Spike's Grow Room

my new grow (besides clones)

I have a female dna sour cream

and a female bubbleyummer
I would like to say THANK-YOU to all who settled me and said so long to
sadie,I have been on and built computers for years in that time I have
been a member of many sites,projects etc. but in all my time I have never met or even thought there could be such a place, a site where compassion
teaching and learning all come together in a free expression of who we are and what we are like and who choose to interact in a loving, kind of a natural
way we are as humans.Thank -you for being You!
My condolences, Spike. I know how you feel. I had a cat that became ill. He couldn't pee, lost his quality of life, and I believe was in pain. It turned out that he needed an operation. But, he was too old to go through that. So, I had to have him put down. It was not easy but, I knew it was the best for him.
I know it's still hard but, you did the right thing. You'll be in my thoughts.

On a lighter note; your new seedlings are looking very good. Looks like the Bubble got planted first?
Keep your chin up. We're with you, man!:peace:
Thx Gator,yaa I had 2 days of tears and then the many well wishes from
420ers like you kicked in and I'm ok,shes with my 2 shar peis,couple iguanas
and so on.Yaa I'm smoking some bubble as we speak.
This bubblegummer is some of the best dank I've grown yet,wow and uff da knocks ya over.Thx for thinking of sadie bro.:thanks::peace:
Wanted you to know about,lately I have been giving my Moms Boyfriend a
gram a week(his liver is gone) as he is terminaly sick.He never smoked in his life and he did some reading and decided to give it a try.I want to say also I'm not medical,get that out of the way first.since he has been smoking a little at night,joint or pipe(uses his old tobacco pipe no end on)he says he
sleeps better,,eats better,,less pain(2 less pain pills) and a general content
ment of what shall be shall be.I think its neat even at this juncture of ones
life can be found a natural med.for mind and soul and even contentment
for a 75 year old who just wants things to be easy.:peace:
picture the top of ice plant



none of my ice plants did good,this was the best,but this is top 5 nodes of a 14 node
plant,it grew and grew, but did nada once I flowered,so I trimmed back and the last
few nodes grew buds.
Haven't been on for a couple weeks...sorry for your loss, Spike. And good on ya for helping yet another with your good meds. I gotta say your pics look amazing...glad to hear you're thriving and getting good support. Not much I can do but let you know you're a role model for growers and why they grow...

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