South Indian Sativa LED SOG Experiment

Alright so till my lights arrive, i ran another test yesterday.

I took some of my organic potting mix soil + added 20% perlite to it for a bit more aeration/water retention. My aim was to measure the PPM of the runoff from this soil.

Now, i put some in a cup and watered the soil till i got runoff, and the PPM Meter showed a reading of about 3000 PPM! after i flushed it a few more times the runoff kept dropping in PPMs

This soil is a mix of washed and sterilised coco-peat and organic "Phased" fertilisers. I've learned that Phased fertilisers are also called Slow-Release fertilisers, and basically they release the nutes over time right? now are my plants really absorbing 3000 PPMs all at once or does the soil "slowly release" PPMs into water as and when they're watered?

what i'm wondering is, should i wait to i see if i need to use my 3 Part Nutrients right away? maybe the soil's already got enough ferts for now? and if i see any deficiency, i could then start with a very weak strength nute solution?

Merry Christmas to All!!

Same to you brother!
Day 89 (44 days since 12/12)

Hey guys, hope u had a great Christmas.

My plant is doing its thing, I'm definitely able to see things getting a bit thicker, when compared to how things looked about 2 weeks back. Development is slow, but it is what it is. This strain is definitely an outdoor strain. It's just one plant and I've chopped off all the branches, leaving only 4 and man they've occupied the entire grow box!!!

Some of the calyxes are more swollen than others, and I'm able to see a bit more frost.

Anyways I've been feeding/watering well, temps and humidity is ideal. Everything seems fine.

Here are some pics:-






Let me know what u guys think.

Cheers guys!
I think you need to take pics with white light! :)

Yeah I know... sry bro, the thing is that room has a very weak white light, need to get something handheld to shine light on the plant and then take a pic. I don't wanna remove the plant from the box as well coz it's just completely occupied the box and it's a pain trying to bring it out.

I'll find a better way to take pics, I promise .

Use the flash on your phone, even with LED lights on you can get a great picture. Flicking off the LED is also good for you, certain issues are all but invisible under LED lights, so having a look at the plant in white light is great.

Look really good now, starting to bush up nicely
Hi guys,

I was able to untie the plant and bring it outta the box....

Damn this plant has gone CRAZY!!! It's like trying to grow a tree inside a box!

Here are some new pics




It's so much better to be able to see your plant under white light. It looks very healthy! Can't you just shine a light in the grow box when you want to take pics?
You and I both have a looooong way to go. Sativas are very slow to fully flower.
This is one of my girls. It’s a tree in a box! LOL
It's so much better to be able to see your pla....

Holy shit! That's more like a forest in a box!!!

Yeah I tried shining light on the plant while it's in the box, it just doesn't get the job done, when I open the room curtains I let the natural light get in and that's why you're able to see the plant well.

I see a few of the older leaves getting a bit yellow, but in general; I'm able to see that the plant is slowly getting thicker. I'm not able to 'see right through' the plant as much as I could a few weeks back.

I'll try to get a good pic of the slight frost development on some of the calyxes.

Stay tuned!!
So guys, here's a log of the last 9 feeds/waterings. It contains the weight of the pot (in grams), runoff ppm and ph – before and after watering with 1 litre of water.

Every time I watered/fed, I made sure it was ph'ed to about 5.3-5.5.

Now notice the results whenever I feed with nutes and when I just use plain ph'ed water.

The ph always increases when I used plain ph'ed water even though the ph of the plain water was identical to the ph of the ''feed water''

So the average ph of runoff when feeding nutes is 5.8, and the average when feeding plain ph'ed water is 6.4... which is an up and down fluctuation of about 0.6 ph, in between feed/water.

I'm not too bothered about it (should I be?), but I'm curious as to why that happens, coz whether I used nutes or just plain water, I always maintained the same ph before it made its way into the soil.

Here's the log:-

Interesting, isn't it?

Cheers and Stay Tuned!!
Happy New Year to you all!!

Day 101

The plants have been in 12/12 for roughly two months now, and slowly and surely; things are getting a bit denser, crystals are forming, calyxes are getting more prominent, there's a more prominent smell etc etc.

