Sqwheels, you are 420% correct that the plant needs N, P & K (and a bunch of other elements) throughout it's entire life cycle. But, at different stages in its growth, it requires more, or less, of each element. This is why your Micro and Bloom formulas have different N, P, K ratios, and by mixing them both in different amounts, you can accomodate the plant through the entire life cycle.
Yep, I'm understanding the nutes macro/micro better now, but the nutes I use (GH floranova, grow/bloom) are only 1 part...1 bottle of grow, and 1 bottle of bloom, all the macros/micros are included in each in differing amounts of course. No options to mix them in different amounts, only ppms/ecs, up/down being different depending on how much I add...1/2t adds 300, 1t adds 600, 1-1/2t adds 900 like that.
Now, as for your yellowing, the intervenal banding really sounds like a Magnesium deficiency. When it's an N deficiency, the leaves tend to yellow uniformly, not just between the veins.
I was uning this...N reference
I thought this was N, pic 1&2 are from last week...1-30 and pic 3 is from day 21, just before I defoliated...most of the big fans looked like #3 and I took them off anyway
and this Mg reference
In these next 2 pics (1 of OG seedling popped 12-27, and 1 from weeks ago of WW mom II)I thought this was a Mg def and fed/sprayed with a little epsom, WW has recovered nicely, OG has shown slight improvment
Both N and Mg are "mobile" elements, which means the plant can move them from one location to another, when they're needed. This also means that, in both cases, signs will typically show lower on the plant (older growth), since it will move those elements to support the new growth.
When you defoliate age--older/younger and location--top/bottom is kinda mute...Follow my crazy thought for a sec... on my plants right now the oldest leaves are the ones I left when I defoliated? even tho they are mostly at the top (those are the ones that didn't have enough of a stem to get ahold of so I didn't pinch them off). That seems to make sense to me because after defoliation (remember I was brutal) the leaves I didn't remove (little ones with no stem, mostly at the top and close to all the bud sites) are bigger now, and thus the oldest, but there are younger leaves now lower on the plants, and these new/younger/smaller leaves are also showing this same interveinal chlorosis. I'll post new pics with tomorrows update.
If you haven't seen it yet, this link is very helpful and is different than the "pictorial":
Nutrient Disorder Problem Solver
I haven't, but will go look--thanks
The first three items, discuss what we're talking about:
So, by your description, and the pics I've seen, I remain convinced it's a Mg issue and adding some more mag should help. (note: your leaf margins look turnd up, too!)
I'll check this out closer after light on tomorrow and comment further in my update.
I'd try to get the plant healthy before I did another "heavy" defoliation, but if you want to remove a leaf or two to open up a couple of bud sites, I'm sure it won't be an issue.
The only defoliating I'll be doing from here on out will be light related. I think I did a maximum job @ 21 days...they really don't need it again.
Main focus should be getting the plant healthy so it can focus it's energy on flowering and not trying to heal itself!