Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

Back pain sucks,,,I broke C-6 C-7 back in 86' in a bike wreck,, which caused me to walk with a good limp,, after 2 years paralyzed from the neck down and in a wheelchair. I walked out of the hospital. Then with that limp,,I wore a hip out replaced that in 91, that adds to my limps. But I'll tell ya anytime you get releif it's a good thing. And then tell the Misses to brace herself... JK Hopefully not..

But GL with the procedure.. Hope it get rid of the pain.
Good news on the back Van! I know that was a long time coming, so grats. Quick question the ATF you originally used for all the crosses, stabilized correct? Asking for a friend....
I would think that they are worked a bit. I don't know the specific lineage but if I was to guess, I would probably say F3 or F4 but who the hell knows dabber!
Man Cool if they can promise anything/something without cutting. Cutting is the worse, thing or last,, you can't take it back. They have alot of things they do without cutting. I think alot has to be the levels of pain,,, and what one calls acceptable. Is a fact,,, you'll have a degree of pain residual.. One person a 33% reduction might make they feel great and is all warranted.
Hopefully frying them nerves work for you. I have heard from afew at my pain clinic that it helped. And sure is worth trying before anything else... I know mine is abit on extreme,, or I think? Pain sucks period. I've dealt with it since a young buck,, and it's creeping up every year. I tried everything there is to no avail,, from pills to an internal morphine pump pumping morphine on my spine 24/7 for 10 years. I've come to realize that pain ain't going nowhere. I get some relief for some pills,,, enough to chase Miss J around ,,,, good thing she don't run fast, and claim good quality to my life..
Pain sucks,,,, even more than spider mites... Hopefully, this fixes it up for ya.... GL and Keepem Green
Thanks everyone. Its been a trying two years but its a period that has been a true blessing in the long run. I hate the pain but I know I can handle it and if there was no improvement in the pain levels I know I can have a pretty good life thanks to this amazing plant and amazing woman.

The most frustrating part for us is that we just wanted the system to fix what got hurt on the job. I don't want anything I haven't earned and I hate people that mooch off a system and steal what they didn't earn. It just felt like the system was broken for people like me that just wanted it fixed and aren't playing games. I swear I don't know what I would have done during this time frame without the plants or Ms Stank. They have been every bit as much of a mental savior for me as the pain relief. I would have long past gone ape shit crazy if I didn't have this outlet.

And a special shout out all of you guys and gals that have helped in more ways than you could ever imagined. This place has been every bit my sanctuary that the plants have.
Van...wasn't aware your back was so messed up. My x had similar issues and was operated on . I remember taking her to the hospital for her operation and when we got there , she had been lying down in the back seat....couldn't get out of the truck...i had to quick , run down ...(we were parked on the roof!) and get help ..what a time she had , so much pain.
I hope that your care you get is the best available Van...thoughts are with you and your family.:high-five:

Thanks Duggs, yeah its been rough but I try not to bring my issues in here to often. I love this place being about the plants and people and try not to drag it down with my issues. I try to be positive if at all possible.

I probably could have been trying to get this issue resolved through my own insurance but I am stubborn when it comes to principle brother. The back got hurt on a job site.....damn it then they should be responsible to fix it . Why should I have to be forced to pay for this or forced to try to work through it for the sake of keeping your family fed or roof over your house (which is what they tried to do initially.....and I wasn't having any part of it).
I've had a long history with radiofrequency nerve ablation. Hope it works well for ya. If you ever have questions, shoot me a message. I've literally had every joint from T6 to S1 done at least once. Quite often it will take a few sessions but eventually that nerve will stop growing back and you'll find some relief.
Actually I would very much like to pick your brain on the procedure. I am nervous as hell about anything spine related so talking to someone with first hand experience would be great. We do the final (hopefully) court appearance on the 21st of this month so we are really hoping to start the process immediately in getting it scheduled and done. As I get a date for it, I will message ya for the scoop.
I have a new respect for coons since bottle feeding and raising an orphan. Those things are bloody smart, easy to train, very cool to observe. Natural escape artists.

Very smart. Once i was observing from my treestand two coons working together to grab ears of corn off corn stalks in a corn field.
One would wait on the ground, the other climbed the corn stalk and hang off it until the stalk bent enough for the coon on the ground to grab it and steal the corn.

If population not kept in check, they can and will decimate the wild turkey population. Learned that the hard way. They kill poults and destroy every nest they come across. It took years but after I started keeping the population in check (somewhat), my wild turkey population has is thriving agsin..
Back pain sucks,,,I broke C-6 C-7 back in 86' in a bike wreck,, which caused me to walk with a good limp,, after 2 years paralyzed from the neck down and in a wheelchair. I walked out of the hospital. Then with that limp,,I wore a hip out replaced that in 91, that adds to my limps. But I'll tell ya anytime you get releif it's a good thing. And then tell the Misses to brace herself... JK Hopefully not..

But GL with the procedure.. Hope it get rid of the pain.

Ya much of the pain I have in the back isn't just in the area that I hurt. I hurt the lower back but because of my favoring movements that effect that area, the pain is all over the back now. Any twisting or bending and I get searing nerve pain so I walk different, I move differently and all those differences have had negative effects. My neck and shoulder areas hurt almost as bad as the lower back does. Its crazy how one area can affect so many others.
Working on quite a few updates today......Got the BCP up potted to the 5 gallon pot yesterday. We will lead off with the BCP and Tangie x Ghost Train Haze. Give me a bit to get the pics when the lights come on in a few min.
Black Cherry Punch Clone Day 91

As promised for Mr @InTheShed. Got her up potted to a 5 gallon pot yesterday and trimmed up a bit and LST'd to spread her out a bit. She will have at least 3 weeks in the 5 gallon before there will be any openings in the flower tent. That will hopefully give the roots a good shot at filling out. Depending on the time line, she may or may not be the next girl to go into flower. She is competing with the African Meltdown but I am more fearful of the height on the Meltdown than on this one.

The plan going forward will be to watch the Meltdown, if she continues to grow how she is, the Meltdown will be flipped as soon as Ms Stank's Hindu Kush gets harvested. That will give this one time to get rooted nicely in this pot and let me up pot her one more time before flip. Its all about size management with the log jam I have in veg right now.

Good news is this one continues to get through a bunch of the funk from the Neem dips. Only a few more tops left to outgrow the funk. I have left a few lower shoots on this girl to take a clone or two from when I am ready.

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