SoilGirl's Indoor Organic Soil Medical Grow Journal - Mars II 1600 & Other LEDs

Re: SoilGirl's Indoor Organic Soil Medical Grow Journal - Mars II 1600 and other LEDs

Hello everybody! I'm getting ready to do an update in a sec but first I wanted to get back to you guys that posted recently, share what's been up lately, and say something.

First off, a good friend of mine here brought it to my attention that yesterday (I think) someone started a little argument here by saying a couple things to me that not everybody following my journal agreed with. I didn't see any of it except for the response to me that started all of it. I just wanted to say thanks so much to everyone that spoke on my behalf, you're such kind people and I'm honored you would defend me and support me. Also thank you to any moderators/staff that were involved with removing it all, that was very thoughtful, but I also want to say I'm a big girl. I can take a harsh opinion. :blushsmile:

As for what he said to me, I have two things to say. One is that yes, I am young (21) and trying to grow while living with my Dad who suffered a head injury at work 2 years ago and now can be very aggressive and out of control randomly, and whose condition is degenerating. But for you to say I shouldn't be growing, and am doing some kind of harm to public opinion of the MMJ community by doing so in this situation, is just plain jumping the gun a bit. My Dad and I have both really enjoyed my outdoor harvest, we both use it for medicine... which brings me to the second thing I wanted to say.

.... let me break down why he thought I can't be "medicating" and must instead just be "getting high" ... (Side Note:*** 'high' in the derogatory sense - I honestly see anything that effects your state of mind/consciousness as a form of 'high' - but why does that mean it is a delinquent behavior and can't be 'medicating'..? I think when it comes to weed, if someone says they're 'getting high' what we should assume is they are self medicating.... even if its just someone relaxing after a long day with a bowl, the weed is acting as an anti-depressant/anti-anxiety medication - whether they feel they medically need to use it or not) .... he assumed since I'm young, I couldn't possibly medically need Cannabis. Because, as we all know, 21 year olds can't get cancer or epilepsy or AIDS....

well he was right, I don't have as urgent a need for medical cannabis as many out there do. I don't have cancer or epilepsy or AIDS. But what gives anyone the right to say that it isn't important for me to use cannabis, especially someone that has never even met me...? that doesn't feel the pain in my wrists when I try to lift something... (multiple fractures each wrist - one that went untreated for much too long in my right hand), or the horrible stomach pains/nausea and headaches I get, who doesn't know the anxiety or depression of my life, how many sleepless nights I spend tossing and turning and having terrible nightmares when I don't have weed. It makes my life A LOT more worth living.

But I will also admit... I have developed a dependency which makes me question my own sincerity every now and then about using it as a medicine. I use too much cannabis and I hope to lessen the amount I do to just a couple times a day, maybe once in the morning once at night before bed.... and just maybe one or two somewhere between.. :laughtwo: ... see? Dependency. I'm disappointed by letting myself get dependent on weed, but I'd much rather have bud as my 'problem' than alcohol or cigarettes or anything else.

OK that said - the situation at home is still crazy. Today I found my dad passed out on the ground in the chicken coop, again, and he won't tell me what he's doing in there. If I hadn't gone out to take pics of my compost/worm bin and add some leaves he might have been laying in chicken poo for hours >.< He got mad at me that I hadn't found him sooner.. but he wasn't saying anything or making any sound, and I didn't even know he was back from the store.. god it's hard to get him back on his feet. He weighs like 230 lbs... 100 lbs more than me.

I'm going to be going to Denver this Friday to spend some time away from my Dad. I need a break. Really REALLY need a break lol. He says he will watch my plants. Then I'll come back with my Mom and maybe my sister for thanksgiving... my Dad actually tries to hold back his awful craziness around my sister since he never sees her, so hopefully the holiday will go without incident... my sister would never ever visit him again if he pulled any BS.

... ok I've been long winded too long. I haven't even answered anyone personally... at this rate the update won't happen until tomorrow >.<
No need to be sorry, handle your shit. We'll be here.

Sorry to hear all that again. It's a never ending battle....... I'm still rooting for you though.
Just remember there is always an out.

Stay strong
Much love, respect, and loving vibes coming your way from me.
Aw thank you Sphnx. You've been so supportive. Its ok. I just wish I had a better 'out' haha. I appreciate the vibes, much :Love: to everybody who's been sending them!

