Yea you are right on the head bro,when they first sprout I keep light very close until around wk 2 or 3 depending on growth or until root system is established,then I transplant and move the light back and let plant stretch until node 5 or 6 then I topp drop light again and let growth tips form then move light back and start the lollipop process from 1st or 2 nd node down. I do this process for first month then let it grow and usually this process evens out the new growth tips and causes the sprouts to stretch at lower nodes instead of higher nodes when the sprout is still young before the main stem begins to harden. I prefer this method cause it's very slow n hands off but it also creates a longer gap between the top of soil and the start of my canopy,this gives me great air flow,room to work and I can see everything. I also maintain the lollipop until the plants death from this point. It sounds fancy but you nailed it,I'm stretching the lower nodes first to get that longer stem effect lol I did it by accident and over time perfected it,I so damn busy sometimes.....this style has lots of cushion for errors