Spimps NLxBB Auto Micro CFL's 2013

Hey Spaniard, while you are on, how long do you usually keep your auto lst'd one way before switching? I did two days I think it was awesome growth!

Do you mean before "re-manipulating" them? I just try to maintain an even canopy while letting light in. If one starts to get taller, she gts ratcheted back down. Whichever flower is the tallest becomes the 'main cola' so you want to try to make several mains and not just one. The biggest problem is with autos you cant top so the cola is a beast. You can even see with this one Imgonna have the same problem as NLxBB where the cola just keeps stretching up.
If you top or FIM, its alot easier to maintain a true canopy.
Is that Kinda what you were wondering sir? BTW, good weed Dharma. :)
I always have a little squeeze :)
How are u sir
More reps spimp they look splendiferous

You owe me reps. Im counting :rofl:
But using splendiferous in asentence earned you some. +reps
No I mean I lst's my WW auto on one side because the growth was sparse, I was asking how long you kept it down or LST'd on one side before switching?

I dont switch them. Once she goes to the left, she is thier for life. When the new shoots start getting taller, they get straped down but the original always faces same way. You just keep tying down the new ones that get tall.
The goal is for a nice uniform canopy with some space in the middle to turn the popcorn into shoots.When the shoots hi the canopy they become nuggets. Imagine a standard flat shape made out of rubber. We would lay it flat, then take all the "budding" branches and raise them staright up. Thats basically what I did in this next pic.

You can see the cola always goes right,but th branches that would normal not hold much smoke, try to reach for the light and become buddin branches.

Does that kinda make sense?
What happens to the main cola that would have been you biiggest then if basically you are bending the main stem horizontal and then associated stems the same way? Will the main stem cola still be big?
What happens to the main cola that would have been you biiggest then if basically you are bending the main stem horizontal and then associated stems the same way? Will the main stem cola still be big?


If you inspect the first pic, the cola goes way to the left under the screen then back up all the way to the left. Ill edit a pho and show it to ya, give me a sec
Boy then Uncle Fish must have alot, I remember when I had to rep digits and his one rep to me put me up to 3, almost 90 points!!! That's some amazing shit! I try and give reps everyday because their are so many out there with so little that deserve them more than I do.




This is a real quick bad example LOL but hopefully you see how you take kinda useless branches and make them grow into nice nugs :) There are more than I have highlighted, but in a normal auto xmas tree grow, 65% OR MORE comes from only the top cola. Im trying to get 65% + another 75%... I just blew my own mind... :rofl:
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