Here's to peace, love, and a healthy, medicated life for us all. :Namaste: :passitleft:
I see that sneaky Sphnx got in first with all the right words. We're all here for you, Girl. Now go get those photos for us. :)
Hahahaha he's quick huh? Coming right up Senior Teddy. (I don't mean that like "you're an old senior" but like in spanish for 'sir' LOL. note to self... figure out how to put accents over vowels in type.)
Sorry to hear life continues to challenge your safety. Be safe and be strong.
I'm sorry that its like this too... not a fun way to live... but I've made it this far. I won't let him majorly harm me or my future. I just don't ever want to need to truly harm him. I've been close to shooting him in the leg or shoulder on 2 different occasions in the last 2 years... really, really close.. and sometimes I wish I had.. but I'm glad I didn't.

I'll stay strong. thank you for caring Susan. Your user name is an honest one :)
I think all of us wish we were closer to you so we could all pitch in and help you out of this situation. No one should go through what you are going through or even put up with it.

Be Safe, Make Plans.
Love from All.
Thanks SBG.. that's really kind of you to say. Maybe I'm a fool for not just packing up and running to the first place I could find, even if its a cardboard box under a bridge >.< but.. I don't know if I have the conviction to do that quite yet.. it scares me...

Yep. Definitely a fool. I certainly am living up to my generation's reputation >.< oh god... Someone just put me out of my misery hahaha...

Thank you for the support SBG.. I hope you're enjoying your weekend. :ciao:

alright... I'm going to go fire up the EQ Arizer really quick, then I'll be right back for that update. *Spoiler* There will be worm porn, a hermie, and a new baby. ;)
Re: SoilGirl's Indoor Organic Soil Medical Grow Journal - Mars II 1600 and other LEDs

Come vacation out in California for a week. Stay anywhere you'd like. Temporary but that could be a deciding factor. Also other towns around you. Get a friend to move with you. You can't stay there forever you know?
Re: SoilGirl's Indoor Organic Soil Medical Grow Journal - Mars II 1600 and other LEDs

Is there going to be anything going on here with a grow?
Re: SoilGirl's Indoor Organic Soil Medical Grow Journal - Mars II 1600 and other LEDs

Come vacation out in California for a week. Stay anywhere you'd like. Temporary but that could be a deciding factor. Also other towns around you. Get a friend to move with you. You can't stay there forever you know?
I do have some family in Cali that wouldn't mind a visit. That would be nice. But a move to Cali... I'm not sure I'm ready for that.

You're right though. Can't stay here forever.

Friends? ... what are those.. lol just kidding. Yeah... no one's gonna move with me >.<

But really you're too kind Sphnx, thank you for the concern, don't worry about me. :Namaste: :)
Is there going to be anything going on here with a grow?
Yep going to do the update right now, although you'll probably miss it. It's okay. You're growing on a whole different level then me, busy day and night doing your thing, helping new growers, and that's the dream. It's cool you'd stop by though.

Finally an Update after all that B.S.

2 days ago I plopped a little Blue Blood seed into soil, although it wasn't fully germinated... today it popped up. Just a second ago I removed the helmet, but I don't think that's in the pic. Question: should I just wait for the seed shell to pop off of seedlings or should I keep taking it off as soon as I can? There were a lot of dead cotyledons with my recent seedlings, think that could be why?

Glad to get this one going again... with any luck it will grow to fruition safely here.

Now the rest of the Indoor Veg Plants

Here's that Black Bubba Kush that got totally f-ed up in the cloner by mites, finally actually starting to grow. I can hardly believe it. And it has a great node structure after all the weirdness, I think she still has potential.


This is OG Kush PR (that back crossed private reserve OG from the dispensary I was talking about early on) ... moved into what used to be the Euphoria clone's soil. Maybe I transplanted it too early, but the roots were decently balled up.

...unfortunately the top layer of dirt crumbled and exposed about an inch or so of white taproot during transplant >.< so she appears lankier than before. A little bit of droop in the leaves, but overall not much shock actually.


Ah. This is the stunted Corleone Kush #2. Not as pathetic as before, but in comparison to the others... still pretty sad. Slowly doing better.


