Wirh these finicky eaters is might be a good idea to up soluble Mg by lowering Ca. 7:1 is the High Brix golden standard, but maybe 6:1 will do the trick... maybe a shot of potassium and nitrogen in between. Hard to say, but you need to experiment. Sooner or later you'll figure it out.
Good to know that's the rule of thumb, and I'm not far off. If this next mix is a move in the wrong direction, I do as you suggest, and I'll skip the extras like the crab shell, and half down the Azomite, and see if she still needs a Mg bump. For this next mix, that 20:3 amendment volume was increased significantly, so that it's probably around 8:1 total, but they release all at different rates, and should be closer to the 20:3 during the first couple/few weeks. Still expect to have to give her a pinch here and there. Experimenting will be fun, and smoking the 'mistakes' lol, appreciate the input
Never overlook simple bone meal to your mix. I double dose my soils with it, and they still need an extra blast during transitioning to flower.
Keepem Green
Good looking out, this girl will probably want extra too, so that's a great idea. Our friend BL turned me on to this liquid bone meal, and that's what I'm using as boost instead of RAW P. Smells like candy milk of magnesia, they seem to like it, they are getting nice and tight. Thanks NCW
That would be amazing! As I said the ECSD clone has been something I have wanted to get ahold of since I started growing. I am surprised more breeders havent released an S1 version of it. You could even make your own ECS-Chem D and see what it will bring out for you. I have been thinking more and more about collecting pollen from something. When and if that will even happen is hard to say. Staying within my limit is challenging enough with just females and even though I have spare lights I dont really have another spot to flower out a male.
I'm sure I'll probably have a plant orgy at some point, maybe it's best to set up some clones to flower just for that purpose. Or even reverse one thing, and hit everything in flower. Just for some fun fem seeds. I could do that pretty easy bonsai in coco, but I have to mix and check it, or mix it daily. Soil, well, that's easy enough, but slow. OK, so slow it is.