

This is some sci Fi level shizz right here,check this out @Digipro !! We were talking about something very similar a few weeks ago!! This is the future of cloning to grow a viable clone from samples or DNA in a dish !!! It sounds fake right ? Lol nope this will change the game big time guys .. it seems fairly simple once the sample is obtained!! Anyone could do it
lol a frudge full of cannabis gentics ready to grow from a test tube :) sounds like the furutre of home growing under the hood lol. now we just need a cannbis trhat onoly smell shwne you smoke it and no one would know your growing lol. got to admit the smell fo them growing is nice especially some white widow lomen i had once thats smelt lovely when it was growing very fruity and lemonyu smell.
Woah that’s interesting, 24 dark before flip. I still didn’t quite understand when you said this in your journal but now I get it. I just knew you had a plan and knew what you were doing so I wasn’t gonna push to understand at that instance. Next years indoor grow may be photos and I’ll try that trick at switch. Otherwise I will have photos outside and can’t control light out there.
Yes,it's like a lil booster or vitamin lol. Immediately after flip I feed w first dose of flower nutes,very light doses and start dropping rh. This really does work!! Some genetics better than others but from my experience this method gets my plants to first pistils n stretch by almost a week earlier than standard methods. Yes I sorry I was not very clear in journal lol I was panicked and in a rush so I just powered thru the whole incident lol see look

They already growing rapidly and started pushing pistils this am. I'm so relieved tbh.... I was just lucky I had backups this time ...whew lol

These 2 are over flow and where flipped same day as other 4 replacement plants but did not get the 24 hr dark before flip. They are only just now begining to increase growth rate,no pistils yet.
Plants run like a factory with a day shift and a night shift. Productivity ramps up quickly at the beginning of a shift then slows to a crawl over time.

Night shift restocks the raw minerals in the leaves and stems. Gathers up the extra glucose in the leaves and puts it where it is needed. As it works it slowly releases a hormone that induces flowering. It takes roughly 6 hours to complete its task for the night of cleaning and restocking. At 14 hours of night shift everything is completely reset, glucose used up and hormone production crawl to a stop.

Day shift start the day consuming the flowering hormone like morning coffee then sips on it through the shift. It franticly converts the neatly stacked raw materials into glucose. Glucose is produced faster than it can be hauled off to other parts of the plant. Leaf swells with glucose (praying), leaving less room for new raw materials to enter the leaf. Glucose production get slower and slower. After 18 hours it looks like Walmart after a black Friday sale and production slows to a crawl.

So less than 6 hours of dark, day shift is less productive. More than 14 hours of dark flower hormone production is insignificant. Day shift showing up for a few minutes at night will consume a bunch of the flowering hormone and go home. Less than a 13 hour of day is not enough to consume all of the flowering hormone. More than 18 hour days glucose production is insignificant. Minerals are stored in the roots, stems and leaves not the flower. Therefore flushing or when you harvest has no effect on bud mineral content, just the sugar leaves. End of the day minerals are at the lowest and highest glucose.
Oh nice,I never heard it put like this but it paints a very clear pic for ty Sativa1970. That's very cool to consider,is this depletion why the plants droop at night time? Could a plant that droops heavily before lights out be extra depleted than most? What's the minimum amount of dark required to restock the plant? What is happening inside a 24/0 plant ?
Oh nice,I never heard it put like this but it paints a very clear pic for ty Sativa1970. That's very cool to consider,is this depletion why the plants droop at night time? Could a plant that droops heavily before lights out be extra depleted than most? What's the minimum amount of dark required to restock the plant? What is happening inside a 24/0 plant ?
First I forgot to include how 24 hour dark can work. The plant has one goal, to pass on its genetics by seeding. Maturity is marked with the growth of the first pistol. If days get too short before maturity the plant will stop growing and mature so it doesn't miss the pollination period from other plants. So the long dark will push it out of immature veg to maturity.

Yes, drooping and praying are the effect of hydraulic pressure changes from glucose flow. Like breathing in and out of a balloon. When a leaf has everything for optimum production it builds pressure and prays. It needs temp, light, minerals, air, water, and circulation. A leaf is only as productive as the limiting factor. If you have the environment, food and water at optimum the plants circulatory system becomes the limiting factor. If you have a healthy circulatory system it shouldn't be a limiting factor until you approach the 18 hour mark. If the leave droop before that something else is limiting it.

24 hours of light gives you a slower but constant production. From what I have read and my own experiments 4 hours of dark in veg is the tipping point. It won't harm the plant to run 24/0 but there is no gain. 24/0 does not increase growth rate when compared to 20/4. Both plants took 30 days to reach the same height. Just wasting electricity running lights. 18/6 added 60 hours (2.5 days worth) of light over 30 days. My 18/6 took 32 days to reach the same height. Also ran 9/3 9/3 day and it matched the 18/6. These were all done at the same time, with clones from one mother, identical light fixtures and cross venting rooms.
Ok so I trimmed the 2 big girls today,I have them last strip and cleaned up her lollipop. I will push canopy higher but worried about to much stress. Check it out these are the before pics ....

These are after the stripp...

This is my plant proper upper !!

This the state of the flower room, the new additions are growing quickly, they throwing pistils also. Now I just wait and do my best to main tain environment oh almost forgot about the scrogg plants!! So 8 total.
Love the Draw fronts and the glass jars holding them up. is their any reason for having them recessed like that ? i thought about raising my pots of the floor giving more space undr neath and maybe puttig some white reflective sheet over the tops of the pots also extendeding between the pots so light does not gow into the lower halfof the tent meaning the bickets would be cooler and more light reflecting around the plants instead of the bottom fo the tent around the pots. it all adds up its like the new bifecial solar penals their 5% more effiecient as they can have light on both sides :). i would not like a white sided tent i have heard there better at scatteringligh than maylar sides . but i do like the mirrored sides you have on your grow i think white or mirried silver sides like yours would be best it was a thing with hps bulbs as concentrated lgiht could increase heat but noiw with leds its not so much a prblem as it was before hence why your plants look perfect and grow pretty fast they are getting alot of reflected light from the sides of the trent.

also got a new toy today its an 8 in 1 ph/tds/ppm/ec/ temp/orp/salts/cf meter that i can leave in the resevoir and it gives me my ph and nutrients readings in the water plus the water temp and can send the data to an app opn my phone with histpory the lot and able ot watch the readiongs real time instead of having ot go check them with seperate meters
. it also does orp which can help diagnose if you have any bactreial problems high orp is good but not to high to kill the bads , .low orp is bad bacteria building up m but not necuiserily bad so its just to help rather than give an expected result if your orp is low check roots if they are ok its not to worry but can help diagnose root rot with build up of bad bactyeria casuing the waters orp to drop. its something to do with oxygen levels low orp is low ogygen high orp is high oxygen kinda , myorp is at about is 348 and i am told any where from 200 to 400 is ok so i am pretty clean running res with hopefully no badies in it put plenty of goodies . thisd is why i love hydro you can monitor alot more with water meida than you can with soil althuogh soil should be the easiest to get plants to grow in . your plants are looking good if a little striped bare compared ot my plants i dont do as much trimming too afraid to let a good branch go for the sake of another lol. but my buds are forming nicely althugh i am getting leaf fadeagain which i think may be calcium so will add some call mag on next res change .

hope you had a good new year .

one of these water quaility meters for fish tanks :)

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