Here's Corleone Kush #1, the mutant, but not as mutant-like now. Just a little wrinkly-leafed, and a couple of the fans seem to bend down on their own as if I had HST'ed them. Actually growing very robust. Topped ~a week ago.


and this is DinaFem Diesel. If it's diesel, I like it, but someone hinted this strain isn't very potent >.< that worries me. At least she's doing well, and she has the tightest node growth yet of all my vegging plants.


Now today I had to mix some Veg Soil for a couple transplants so I made about 10 gallons. Here's what I mixed in:

5 gallons Sunshine #4 Advanced/Organic
1.5 gal Fox Farm Ocean Forest
1 gal Wiggle Worm EWC
0.5 gal Ancient Forest
0.5 gal Vermiculite
1 gal Perlite
0.5 gal of our homemade compost/castings from the bottom of the bin (great looking stuff, I'll take a pic for you guys! The Black Soldier Fly larvae seem to be dead, but quite a few red wigglers are repopulating and really doing some work.) --- I think I'm going to omit the local red sandy claylike soil from my backyard for now, my dad used a bunch of fertilizer for grass on it so I'm not comfortable digging it up right now for my plants.

3 cups Yum Yum Mix
1/2 cup Azomite
1/2 cup Excellerite (I have both so I combine them for an even broader mineral cocktail, but one or the other will do great - personally I like the Azomite better because of the fluffy texture and high silica)
3/4 cup of Mexican Bat Guano
1/4 cup Xtreme Gardening Mykos
5 tbsp. Dr. Earth's Soft Rock Phosphate
about a handful of ground, crushed and baked eggshells. (completely organic, we raise our chickens on our leftovers)
and finally, dusted with about a tsp per transplant spot of Xtreme Gardening Azos, to help with N uptake from the get-go.

Here are the pics of the Compost/Castings bin, with some happy worms haha.. I'm stoked that the Red Wigglers made it and are dominant in there now, those of you that followed my outdoor grow know they had a hard time with the BSF larvae. This is absolutely my best amendment, hands down. Teeming with microbe life I'm sure.


.... and this, is my very first attempt making a compost/EWC tea... oh actually it's a leachate I'm learning. So I need to be careful with it. A week ago I started adding about half a gallon of water per day to the bin, and at first I'd just let the runoff drip into the ground because I heard that BSF larvae pee all over your compost and excrete anti-bacterial crap all over it, the pee is very acidic I read somewhere... and basically has stuff you don't want in it.

Then 3 or 4 days ago I started letting it drip into this tray, stirring twice a day, I think it will be great for my plants after what I saw from Gfc's thread :) - as long as I did it right. I watered the upcoming transplants in with it and they're looking great as of now, no shock or anything, so I have a good feeling.


Ok these here are the roots of Red Cherry Berry. I just thought I'd share them, they are fuzzy and lovely, in a way only a grower can truly appreciate hahah. :) - the next photo down is RCB in its new 1 gal home full of fresh veg soil.... no I didn't pre cook the soil this time, but the rest of it is cooking now.


And here's Ghost OG, who I found a couple slightly brownish roots on..... and smelled a little funky.. Never seen that before. And the roots weren't as rootbound as I expected. Odd, up top GOG looks the picture of health.. so that should rule out Rot right?

And since I didn't include this part of the transplant for RCB, here you can see the dusting of Xtreme Gardening Mykos and Azos for immediate root contact.

The Azos is a mix of bacteria that help provide atmospheric N to your roots, so you want a well draining and aerated soil to use it with or it won't do much good, but if you use it right it seems to really help out early growth. The Mykos is a mix of several strains of Mycorrhizae which help with providing phosphorus to your plants, and can really lend to a good flowering period


and just a quick peak in the flowering room. I barely got the plants inside for the nights fast enough >.< during all that neglect, the Lucy clone's pistils started shriveling and dying. They got better.... then I noticed how fat the calyxxes looked..... too fat. So I picked one off her, and a seed was growing in it. No 'nanners. I picked another. And another. Totally hermied. Thats the one to the bottom of the group picture.


