Sqwheels' Perpetual 2L Hempy + Moms


I plan to top the Wonder Woman in a day or two, she's about 10-11" tall and I plan to cut her in half...that may give me a "top" and a couple of side shoots to try and clone. We will see what happens :bong:
Hi Happy Growers,

I was reading Xlr8's journal tonight and I just wanted to undate a couple of pics on the UBT method

this first pic (taken 9-8-11, sorry it's fuzzy) was taken moments after I chopped WW-c just above the 2nd set of true leaves. You can see the 4th colas spot that I accidentally cut off (on the left)

and this pic (taken 9-14-11) I took just moments ago, you can clearly see the growth and how I will get 3 main colas from this plant
Three is still better than one.....Was hoping you would get more than one clone from Wonder Woman, good luck. Even if they are small, try anyway, it's good practice and you can always donate a clone away (good karma).
Nice job, Sqwheels! :welldone:

I'm always amazed at how quick those other colas grow out when you do a UBT. I hear people say all the time that topping slows down the growth, but I really don't believe that's the case with UBT. The plant gets a little shorter, temporarily, but the growth is pretty quick! :)

Yeah, I hope they fatten up nice for me too!! :yahoo: Nothing better than fat buds. :yummy: Thanks again for the encouraging words.

3 is better than 1 for sure...next time I'll probably do it to all of them. I kinda want to see how big the first one gets before I decide.

I "Lizzied" Wonder Woman yesterday, will upload pics later, got 4 all together, a top and 3 from branches. And they are smallI hope they survive. Like you said "good practice" I left 4 good branches on the donor so I'm sure I'll get something good from her too.

But those little clones, they looked so weepy, almost as soon as I cut them they wilted over and looked dead. I put them into 2ltr and capped it with the top, like an incubator, then left them sitting on the table for several hours before putting them back under the lights late last night. This morning they look slightly better, but are still pretty weepy.

I am completely amazed by how much that one plant has grown. It has completely caught up with the other 3 in height, and looks real healthy. Like I said to OG, I may do this to all of them next time. I have this image of 6 or so plants with 4 colas each growing in that little room. :yummy: :yahoo:

I'm honored, thank you very much. I'll loving it so far. I can only hope they finish as well as they started.

Hi All,

Ok, so impressed with the results of UBT to my White Widow seedling and made brave by some encouragement, thanx OG for the push, I topped, or better put by X, Lizzi'd :yahoo: the Wonder Woman yesterday.

Some Pics
The Donor...PreOp


I think I'll still get some decent growth and budding from her once I switch to 12/12

I cut the top and quickly stuck it into a glass of water pH'd 6.0, then used a trick I learned working in a flower shop a few years back for cutting roses, they tend to last much longer if cut under water, ie, no air bubble in the stem...so each cut I made I did it under the water level to avoid this, then I used clonex and stuck each one into a root riot cube, then dipped that cube into the water just to moisten the bottom, and stuck it into a prepped 2L bottle, covered with the top to make an incubator of sorts and left them on the table (little indirect light) for several hours, later last night I put them under the light with the donor.

The top

4 little babies

This morning...group shot

They looked so weepy last night that I was afraid what I'd find today when I took the tops off the bottles...to my surprise they actually look better. Will be watching closely

The top



and the littlest one of all

Should I keep the lids on them for a while? I don't want them to dry out, right? I've spray'd them a couple times, once yesterday just before I covered them and twice so far again this morning. Just plain pH'd 6.0 water. The "distilled" jug in the background is just a jug I've reused.

All comments and suggestions always appreciated. And as always many thanks to those of you who have already helped my efforts.


Happy Growing Everybody
Anybody know how the little green rep buttons accumulate? I just noticed I've got 2 of them now. If somebody rep'd me, I own them a thanx, I didn't get any kind of notice about it tho...:peace:
Anybody know how the little green rep buttons accumulate? I just noticed I've got 2 of them now. If somebody rep'd me, I own them a thanx, I didn't get any kind of notice about it tho...:peace:

If you go to your user control panel at the bottom of the screen you can see who gave you rep points.

