thats whay i wantred seeds starsawg suites me just fine and their are several breeds of stardaawg from different breeders and its gettinf the right strain so i now a guy who works in the garden department who has friends who grow stardawg and he said he would get me some cuttings for 15 a peace , took him two weeks to get them and they wheree about 3 inch tall when i got them, i grew them killed 3 by accident i thinkit was adding fulvic acid thats not really designed for hydroponics as it just clung to the roots and clogged them up and kille 3 , i took clones of the last one that was nearly dead and nursed it back to health which was the one i put under 24/12 for a week , and checking over last few days i may have got a few hopefully polen sacks developing so it may have worked turing one male , i will get a picture let me know if you think its male ?? i think it is. it looked like yours did little balls growing a the base of nodes . so the reason for wanting to get pollen and seeds is so i have the stardawg if i ever decied to try something else i can always come backto star dwag with the seeds i make. i am currently hopefully going to get anothr rdwc system one better tham my system seen one for half price on ebay so hopefully when i get paid tomorrow i will be able to get that my old onme relys on pumping water into 4 seperate grow buckets and then it flows by gravity back tot he res which is only 2.5cm lower than the pots. the nes system sucks water through each pot back into the res so less likely to block and over spill. plus iot has na hose for another larger res say 100 litre res whcih means less filling up.
the picture is the best i can get but that looks like a ball to me . thing is i tryed to turn a clone not a seed which as said earlier clones already have the sexing of the plant so i have had to revert it from female to male not just stop it going female as you do using collodial silver from a female seed.
do you think thats a ball in the picture ?
new system also means i wouldnt have to leave the pump running 24/7 whcih means sa save on electric.
also its gutting when you get a herm. io have had a few myself either stress or cause the seeds where from already cured weed like you got earlier in this post the seed i planted that hermed mainly was cause of herm genetics. i also have some seed on a fem seed and ididnt notice and it either got poliunated form someone growing males in the area or cause of stress as i didnt see any hermed plants with make organs . and i havge them i a container , trouble is they could be anything either hermed or from soneone who has grown male flowers for the polllen for the bee's i know i was in a grow stor and a guy walke din asking what was the best way toget males to grow big as he has a spare out of the way field he was growing males in for his bee's to collect he pollen. his town is about 10 miles from my town but who knows where his field is . me and my mate didnt approve of him sending pollen over our females but couldnt say anything lol so the big bag of seed i have now could all be herms or crossed with an unknown breed of male hemp who knows lol.
and best way to tell when seeds are done as far as i am aware is dont pick them let them drop off or compeltly finish flowering , as the plant will drop seeds when it starts to dry out and die so i figure thats the best time to harvest when the plant shows signs of dieing.
hope you had a good Christmas and a Good new year