The one on the left that's short and stubby was that weird BBK reveg clone. The other two are Euphoria. They aren't herming on me thank god, I bet I cut it close, Lucy got the worst of it because of the Sativa in her. They're all stunted by the cold nights, not going to be big yielders, but they're still high quality. I know because I sampled a lower Euphoria branch that I accidentally snapped, let it stay there and dry for a few days, then put it in the vaporizer. It tasted great. I miss Euphoria >.<

That's why I'm going to let them both keep flowering for a while, let the trichomes mature a bit and maybe even multiply, before I take only the tip-top buds for curing. Then the rest of the plants will join the veggers, and soon I will hopefully have more of that exact Euphoria pheno growing inside, and I hope to give them a more ideal life than they've had so far.

Finally this is the taller BBK clone. Looking good, smelling better. I may even get 10 grams off her. (I know. These plants are tiny. They kind of were an after thought....... Oh, did I mention, I moved my late outdoor plants inside? :laughtwo:)


Thanks for stopping in, I wish you all happiness and health. :Namaste: :volcano-smiley:

P.S. - I think I'll be making some dry ice hash using a 25 mic bubble bag like I saw CO Finest do in his Super Monster Scrog journal before I head to Denver this Friday. I have more trim than I've just about ever had at once, I may even make some canna-butter, haven't done that in a while :P I'll do an update if/when I get that done.
Re: SoilGirl's Indoor Organic Soil Medical Grow Journal - Mars II 1600 and other LEDs

Thanks daTs!! That's just the answer I was looking for haha :) maybe I need to plant my seeds further under the soil for the shell to come off by itself.....
Re: SoilGirl's Indoor Organic Soil Medical Grow Journal - Mars II 1600 and other LEDs

Outstanding update. Well done. I always love to see progress in grows..:passitleft:
Re: SoilGirl's Indoor Organic Soil Medical Grow Journal - Mars II 1600 and other LEDs

Sweet pictures!! That was a killer update :)
Re: SoilGirl's Indoor Organic Soil Medical Grow Journal - Mars II 1600 and other LEDs

Now THAT, Ladies and Gentlemen, is an update.
Very :goodjob:

Particularly enjoyed the root shots, SG. Seriously. Whenever I re-pot anything I love to see the root system. I'm glad I'm not alone with what is, in the greater scheme of things, a pretty harmless fetish.
Re: SoilGirl's Indoor Organic Soil Medical Grow Journal - Mars II 1600 and other LEDs

Late to the party but this thread is fantastic.

I have grown in soil before, but have never grown in a real good Organic mix. I am looking at water only no till soil mix for my next summer grow. Sadly it is over my head right now. Everytime I find a soil mix I think is good, I find out the person using it is also doing like 7 different teas and all sorts of other things.
Re: SoilGirl's Indoor Organic Soil Medical Grow Journal - Mars II 1600 and other LEDs

Late to the party but this thread is fantastic.

I have grown in soil before, but have never grown in a real good Organic mix. I am looking at water only no till soil mix for my next summer grow. Sadly it is over my head right now. Everytime I find a soil mix I think is good, I find out the person using it is also doing like 7 different teas and all sorts of other things.

Sometimes people add teas to try to add more life to the soil, or more nutrients, or to add an enzyme boost. And they aren't 100%necessary, just "little extras".

If you want to do a no till grow indoors or out, you eventually need to add something other than water, soil gets depleted with no new inputs, you would have to at the very least top dress occasionally and mulch religiously. As for the teas, why shy away from them? Instead, dive into developing an understanding of them and what their purpose is in the garden, and try a few and watch how the plants respond to what the teas do in the soil.
Re: SoilGirl's Indoor Organic Soil Medical Grow Journal - Mars II 1600 and other LEDs

Outstanding update. Well done. I always love to see progress in grows..:passitleft:
Thank you CO Finest, I'm really glad you liked it! :)
great update, sick roots pic there, too.

looks great!
Haha thanks Corgie, yeah RCB's roots impressed me :P I didn't plan on taking root pics but they just looked so healthy I had to pause the transplant for a second. ;)
Sweet pictures!! That was a killer update :)
Thanks Sphnx, that's very kind of you.
Now THAT, Ladies and Gentlemen, is an update.
Very :goodjob:

Particularly enjoyed the root shots, SG. Seriously. Whenever I re-pot anything I love to see the root system. I'm glad I'm not alone with what is, in the greater scheme of things, a pretty harmless fetish.
Hahaha I always love your comments Mr. Teddy, glad you liked the pics! I hope the Greek weather is treating you right today. Kalimera! :)
Late to the party but this thread is fantastic.