BTW your plants look great I topped mine this grow as well for the first time and I'm really happy with the way they are turning out.

Hi Young Lady :bravo:

Well, you got some more plus reps from me. By golly you have earned them.

Toping and FIMing are great ways to get more for your money.....as your finding out. The growth is amazing too. Good on ya Girl! :yahoo:

I am completely amazed by how much that one plant has grown. It has completely caught up with the other 3 in height, and looks real healthy. Like I said to OG, I may do this to all of them next time. I have this image of 6 or so plants with 4 colas each growing in that little room. :yummy: :yahoo:

That is the picture I've been trying to paint for you, but it's hard using electrons. Try to water just before you clone, so mom is plumped up full. Mist the inside of the incubators, will help w/ the wilting.
Those "little" clones are plenty big. All you need is 2 nodes. They look good. I would keep them covered till you see new growth since the air is starting to dry out (this time of year).
Hi Dr.RW

I've read this idea before...it's a good one for wicking, just not sure about what's in those towels, my husbands got a ton of them in his garage, just not sure I want to put them in my plants. Never heard of Fullers earth, my husband uses a shovel of dirt from the yard if he needs to soak up a little oil.

I used a 75/25 perlite/vermiculite mix I made from 6 scoops perlite and 1 scoop fine verm and 1 scoop course verm. I think the course verm holds moisture a little longer than the fine. It seems to have worked, their only 3 weeks old today and look pretty good to my uneducated eye. I've been using a pH between 5.6 - 5.9.

How did you make homemade pH down?

I was catching up on my subs a couple days ago and somebody's journal made mention of a forum dedicated to homemade tonics...I thought this was a great idea. I think it was Blue Planet Nutes...We'll have to talk to him more on this...


As to the paper towels, they are a microfiber mix and I dont feel they are toxic in any way. You could use 7/16ths nylon rope, the soft white kind not the plastic looking stuff also. Fullers earth is a baked clay like substance that is around 10% silicon along with some minerals. Vermiculite on the other hand has a toxic dust, is more expensive and adds nothing but water holding which the Fullers earth also does but better. The only thing I use vermiculite for now is cuttings. I started with your exact mixture, then went to straight perlite and then to the 1 part Fullers earth mix. Now I am at the organic/CRF combination and liking it best. I will add that Vermiculite caused no problems in the grows I used it in and it is light and easy to use. I would empty 3 bags of perlite and one bag of vermiculite into a trash bag, close the bag and shake to mix. Then let the dust settle with the bag closed and no dust inhalation. I will get you the details of the homemade PH down soon. Sort of a secret.
If you go to your user control panel at the bottom of the screen you can see who gave you rep points.

BTW your plants look great I topped mine this grow as well for the first time and I'm really happy with the way they are turning out.



Hey thanks for the headsup...duh. I have so many subs in there that, unfortunately, I rearly get all the way to the bottom :bong: I guess I've never noticed the reps section down there.

Thanks guys for all the support, :circle-of-love: I mean it when I say I probably would not have come this far without it.

Ya I really like the results from UBT's style, I'm sure I'll be doing it again
soon. I've been lurking your grow too. Looks good, I'll be watching :bongrip:
Hi Young Lady :bravo:

Well, you got some more plus reps from me. By golly you have earned them.

Toping and FIMing are great ways to get more for your money.....as your finding out. The growth is amazing too. Good on ya Girl! :yahoo:


Thank you much... I've been working at it for sure. I like experimenting to see what will work well for me...I was just in there tonight thinkin' I'm gonna have to switch pretty soon, they are gonna double in size when I do, and they are already 6-7" and little bushes.

:yahoo: Can't wait to see what happens

Is that new journal up yet? Your harvest's were really nice!!! You are the Man, definately prevailed when it came to the Matterhorn. :bong:

Hope Jo is well, tell her hi
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