Spimps NLxBB Auto Micro CFL's 2013

Not at all. :) I am changing over to a new one and I hope you join us there as soon as I get it going. :)

If you don't post an invite on 2.0 when it's up and running we're going to have a fist fight! Congrats on your harvest & journal my friend & many more.

Thank you Sir Ricorico.
You are one of the people that took me in and helped educate me. You taught me that the best advice for a new grower is to "get out of the way and let her grow". You have given me wisdom that on my own would have taken years of failing/succeeding to learn. For that I am eternally grateful. :thanks:

P.S. Plus I really loved being sarcastic a-holes together. :rofl:


:cheertwo: HC FTW KC :cheertwo:
Yes sir Kind Jaga. :Namaste:
I will post a link back here (maybe today) and EVERYONE"S INVITED!! :slide:

p.s. I sent you and Padma an invitation via Pigeon Carrier but Spanish Pigeons take a while to fly due to the Sangria and what not so Ill just post a link here sir. ;)
Yes sir Kind Jaga. :Namaste:
I will post a link back here (maybe today) and EVERYONE"S INVITED!! :slide:

p.s. I sent you and Padma an invitation via Pigeon Carrier but Spanish Pigeons take a while to fly due to the Sangria and what not so Ill just post a link here sir. ;)

:ciao: A pigeon just pooed on my shoulder :skeptical: Was that my Invitation? :scratchinghead:

Yes sir Kind Jaga. :Namaste:
I will post a link back here (maybe today) and EVERYONE"S INVITED!! :slide:

p.s. I sent you and Padma an invitation via Pigeon Carrier but Spanish Pigeons take a while to fly due to the Sangria and what not so Ill just post a link here sir. ;)

You spimpster are a true friend
I thank you very much just got the pigeon :rofl::rofl:an he was full of the sangria :hmmm:I just dont understand how I never saw tht this was your NL XBB an guess what mine popped out a leg she has only been there for a couple of day,s:allgood: But really you are a true friend an I thankyou :circle-of-love::peace::circle-of-love:
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