I have grown in soil before, but have never grown in a real good Organic mix. I am looking at water only no till soil mix for my next summer grow. Sadly it is over my head right now. Everytime I find a soil mix I think is good, I find out the person using it is also doing like 7 different teas and all sorts of other things.
Hahaha welcome DGG and thank you for the praise. I've never actually used a tea before :O I just thought I'd experiment - and what I ended up making was a leachate actually, not a tea..... which can be troublesome. I will be experimenting into teas more in the future though haha. If you like this thread - but want less drama you should look at PeeJay's Homebrewed Organic Soil Deck Grow journal - my soil amending style was based off his - just in the future I'll be re-using what soil I now have and attempting a no-till just adding top dressings of fresh EWC/Compost and mulch, and some other amendments, like Corgie does. He really knows his stuff (just don't call him a guru or teacher! ;) )
Sometimes people add teas to try to add more life to the soil, or more nutrients, or to add an enzyme boost. And they aren't 100%necessary, just "little extras".

If you want to do a no till grow indoors or out, you eventually need to add something other than water, soil gets depleted with no new inputs, you would have to at the very least top dress occasionally and mulch religiously. As for the teas, why shy away from them? Instead, dive into developing an understanding of them and what their purpose is in the garden, and try a few and watch how the plants respond to what the teas do in the soil.
All these new scary things :O lol just kidding, yeah try teas out! I've shied away too in the past but I'm opening my mind to them lol. Just gotta get a fish tank bubbler or whatever and air stones... and gotta wait for the worms to produce more castings and get adapted to all the leaves and rotting down straw with chicken poo in it that I added yesterday - I also just threw a whole 4 gallons of a peat moss and perlite mix we were using for herbs in to the bin, (the herbs died and my dad was going to dump it in our yard) hopefully all the new stuff with a little water will make a great home for the worms and eventually become top notch castings. :Namaste:
Re: SoilGirl's Indoor Organic Soil Medical Grow Journal - Mars II 1600 and other LEDs

Hi everyone!

Just here for a Quick Update!

Baby Blue Blood - now a true sprout - no helmet. :cheertwo:


Red Cherry Berry and Ghost OG getting used to their new one gallon veg soil pots. Not showing any signs of distress from the leachate I added..... good.

I've been using a water bottle for watering, slow and steady without really disturbing the soil. That's actually pretty important. :Namaste:


And here are the two Corleone Kush plants on the left, baby Blue Blood (can't really see), and Diesel.


And oh right I haven't been sharing this lately, its been on for a couple weeks straight, so I'm pretty happy that its stable. Now that the Mars 1600 is on in the flowering room, the garage is warmer than before though.


that's all. :hippy:
Re: SoilGirl's Indoor Organic Soil Medical Grow Journal - Mars II 1600 and other LEDs

Hi SG. Great updates...detailed & informative! Fun to read & see the pictures.

Agree with daT about the seed shells. I don't think it's related to planting depth. Everything I grow is from seed, & this seems to happen more often than one would think.

DinaFem Diesel description on its website says "light effect", but maybe they mean a greater sativa effect or less couch lock? IDK. I stumbled onto an extensive growers' list of underrated strains on another forum awhile back, and DinaFem Diesel was on it.

The liquid you're using seems a lot like a tea of sorts. It would be better & safer if you bubbled it. COorganics makes good points about tea. I consider them tonics more than nutrients. Every couple of wks. of some version has worked very well for me both outdoors & indoors.

Question....are you concerned at all about moving plants, etc. back & forth from indoors to outdoors? I'm very cognizant of this & keep inside grow completely indoors. Maybe I'm being too paranoid of the risks.
Re: SoilGirl's Indoor Organic Soil Medical Grow Journal - Mars II 1600 and other LEDs

Hi SG. Great updates...detailed & informative! Fun to read & see the pictures.

Agree with daT about the seed shells. I don't think it's related to planting depth. Everything I grow is from seed, & this seems to happen more often than one would think.

DinaFem Diesel description on its website says "light effect", but maybe they mean a greater sativa effect or less couch lock? IDK. I stumbled onto an extensive growers' list of underrated strains on another forum awhile back, and DinaFem Diesel was on it.

