Hi Folks,
Weekly update...
Group Shot, Wonder Woman is 45 days flower, 10-15 days to go.
On the left OG kush and PE seedlings, moved to flower 2-6
a little bud candy, they smell so good and the buds are hard little rocks, denser than any I've grown so far...I wonder if that's because of all the molasses??? I used it regularly with this batch.
close up...those trics are maturing nicely they're about 25-30% amber
OG kush seedling...I had to tie her down a bit, she's leggy and has long spans between nodes, she'll have 4 main colas symetrically spaced.
I'm still unsure about their sex. I've included several pics...if you can tell, let me know.
PE seedling...tied her also, she'll have 6 colas. This plants nodes are so close and she's much bushier than the OG.
I apologize for my poor photo skills...sometimes the camera will just not cooperate...I really should find the time to read the manual.
The tops to these seedlings are finally showing me they have a decent roots system started...they got their first nutes a couple days back.
I was curious about cloning techniques, (there are sooo many) and a lot of people seem to have issues with this... back on 1-25 I clipped my mom of some excessive growth, I slipped 4 of these into a glass of RO/tap @ 60-80ppm and have done nothing but top it off every couple days as the water level falls...that's it!!!
I first noticed tiny little hairs and little bumpy things at the cut points around 2-8, the first 2 pics are from 2-10 and the rest from yesterday.
It took about 3 weeks, but as you can see, they have beautiful roots, ready for any pot.
Happy Growing Everybody