Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

White Widow Main-line Veg Day 51

Things are continuing along nicely with this endeavor. She has shot out enough new growth that I strapped her down on in place for the next set of toppings. Looks like we are on target for 16 (or 17 if I keep the single shoot in the middle) main colas on her. That will probably happen in a couple days. She got a nice drink of ACT this morning.

I may up pot her before I do that topping, or I might up pot a day or two after the topping, I haven't made my mind up. Not a lot of room in that veg tent so I might keep her smaller as long as possible through necessity.

Anyways, the frame work on her is almost complete. She is just about in the shape I wanted so I have to say I am very pleased with the looks of her at this point. Hoping that getting up potted into a 10 gallon pot will spark some massive upwards growth. We will see! Hope you see this one @InTheShed !

Northern Lights Flip Day 3

I know, I know.....I keep ranting and raving about this girl. But I finally got some pics to show her in all her glory. I cleared out the veg tent and took a couple shot of her so you can see just how large of plant she was for a vegged for less than 70 days. The tent is a 4x4 and she eats a very large chunk of that. She is starting to stretch so I am curious and slightly worried about that. Taking clones off her today. Meant to do it this weekend but was just too busy to get to it.

Gave her about 2.5 gallons of ACT in her 15 gallon pot. She's a little droppy in the pics cause she was watered but she is looking great. Can't wait to see hairs.

Thanks for the shout Van! I'm following along with every post here but there's only so many times I can jump in to say, "holy cow your plants look amazing" ;).

Excellent tutorial on the mainline :thanks:
Just want to make sure you saw that one brother. I know you are interested in how I am doing it. And I know things can move quick on the days I do multiple updates so didn't want it slip by after that NL post LOL.
LOL....on my previous grows, I grew in SCROGs. With my back, watering in a SCROG is a bitch so I put those in with 1/4" hose and then had a couple circles of irrigation hose. I just dump the water in the water bottle on the post and walk away for 5 min. Come back and pour again. Worked good and I have it up there incase I decide to do it again. Though likely the next time I will have a gravity feed water system if I SCROG again. If anyone is interested in what I did, I can dig up the old pictures. I could water all the plants completely in about 30 minutes with only being in the tent room for about 15 minutes. Once every 4-5 days, 15 minutes worth of attention. Worked well.....simple as hell.

Speaking of that......I was supposed to dig up some old pictures of something else for someone (if you are reading this, please refresh my memory and I will pull up the pics and post them for you).
Guess you don't see many coconut palms in Maine!
I am growing out a WW for a friend here who owns a restaurant....for some reason he thinks it will be cool to have a cannabis plant for (summer) customers to see...I am thinking more of adding some plastic tomatoes to the tomato cage and people would walk right by it...
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