The liquid you're using seems a lot like a tea of sorts. It would be better & safer if you bubbled it. COorganics makes good points about tea. I consider them tonics more than nutrients. Every couple of wks. of some version has worked very well for me both outdoors & indoors.

Question....are you concerned at all about moving plants, etc. back & forth from indoors to outdoors? I'm very cognizant of this & keep inside grow completely indoors. Maybe I'm being too paranoid of the risks.

Hi bright! Glad you liked the updates!

Oh underrated? See that sounds much better than 'light effect' hahaha :blushsmile:

And yeah........ Idk, my little leachate brew wasn't great lol. but I suppose we have to start somewhere. I'm sure I'll learn more and do better teas in the future. Yes, Corgie is a great info source. ;) as are you.

Concern about moving plants inside and out... as long as the weather is good not really personally. I've never had any major issues until this latest Lucy clone completely hermied. but the weather was crap for a while, I let her (and the other 4) sit out in the rain and cold overnight >.< bad mama. But in the past moving inside and out made my harvests possible when there was crappy weather. I wouldn't have even gotten anything out of a couple pineapple kush plants that I put outside too late a few years ago if I didn't move them indoors... and moving indoor plants outdoors has never been an issue for me (I just usually don't bring them back in - and if I do it is to stay)

I may have brought mites in once or twice by moving in and out, but I've gotten really, really good at beating mite infestations lol. The trick is mixed treatments and changing them up all the time, like a garlic and fresh rosemary spray followed by a ghost pepper and neem oil spray, followed by a spinosad spray.

Hope that answers you haha..

I have some bad news though... my dad went to the doctor today, they think he has a brain tumor (which would explain a lot) so they're taking away his driving license. I suppose that means I don't have to worry about him drunk driving >.< ... if he does have a brain tumor.. it really doesn't look good for him.

And the fact that he is losing his driver's license against his will puts me on edge, today and the next few days until I leave I will be ready for him to attack me at any time, when he gets emotional, all his emotions inevitably become rage at some point, and I can tell he is NOT happy about any of this, and totally unstable.

I'm also going to dump away his alcohol. I don't give a shit if he has withdrawals. He's already unstable, and alcohol makes him dangerous. He can't go drive and get more, and walking... I can't get him to walk past the driveway... I seriously doubt he's going to try to walk to a liquor store.. if his condition is this serious then it's time for an intervention whether he likes it or not. He's no longer capable of making life decisions for himself. >.< I also need to get him a cane, or maybe I can carve one for him. He needs to be able to stand himself up and walk more stably, lately its like his center of balance is always swaying from front to back..

a brain tumor... no wonder he keeps falling down and not being able to get up.. ugh. Send your best vibes for us, we'll need them.

well.... I'm going to go vaporize a little of my Mini-Lucy harvest.
Re: SoilGirl's Indoor Organic Soil Medical Grow Journal w/ Mars II 1600 and other LED

Can't you get a Oder of protection? Then he'd not be allowed back, even if he owns the house. Your whole family would be protected. Won't your Mom back you up?
Re: SoilGirl's Indoor Organic Soil Medical Grow Journal - Mars II 1600 and other LEDs

very nice soil girl! glad to see you enjoying your passion again!

as far as the "helmet" haha on the seedlings, im pretty sure you could see in my journal a few pages back when i was doing some seeds i left the helmet on them with no ill effect. i may have got lucky, but if nature doesnt do it i assume she had a reason for it. with time it always falls off, i believe i have a picture of a small seedling around 3-6 inchs tall with part of a seed shell still attached. either way great update.


right between the pumpkin and the pgsc there is a lil 2-3 incher with one still attached. theyll find their way off ;)

Re: SoilGirl's Indoor Organic Soil Medical Grow Journal - Mars II 1600 and other LEDs

