Spike's Grow Room

Re: spikes grow room

THX Papa,right now I am having alot of fun growing finally getting clones it just seems like I have hit a time when the growing is fun,may sound weird but I'm having fun.:smokin:
Re: spikes grow room

That doesn't sound weird! Not to me at least! I wouldn't do this if it weren't fun. I can get other jobs if I need WORK! I want FUN! I find every part of it rewarding. So much so that I am preparing over the next year to leave my previous life behind and start doing this full time.

Ha Ha! I think an extra hour of darkness is better than an extra hour of light.
I really like this bud arch.

Nice work!
Hey brotherman... oh to be a bubblegummer, layin' on the couch watchin' teevee.

Looking good. Until I came here, I'd never heard of bubblegum. So, is it like bazooka, or that flat, hard stuff that came in Fleer baseball cards?

Glad to hear you're havin' fun, can't have too much of that:grinjoint:

Hey now. No more of this 'FUN' talk. What do you think this is? 420? NOW GET BACK TO WORK!! Conform!

......oh wait......er.....sorry bout that. I thought I was "Living the American Dream" for a moment........turns out it was just a flashback. I'm better now. Now it looks like me and you are living the HUMAN dream. Live, love, peace and prosper.

...wow, this Rhino makes me all hippy-ish. Damn. I better go hide it from myself. lol

Great nugs Spike. the color in those is Phenominal. Great tasty treats. Makes me just want to blend them up in a smoothy and suck it up on this fine warm Memorial day.

keep up the good work! I hope that you had a great weekend.
well it rained and stormed today and I figured good day to replant that I've
been putting off for no certain reason just putting off.replanting to me is 1 of them -kinda- things.I kinda don't mind it,but I kinda don't like it.I haven't had much trouble doing it but I have been kinda close.Its kinda probably a good time to do it but maybe I should wait.Anyway it kinda all got done.
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