Sonic's Auto Xtreme LED Grow

Great job Sonic. Your plants are quite bushy and will explode with Flower's when flipped.

I am interested in the Voodoo Juice, right out of the gate.

Do you know what the difference between biobizz and promix bx? (I have the latter).
Curious if I should be giving Voodoo Juice as well, as I have 2 more beans in wet pt now.

Hi yeatster , I am using biobizz light mix which is not too hot but has enough to keep my girls going for about four weeks at the start .
please correct me if i'm wrong , promix bx does not .
If you look at the the feed chart i follow ( pg 10 ) Voodoo juice is given from day 10 with first nutes , but voodoo can not harm anything so i have just decided to add it from the start .
Be safe .
Yours are the same as my sonic xtreme the 1 in general soil is a week is sonic xtreme today;)
Hi miller , thanks for your kind words , but your last comment , they are auto's mate .
Be safe .
I flip my autos. It's just a habit to say that.

Yours are the same as my sonic xtreme the 1 in general soil is a week is sonic xtreme today;)

Hi beast , yes 35 days on wednesday .
your sonic xtreme looks great , they sure are a pleasure to grow , no problems at all .
Ive got that many tops its hard to decide what to trim an what to leave .
I have given them some defol for now .
As the plant's stretch over the next few week i will remove the growth that i think does not help the main bud sites .
Be safe .
Hi everyone , as promised i just want to put up some pictures of what i like to call super tucking .
I don't like to remove leaves in the first five weeks , obviously they are there for a reason .
the problem is sometimes they can be a pain in the arse and get in the way .
If you just tuck the leaf it will usually find its way back , which does my head in .
The simple solution is to super tuck , simply squeeze the stem in 1,2, or 3 places to get it out off the way .
The leaf will not die and will carry on doing it's job .
I have done this to all my plants and none of the leaves have died , they will still look healthy weeks later .

Here are a few pictures of leaves i super tucked weeks ago


It is also a great way to slow down the tallest bud sites so the lower one's can catch up , creating a level canopy .
Be safe .
I would also like to introduce you to my little babies .
Dutch passion Blue automazar day 1 was wednesday 17/02/16 .
The girls are called lotus and porsche , porsche was about 8 hours behind lotus but she is doing well .


The girl's in there new home .


Have a great day everyone .
Be safe
"Super tuck", is that a common term, or did you coin that?
Either way, I like it!
The tutorial is super helpful. I'm a picture kinda guy.

The wee ones look great. I need to get me some of those pots for my next start.

I'm in the market for an LED tent kit. I saw one for $687, not sure if I can name it. Do you have any ideas in that price range? I don't want you to search, just if you knew anything off the top of your head.

Everything looks wonderful, as usual, in your tent.
Hi Yeatster , I don't know if super tuck is common or not , i asked the wife if she thought it sounded right and that was that , Lol .
The pots are only cheep , i got some smart pots but they do my head in because they don't hold there shape ( I know now ) drives my OCD nuts , my next round i'm hoping to get those plastic air pots that Tang uses .
As regards Led's , i could not afford the top brands so i took the money i had picked a cheep but good brand and got the most i could .
2000w cost me under £400 , I also like to have more light's , 3-4 or 5 per tent , this means i can move them independently up and down .
I honestly believe , the more Led light you have the less problems you will see in your plants .
And thankyou for your comments .
Be safe .
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