Oops, sorry. Should have continued to finished reading! Your gals look great! I'm so sorry about all you're going through! At your age life should be more easy going and fun. But, you deal with every hit with class's! Bravo, to you! I don't post much, so can't pm yet, but you can pm me, if you want to vent! I do have a wee tip, I read earlier about losing seedlings. Instead of terming to start them in paper towels, get some Maxicrop Kelp Extract. I know you don't like liquid ferns, but if you add 1 oz of it to 1 gallon water and soak your seeds in this solution for 24-48 hours, your seeds will already be split, with little baby tap roots, only you simply use a tweezers to pick them up, insert about 1/4 inch deep into party cups (I use a soldering iron to burn drain holes in mine) top with an opaque cup of the same size until they break ground, then remove your 'domes'. At this point, I foliage feed with a mix of 2 cups Alfalfa tea and 1 oz Kelp extract for the next couple of weeks, only adding fresh water to the cups, as needed. You reduce the risk of damaging your seeds this way. With the paper towel method, you are more likely to damage the tender, new taps while removing them from the paper towels. Oh, and Maxicrop is organic and natural, so no worries there!
You're doing an awesome job! Congrats! Subbed in!
Re: SoilGirl's Indoor Organic Soil Medical Grow Journal - Mars II 1600 and other LEDs

Can't you get a Oder of protection? Then he'd not be allowed back, even if he owns the house. Your whole family would be protected. Won't your Mom back you up?

Oops, sorry. Should have continued to finished reading! Your gals look great! I'm so sorry about all you're going through! At your age life should be more easy going and fun. But, you deal with every hit with class's! Bravo, to you! I don't post much, so can't pm yet, but you can pm me, if you want to vent! I do have a wee tip, I read earlier about losing seedlings. Instead of terming to start them in paper towels, get some Maxicrop Kelp Extract. I know you don't like liquid ferns, but if you add 1 oz of it to 1 gallon water and soak your seeds in this solution for 24-48 hours, your seeds will already be split, with little baby tap roots, only you simply use a tweezers to pick them up, insert about 1/4 inch deep into party cups (I use a soldering iron to burn drain holes in mine) top with an opaque cup of the same size until they break ground, then remove your 'domes'. At this point, I foliage feed with a mix of 2 cups Alfalfa tea and 1 oz Kelp extract for the next couple of weeks, only adding fresh water to the cups, as needed. You reduce the risk of damaging your seeds this way. With the paper towel method, you are more likely to damage the tender, new taps while removing them from the paper towels. Oh, and Maxicrop is organic and natural, so no worries there!
You're doing an awesome job! Congrats! Subbed in!
Thank you so much for your kind words MsBotwin and welcome to the journal :) I also love your show ;)

and thanks so much for sharing your wisdom about seedlings, have some reps, I would love to try that in the future. I also was wanting to get a good kelp additive for foliar feedings so that's a win-win. yeah, paper towels can have some issues >.< I lost quite a few seeds... lol I'll just hope that my harsh ways acted as natural selection and I end up with the strongest genetics I suppose. :Namaste:

About the home situation...yeah it can be rough. My Dad actually handled today really well, I dumped 2 bottles of bourbon in the dirt today (I feel bad for the dirt honestly, poor microbes, sorry for dumping that toxic crap on ya!) and left his Hard Apple cider so he at least has something for a couple days. Aren't I kind.. but when we were talking about him losing his license shortly ago, with my mom on speaker phone, we were laughing about the whole thing a lot.

Since my Dad may have a brain tumor my mom was freaking about me coming to Denver for a week, saying he'll die without me, how is he going to do get up if he falls down, how is he going to get around, etc. I said we can get him one of those hover round scooters and a life alert necklace, :rofl: and my dad laughed at that because the doctor already ordered one of those necklaces for him and a cane. hahahaha... its not that I don't take any of this serious, its just.. you gotta laugh about things.

Welcome again, see ya around, stay green :Love:

very nice soil girl! glad to see you enjoying your passion again!

as far as the "helmet" haha on the seedlings, im pretty sure you could see in my journal a few pages back when i was doing some seeds i left the helmet on them with no ill effect. i may have got lucky, but if nature doesnt do it i assume she had a reason for it. with time it always falls off, i believe i have a picture of a small seedling around 3-6 inchs tall with part of a seed shell still attached. either way great update.


right between the pumpkin and the pgsc there is a lil 2-3 incher with one still attached. theyll find their way off ;)


I didn't see that until today but yeah that's pretty cool how that's worked out for you Gfc :) I'm so overbearingly impatient with my sprouts that I always have clawed the 'helmet' off pretty quickly.

Thank you for the kind words and I hope you're enjoying all of your recent hard work! :thanks:
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