Wonderful looking group Mel.

Donatra probably drinks more because of her larger leaves. (That'll be 2 cents, please.) :)
Is the stem for the mohawk bud really flat and wide like a ribbon? I had a fasciated bud in my 2nd grow that looked like a mohawk. I chalked it up to too much LST too early. The bud was still good, it did seem to take a lot of energy from the plant for that one bud. Your plants look spectacular, good luck in flower.
Yes, the stem for what I was hoping would be a mohawk bud is wide and flat.
The pic I posted the link to is from a thread in the Gower's Lounge section called "Post your polyploids".
The wide stem seems to be splitting now into multiple normal stems. It's making me wonder if other stems like that would have split up if they had been vegged longer.
Looks like the flip may have been a few days too late for the mohawk bud. The stem seems to be splitting apart at the top into separate buds. There's still a chance though.
Space Grow 09 August 2022 Ebony unusual.jpg

Space Grow 09 August 2022 Ebony unusual 1.jpg

In case anyone was wondering what I mean by a mohawk bud, one can be found here.
Looks like she self topped, hard to see for sure.
Girls look great Amigo. :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Looks like she self topped, hard to see for sure.
Girls look great Amigo. :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Yeah, sort of. The stem goes from normal, to wide with extra nodes as if 3 stems were stuck together, and now it's like those 3 stems are separating. Currently there's one normal size stem, and one double wide stem, so I'm hoping the double wide one stays together to form a bud.
It's really interesting to watch!
No pics of Lucille today. The camera didn't want to cooperate, and I got a little frustrated.
Ebony is starting to show what looks like a potassium excess. I was confused until I learned that someone has been spraying her with Safer's and neem oil to "help". Unfortunately that particular individual didn't know how much of each to use. The damage is done, and I'll be seeing it come out over the next few days.
Space Grow 10 August 2022 .jpg

Jacinda the Ripper - day 121
Space Grow 10 August 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Space Grow 10 August 2022 Jacinda shoot.jpg

Commander Donatra - day 108
Space Grow 10 August 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 10 August 2022 Donatra shoot.jpg

Ebony - day 98
Space Grow 10 August 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 10 August 2022 Ebony shoot.jpg

Space Grow 10 August 2022 Ebony side shoot.jpg

And pics of Ebony's unusual shoot are in the next post.
Here we go. It's looking even stranger more unusual now.
Space Grow 10 August 2022 Ebony unusual.jpg

Space Grow 10 August 2022 Ebony unusual 1.jpg

Space Grow 10 August 2022 Ebony unusual 2.jpg

So, I know it's not too easy to see what's going on in the pics. I don't think we're going to get a really good look until Ebony comes down, hopefully at harvest.

That's it for today.
Thanks for checking in, and have a great evening.
Here we go. It's looking even stranger more unusual now.
Space Grow 10 August 2022 Ebony unusual.jpg

Space Grow 10 August 2022 Ebony unusual 1.jpg

Space Grow 10 August 2022 Ebony unusual 2.jpg

So, I know it's not too easy to see what's going on in the pics. I don't think we're going to get a really good look until Ebony comes down, hopefully at harvest.

That's it for today.
Thanks for checking in, and have a great evening.
If the stem gets flat and the bud gets like a cauliflower you might have polyploidy mutation. My observation says it happens primarily to the dominant bud/cola.

Amazing looking phenos, you’ve done great work keeping them healthy
Yeah, sort of. The stem goes from normal, to wide with extra nodes as if 3 stems were stuck together, and now it's like those 3 stems are separating. Currently there's one normal size stem, and one double wide stem, so I'm hoping the double wide one stays together to form a bud.
It's really interesting to watch!
Ain’t weed amazing, very healthy looking. I’m going to be checking in to see what she does.
If the stem gets flat and the bud gets like a cauliflower you might have polyploidy mutation. My observation says it happens primarily to the dominant bud/cola.

Amazing looking phenos, you’ve done great work keeping them healthy
Thanks D!
I had heard of this mutation, and seen pics, but I hadn't seen it myself before. Glad to be having the experience.
Ya m sorry to hear that Mel but I think they were trying to help…I hope the girls look great though how did they take to the heat wave?
I think they were. There had been some bugs, and I'm trying to keep the whiteflies off them. They should still have left them alone.
The girls didn't seem to mind the heat at all. Jacinda and Ebony have enough sativa that I'm not surprised they didn't react, but Donatra really needed to drink a lot. Otherwise though she didn't show any sign of heat stress.
Ain’t weed amazing, very healthy looking. I’m going to be checking in to see what she does.
Glad to have you here!
I'm really looking forward to seeing that myself!
Romulan and Northern Lights. That is my next season 🙂 Good looking orchard you got there, Melville.
I just ordered some Northern Lights seeds myself! I haven't grown them before, but I've heard it should do well outdoors around here.
Welcome aboard!
Thanks D!
I had heard of this mutation, and seen pics, but I hadn't seen it myself before. Glad to be having the experience.

