UPDATE on the SSH F2.
SSH - Indica pheno, started off great, and is pretty great, but the high once cured, thickened and became more traditionally hybrid in nature. Where once it was potently focused, it became less so where it matters -- in the very end. Same with the terps. She finished fast, and was easy though. She went from an average performing child, to full on protege, back to a bell curves meat and taters.
SSH - Sativa pheno, yielded just as well as the indica one, but went longer, and when cured, the flavor and high were really superior. Fuel then citrus, with hints of eucalyptus or something I can't put my finger on. Think she was mid-60's at pull, and while she didn't show a ton of frost, the effect was potent and very very enjoyable. Crystal clear, clean the house, close the loop type thinking, and creatively inspirational.
What I think I learned. ...Crossing the two ends of the spectrum of SSH seems to generate great opportunity to find the plant you want. Neither of the plants I found were what I would be looking for as a mom, but the sativa one could be a great match to hit with a heavier indica, ideally with some similar origins. Maybe force the D with STS and hit her up. But. Seeing the spread between these two plants, shows me that I can find a sativa one that has the high I'm looking for, with maybe just a bit fatter trichs and slightly less fluffy buds. Finish time and weight are important, but less so for me. I'm seeing why SSH has been used in so many crosses. I sure did love it when I had it, and I sure loved SSSDH too, so it was a great experience. I'll post some nugs sonner or later.
GMO cookies clone in the house too. New addition. A perfect match for a SSH male I'm thinking. In the Fall, I'll be planing some SSH to see if any males show, and some other beans, DxSSH and some ECSD crosses