Everything's at a slow pace, but this plant seems to be that way.

I'm expecting to harvest probably in another month or so it seems like.

Here are some pics!!


Here's a pic of a tiny little bud from the bottom most site of the plant.

If u zoom in u can kinda see the tiny little trichomes, still very young.

So this piece of bud weighed 1.30 grams fresh, and in about 24 hrs it's now about 0.80 grams. I'm gonna wait till the weight comes down to 1/4th the original (about 0.30 grams) and then maybe I'll take a little bit and test it right away and with the remaining I'll put it in a little glass jar and cure it for another 24-48 hrs and see how it smokes then.

It's been a while since my last update, but yup! Now there was plenty to update about, hope you guys are still hanging around!

Cheers...... and Stay Tuned!
Day 111

Hey guys!

It's been a while, I've just been waiting patiently and the plant is definitely doing its thing at a slow pace. Quite a lot of the hairs have turned brownish-red and upon using a magnifying tool I'm able to observe the crystals. I can see stalks and the lovely bulb shaped heads, they're still clear, should start turning milky any day now.

So, the small piece of bud which I plucked out about two weeks back.... I dried it, cured it... and vaped it.

DAAAMMNNN it tasted crazy!! It had an intense RAW GREEN MANGO scent and flavour.. which is easily 10-20 times more flavourful than what u get from dealers.. and the high.... oh man.. it was absolutely amazing. Right now since the bud was young, the crystals were nice and clear so there wasn't too much of CBD build-up yet.. but I got that amazing THC Head high... extremely energetic high. Can't wait to vape the fully matured product!!

Here is a recent pic, see if u can tell if the plant has become a bit denser:-



And....... here are a few pics of some ground sample bud! :-


The plant is definitely getting ready.. should I start feeding it only plain water as soon as I see the trichomes heads turning milky? Please do let me know!

Cheers... and Stay Tuned!!!
Day 111

Hey guys!

It's been a while, I've just been waiting patiently and the plant is definitely doing its thing at a slow pace. Quite a lot of the hairs have turned brownish-red and upon using a magnifying tool I'm able to observe the crystals. I can see stalks and the lovely bulb shaped heads, they're still clear, should start turning milky any day now.

So, the small piece of bud which I plucked out about two weeks back.... I dried it, cured it... and vaped it.

DAAAMMNNN it tasted crazy!! It had an intense RAW GREEN MANGO scent and flavour.. which is easily 10-20 times more flavourful than what u get from dealers.. and the high.... oh man.. it was absolutely amazing. Right now since the bud was young, the crystals were nice and clear so there wasn't too much of CBD build-up yet.. but I got that amazing THC Head high... extremely energetic high. Can't wait to vape the fully matured product!!

Here is a recent pic, see if u can tell if the plant has become a bit denser:-



And....... here are a few pics of some ground sample bud! :-


The plant is definitely getting ready.. should I start feeding it only plain water as soon as I see the trichomes heads turning milky? Please do let me know!

Cheers... and Stay Tuned!!!
Coming along nicely. It really a preference thing. Some people like to harvest at first sign of amber so they start flush at about 50\50 milky and clear and by the time they flush for 10-14 days they are done. I don't start my flush till about 5% amber then I flush for 10-14 days and harvest at 20-40% amber. I would keep feeding for a while longer, especially her being a sativa but like I said it really comes down to preference...️
thanks for the tips guys,

i think what i should really be asking should be based on the kind of effect i want from my bud.

what if i wanted a balanced THC/CBD ratio, or maybe a little more on the THC side.. like say 60/40 or 70/30... when should i start flushing and harvest? am i asking the right question?

Do let me know! thanks!
Coming along nicely. It really a prefere....

Bro, when you talk about the trichome percentage.. how do you asses that? do you just take your magnifying tool and look at one certain spot.. or do u check all around the plant for the same consistency? should i be looking at the top half of the plant or the bottom half?

if its too much to explain.. maybe u could help me out by sharing a thread which explains how to check percentages..

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