I think they were. There had been some bugs, and I'm trying to keep the whiteflies off them. They should still have left them alone.
The girls didn't seem to mind the heat at all. Jacinda and Ebony have enough sativa that I'm not surprised they didn't react, but Donatra really needed to drink a lot. Otherwise though she didn't show any sign of heat stress.
Ah flies are driving me nuts now just got to keep putting up fly traps myself. It's good they didn't have the issues with the heat
Computer's acting up. No pics tonight. No real changes either though.
Ah flies are driving me nuts now just got to keep putting up fly traps myself. It's good they didn't have the issues with the heat
Yeah, just needed more water than usual. How about yours?
Whiteflies, or fungus gnats?
Plants are looking fine and dandy in spite of the strangeness of having someone mysteriously spray them with pesticides!
I'll post a pic of some of the damage tomorrow. There's no mystery, just someone who doesn't respect boundaries.
Plants look great, Mel! Ebony's mohawk bud is interesting. When you show the group photo, it looks like only 3 plants. Are they all pictured???

How was the show?

Santana was great! If you ever get a chance to see them, you really should. They were wonderful other than the 10-minute drum solo that started the encores. I think extended solos are self-indulgent and don't particularly care for them.
Ebony is continuing to flower, despite the damage. The spot I took a pic of is the worst, but it does show up elsewhere on all sides, and there's a little overspray damage on Jacinda, but it's limited to the areas right beside Ebony.
It really does look a lot like potassium toxicity to me, although I've only seen that once in person.
Space Grow 12 August 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker - day 123
Space Grow 12 August 2022 Lucille shoot.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper - day 121
Space Grow 12 August 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Space Grow 12 August 2022 Jacinda shoot.jpg

Commander Donatra - day 110
Space Grow 12 August 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 12 August 2022 Donatra shoot.jpg

Ebony - day 108
Space Grow 12 August 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 12 August 2022 Ebony shoot.jpg

Space Grow 12 August 2022 Ebony side shoot.jpg

As you can see, she's continuing to flower despite the damage, although I think it did slow her down for a bit.
Space Grow 12 August 2022 Ebony damage.jpg

There's more, but this is the worst patch. Several leaves have already fallen off over here, and a few more look like they won't last much longer.
I'm lucky it happened after she got big enough to take it like this. There are enough leaves for her to loose a few more without any issues, and as you can see, the newer growth around the buds has no damage.

Your girl's look like mine, but a lot better.

I've seen some mutations of purpling in early flowering in my girls.

Lost a girl this season due to herbicide applications.

Loving the journal :meditate:
Thanks! Glad you're enjoying the journal!
I've only had one plant start going purple in early flower, and by the end the entire plant was a really nice dark purple.
I never really thought about how much they spray herbicides on crops, and how much that can impact anyone growing near those fields. Something to think about.
Plants look great, Mel! Ebony's mohawk bud is interesting. When you show the group photo, it looks like only 3 plants. Are they all pictured???
Thanks HG!
I hope she actually does form one of those mohawks, but she might have missed the boat. It really does look more like we might be seeing a two headed bud instead, depending how they form where the stem splits.
Lucille is in the ground about 2.5 to 3 metres away from the girls in pots. I can only get those 3 in frame at once. As I learned from a grower on another forum, it's possible to determine my location from the background. He warned me about it, and since then I've been more careful (paranoid?) about what's visible i the background of my posts. I debated not mentioning Lucille at all when I was starting the journal, but decided to have her in it for as long as I could. You mentioned an app earlier in the journal that could remove backgrounds, but a couple of issues came up.
Santana was great! If you ever get a chance to see them, you really should. They were wonderful other than the 10-minute drum solo that started the encores. I think extended solos are self-indulgent and don't particularly care for them.
I'm glad you enjoyed the show!
I'm really not sure what's going to happen with this bud, lol.
At first it looked like the stem was going to stay together and give us a nice mutant mohawk, but now it's splitting up.
There is still a section that's extra wide, but since that one stem split off it's looking less unusual.
Space Grow 12 August 2022 Ebony uusual.jpg

Space Grow 12 August 2022 Ebony unusual 1.jpg

Have a great day!
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