South Indian Sativa LED SOG Experiment

Rider thanks for saving me a seat. I will have to go back and read this one for sure, love a sativa grow. Landrace I know I will be reading.. Hehe

The last picture I seen of her did it for me. She looks good.
Mind if I take a seat. She looks healthy. How far into flower are you?

Hello and welcome!

Yes she's doing pretty good even though i definitely am an absolute NOOB but i've been learning really quickly!

its been about 80-83 days since i switched to 12/12 photoperiod to force the plant to flower, i'm sure its gonna take me a minimum of one more month to harvest!!.. this is a very very slow strain, but i snipped a small test-bud and vaped it, and man i'm loving the effects and flavour.. cant wait for her to full mature and unlock her full potential!

Nothing but buds, Hasnain! How exciting for you! It's crazy how big those colas have gotten. That plant has produced way more than I'd ever expected. That's the power and tenacity of life.

man... and just think about it... these are just 4 branches off the main stem!... i've snipped everything else off.. imagine this same plant grown outdoors with nothing snipped off.. or imagine this girl grown indoors in a much bigger space and a SCROG setup.. i'm sure the results would be crazy!

By the way guys, this is all the stuff I'm using for the plant. From Left to Right :-

1. Distilled water straight from Lord Krishna's lap.. LOL

2. Calcium Nitrate powder

3. Magnesium Sulphate Powder

4. Radon Micro, Grow and Bloom 3-part nutes.

That's the order I follow as well, 1+2+3+4

After this, I check the ph, and make any adjustments if needed and then I water.

Now on days where I don't feed nutes and use just water.. I still add a little bit of calcium and magnesium powder, since the plant loves that.
Hahaha hi guys,

Frankly not much to update, that's why no news for a while.

But now, there's an update!

So the trichomes have started losing that "crystal shine"... they're beginning to get cloudy.. I think I'll see more changes in the next 5-7 days hopefully... damn this plant is slow!!

Not too much of visible changes density-wise, the smell has definitely picked up a notch. Some of the old mother leaves have shrivelled and fallen off, and about 75% of the pistils have turned Amber... it's getting to that point guys..

Apart from this, I've just been sticking to my feed routine and everything is smooth sailing.

I guess this is the part of the grow where patience is all that's needed, all the "work" has been done.

It's like I've taught my kid to walk and sent her to school and college and now she's on her own.. lol

Stay tuned guys! I'll update next in about 2-3 days with pics!!

Day 148 ( 103 of 12/12 photoperiod)

The plant has now entered 3+ months of flowering!!!

She's looking as if she's running on her last legs to be frank, most of the fan leaves have shrivelled and fallen off, bud density seems to be the same for the past few weeks, trichomes development is good, mostly everything is cloudy now.

I'm thinking I'll give her some more time and as soon as I see even a hint of amber, I'll start feeding only plain water and then harvest after 2-3 weeks.

I wouldn't mind harvesting even now, coz when I vaped the test buds a month back, I was frankly very satisfied with that result.. and if u were to ask me if I would like to continue with that quality, honestly I wouldn't mind, maybe that's MY preference... but I'm still giving my plant more time just to let all the chemistry take its course. So yeah.. as soon as I see amber... I'll switch to plain water.

Here are some pics!!



Cheers and Stay Tuned!!!
Hasnain, that plant is straight up crazy! Such massive buds for such a small trunk. I'm blown away and wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen the whole progression from seedling to now. Good job!

I don't even see any brown pistils! Can't wait to see your dry weight after harvest.
I'm surprised that plant can even hold itself up. Looks nice. I admire your patience, a lot of people would have whacked it by now.

lol if I get a bit impatient.. I just snip a tiny little bud worth maybe 2 vape sessions.. dry it for a couple days, cure it for another couple.. and then vape it.. LOL...

But yes, I've heard from enough people to know that it's better being patient. .

I'm gonna be giving an update tomorrow, so stay tuned!!
Hasnain, that plant is straight up crazy! Such massive buds for such a small trunk. I'm blown away and wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen the whole progression from seedling to now. Good job!

I don't even see any brown pistils! Can't wait to see your dry weight after harvest.

Thank you brother,

I don't know about the pic, but most of the pistils have browned.

Yes at this moment it looks like an Ant is carrying an elephant hahahaha.. small stalk.. but heavy branches..

Although... the buds aren't as "dense" as I would've have liked them.. but for a first timer, I feel I've done a pretty decent job.
Hello hello everyone!!

Guys... I know I’m not giving much updates... but like the pic above suggests.. that’s exactly what the scenario is right now.. LOL

I’m still waiting for the trichomes to show some amber.. right now it’s definitely cloudy.. I’ve just got to have the patience..

I could post pics, but frankly there are no more visible changes.. Plant looks the same.. any changes henceforth can only be seen by using a magnifier..

Anyways... I’ve just been feeding her and watering her alternatively.. waiting for results soon!!!

Hang in there guys... u can imagine how long I’ve been hanging!!! lol

Cheers and Stay Tuned!!
Day 152,

It’s time for a proper update!!!

Plant looks the same, but there has been a new development....

AMBER is here!!!

So this is how it is :- the sugar leaves have like 4-5% amber and the calyxes have just a hint.. like literally 1% amber... I can only find amber if I look really closely... and I mean reeeeaaallyy closely.

Now I did vape a test bud almost 45 days back, and I was very much satisfied by that.. so I’m guessing it’s gonna be a whole new ball game now..

I think I’ve been patient, and now that I see the signs of amber on the calyxes.. I think I’m gonna stop with the nutes and start the plain water “cleanse” for the next 1-2 weeks I guess? How long do u guys think I need to keep this goin till I harvest?

I’m really confident the plant is ready for harvest... I mean... ALL the fan leaves have browned, shriveled and fallen on the plant with no assistance from me whatsoever.. almost ALL the pistils have completely turned brownish-red... so I think it’s time guys...

Please give me ur feedback guys.. coz now this is the crucial point!!!

Cheers... and Gimme Feedback!!
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