Not fun! But at least you have a good eye and a plan :thumb: As for the rest Wow! 6ft3 that is way taller than me at 5ft10 :rofl: they are looking phenomenal! :green_heart:
Thanks G!
It's a little taller than myself as well!
Hey Melville garden looks great, sorry I fell behind.
I'll catch up soon Amigo. :ciao:

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Glad you're feeling better Bill!
Take care of yourself!
Sweet trees those are Mel! And excellent timing on catching the rot (which doesn't look like PM to me). Now is definitely the best time to spot it and work on fixing it. I'm looking forward to seeing how the JMS spray handles it.

Thanks Shed!
The pics are of mould from Jacinda, I didn't put up pics of the PM on Lucille.
Ebony is continuing to flower, despite the damage. The spot I took a pic of is the worst, but it does show up elsewhere on all sides, and there's a little overspray damage on Jacinda, but it's limited to the areas right beside Ebony.
It really does look a lot like potassium toxicity to me, although I've only seen that once in person.
Space Grow 12 August 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker - day 123
Space Grow 12 August 2022 Lucille shoot.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper - day 121
Space Grow 12 August 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Space Grow 12 August 2022 Jacinda shoot.jpg

Commander Donatra - day 110
Space Grow 12 August 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 12 August 2022 Donatra shoot.jpg

Ebony - day 108
Space Grow 12 August 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 12 August 2022 Ebony shoot.jpg

Space Grow 12 August 2022 Ebony side shoot.jpg

As you can see, she's continuing to flower despite the damage, although I think it did slow her down for a bit.
Space Grow 12 August 2022 Ebony damage.jpg

There's more, but this is the worst patch. Several leaves have already fallen off over here, and a few more look like they won't last much longer.
I'm lucky it happened after she got big enough to take it like this. There are enough leaves for her to loose a few more without any issues, and as you can see, the newer growth around the buds has no damage.

Thanks! Glad you're enjoying the journal!
I've only had one plant start going purple in early flower, and by the end the entire plant was a really nice dark purple.
I never really thought about how much they spray herbicides on crops, and how much that can impact anyone growing near those fields. Something to think about.

Thanks HG!
I hope she actually does form one of those mohawks, but she might have missed the boat. It really does look more like we might be seeing a two headed bud instead, depending how they form where the stem splits.
Lucille is in the ground about 2.5 to 3 metres away from the girls in pots. I can only get those 3 in frame at once. As I learned from a grower on another forum, it's possible to determine my location from the background. He warned me about it, and since then I've been more careful (paranoid?) about what's visible i the background of my posts. I debated not mentioning Lucille at all when I was starting the journal, but decided to have her in it for as long as I could. You mentioned an app earlier in the journal that could remove backgrounds, but a couple of issues came up.

I'm glad you enjoyed the show!
Damn fine grow.
Having a bit of extra time on my hands, I decided to find out exactly what is different between the Grow and Bloom mixes of @Remo Nutrients.
The most important parts being NPK Ca and Mg.
For the Grow mix it's 9-4-7, Ca-5 Mg-2.3
For the Bloom its 9-11-20, Ca-2 Mg-1.3
I find it interesting that they lower both the calcium and magnesium for the Bloom mix. The girl getting the Remo Bloom mix isn't showing any deficiencies, so I'm not concerned or anything, I just find it interesting.
Space Grow 16 August 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker - day 127, and I'm officially getting worried about how long it's taking her to shift into flower. If she lives up to the quicker side of the breeder's flowering estimate we should make it, but if she ends up being on the longer side she won't be done until late October.
Space Grow 16 August 2022 Lucille shoot.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper - day 125 No problems here.
Space Grow 16 August 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Space Grow 16 August 2022 Jacinda shoot.jpg

Commander Donatra - day 114
Space Grow 16 August 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 16 August 2022 Donatra shoot.jpg

Ebony - day 104
Space Grow 16 August 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 16 August 2022 Ebony shoot.jpg

Space Grow 16 August 2022 Ebony side bud.jpg

I had a busy couple days and been missing out on your grow, incredible growth Mel, super healthy and that one showing toxicity is still holding ground she seems to have taken the hit and should recover good.

Loved all the photos. Great job.
Thanks D!
I was happy to read that you had a backup site for your girls. I really hope they recover from the trip quickly!
Damn fine grow.
Thanks Cap!
Here we have Ebony's unusual stem.
Space Grow 16 August 2022 Ebony unusual.jpg

Space Grow 16 August 2022 Ebony unusual 1.jpg

Turning out to be a little less unusual than I was hoping, but the buds will vape just as well!
It's pretty cool. :thumb:
And like you said the extra bud will smoke just fine. ;)
Looking great Amigo.
Hope you are well.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
It's pretty cool. :thumb:
And like you said the extra bud will smoke just fine. ;)
Looking great Amigo.
Hope you are well.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Thanks Bill!
what happened?
A mutation called a fasciated stem. I was hoping it would stay together long enough for the bud to form, which would have looked like a mohawk. Unfortunately it started to split up right as she was shifting into flower.
Thanks Bill!

A mutation called a fasciated stem. I was hoping it would stay together long enough for the bud to form, which would have looked like a mohawk. Unfortunately it started to split up right as she was shifting into flower

Aww I’m sorry my friend but she will still smoke right ?
I'll play the devil's advocate, that sweet fasciated stem formation staying in a wicked mohawk formation looks like an invitation for bud rot.
Could be. I think I'll look into it a bit. I don't remember seeing any pics of them from outdoor plants, although I'm sure they exist.
While watering Ebony this morning I came across a surprise guest!
@Krissi Carbone take a look at my sqatter!
:circle-of-love: oooooh heeeey there beautiful!!

Wow, if I knew they would form their chrysalis on my weed, I would have just kept them in the tent and away from the birds outside!

Plus, do caterpillar droppings work the same as earthworm castings? Good fertilizer for the pots!

I've got 2 left, fat and lazy. Last one is looking for a stick to home on

:circle-of-love: oooooh heeeey there beautiful!!

Wow, if I knew they would form their chrysalis on my weed, I would have just kept them in the tent and away from the birds outside!

Plus, do caterpillar droppings work the same as earthworm castings? Good fertilizer for the pots!

I've got 2 left, fat and lazy. Last one is looking for a stick to home on

I think their droppings are counted as insect frass, so it would make good fertilizer.
Your tiger swallowtails would be better for that though. The monarch frass would contain toxic chemicals from the milkweed, and I don't know if the plants would take up any of it, or if it would accumulate in any specific spots like the buds.
I think their droppings are counted as insect frass, so it would make good fertilizer.
Your tiger swallowtails would be better for that though. The monarch frass would contain toxic chemicals from the milkweed, and I don't know if the plants would take up any of it, or if it would accumulate in any specific spots like the buds.
So you're telling me I got frass.....sweeeeeet

And thanks for the Monarch tip because next year I am trying for both species and will keep them away from my girls.

May have to stick a Swallowtail in the tent come summer next year! Sass-a-frass
I was wondering if it was Monarch. I understand that they are endangered. Don't they pose problems for your plants? Do you move them to different plants to gobble up their leaves instead? Is Swallowtail also endangered? @Krissi Carbone are you breeding them?
I was wondering if it was Monarch. I understand that they are endangered. Don't they pose problems for your plants? Do you move them to different plants to gobble up their leaves instead?
My swallowtails stay on the fennel or curly parsley the mother lays her eggs on. I keep mine outside, away from my plants but both species are very particular about what they eat-I doubt that monarch was doing anything bad to Mel's lady. The Monarchs though, I guess as he eluded, may give off some toxins because of the milkweed they feed on.
Is Swallowtail also endangered? @Krissi Carbone are you breeding them?
Swallowtails are not endangered as of yet but the monarch population depleted so fast over the last 2 years, I wouldn't be surprised to see others follow.

I do raise them. I keep curly parsley out for the mothers to drop eggs and then I keep the caterpillars until they become butterflies and I set them free.
I was wondering if it was Monarch. I understand that they are endangered. Don't they pose problems for your plants? Do you move them to different plants to gobble up their leaves instead? Is Swallowtail also endangered? @Krissi Carbone are you breeding them?
The monarch caterpillars can only eat milkweed. It's one of the reasons they're endangered. There were a lot of gardeners destroying milkweed across North America. You can guess what they thought of it from its name. Now there's a push to get gardeners to plant it, and for more pollinator gardens which benefit a lot of other species as well, like bees.
There are some areas having problems with complaints about those gardens, especially since the bylaws in most municipalities seem to expect all yards to look like the suburbia depicted in Edward Scissorhands.
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